OnPassive has deleted its FIFA World Cup 2022 sponsorship promo video.

Internal communication suggests owner Ash Mufareh received a cease and desist.

Mufareh first claimed OnPassive was an official sponsor of the FIFA 2022 Qatar World Cup on August 18th.

[1:12:55] We are planning to uh, working on not planning to, uh be a sponsor, one of the six sponsors, one of six sponsors, in the World Cup. Qatar, November/December.

This was followed up by a promo titled “OnPassive sponsors FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022”, uploaded to OnPassive’s official YouTube channel on September 14th.

On or around September 19th, OnPassive pulled the video:

As part of BehindMLM’s investigation into Mufareh’s sponsorship claim, we reached out to FIFA for comment.

As of yet FIFA has not replied. But they do appear to have taken action behind the scenes.

Minutes from a September 21st OnPassive leadership call request affiliates “urgently” take down any content referencing FIFA.

Ash has requested to take down all posts and videos with FIFA intellectual property (IP).

For now, FIFA doesn’t want OnPassive to post any IP materials without a specific and proper permission.

It’s a bit complicated.

FIFA will take further legal steps against any individuals who don’t remove such IPs by the end of the day Sep 20, 2022.

This suggests FIFA sent OnPassive a cease and desist either late last week, or on Monday the 19th itself.

BehindMLM started receiving abusive messages from OnPassive affiliates shortly after the video was taken down (this is a PG example, they get worse):

In an attempt to quell concerns from OnPassive affiliates that they’d been lied to, Richard Redfern (right) put out a since-deleted video update:

People are saying the official video that the company brought out has been taken down by YouTube because of copyright infringement.

Remember, this was set up with the original sponsors back in March of this year. There was one other company added, which was Qatar Airlines.

That was in July, all this takes time to filter through.

We were told on Tuesday that we had secured our sponsorship with the FIFA World Cup on Tuesday.

Why aren’t we being seen on the official site?

Because he wanted to give us the good news first. Before all the official stuff came out … we deserve to know first.

All the rest of it, the admin side of things, all of these, they will be taken care of, over the course. Everything has a process. Everything has to take time.

We will be on their official website guys, because we are one of the official sponsors.

If you are one of these people who are saying the things that I’ve been reading … “Why’s this? Why’s that?”, then you’re not a true founder.

If you are doubting what is happening. If you have any non-belief in this business, in this company, then you do not deserve to be a founder.

We would rather have people here who see what we see.

  1. The video wasn’t taken down, OnPassive removed it (see screenshot above).
  2. Qatar Airlines has been an official FIFA sponsor since 2017.
  3. Ash Mufareh first told OnPassive affiliates that the company was sponsoring FIFA Qatar 2022 back in August.
  4. Ask questions = bye? Strong cult vibes.

Apparently OnPassive is having an official corporate webinar later today. If there are any further updates I’ll make note below.


Update 24th September 2022 – Mufareh has confirmed OnPassive’s “FIFA sponsorship” is in fact just a TV ad campaign.