Konstantin Ignatov’s detention hearing likely delayed till Friday
According to a letter to the Judge filed by Konstantin Ignatov’s attorney, a detention hearing was scheduled for June 25th.
Ignatov’s attorney has requested an adjournment, allowing for time to review “the government’s submission with the defendant”.
At this time we don’t know what the contents of the DOJ submission to Ignatov are, or how they were submitted (under seal or directly).
Last week Ignatov’s attorney requested pre-trial release. Had the DOJ not have had any objections they would have consented to the request.
One can likely surmise that their submission to Ignatov thus contains a compromise or amendments to Ignatov’s original request.
Given the overall secrecy of the case (there’s no indication on the case docket regarding tomorrow’s hearing for example), I’m not sure how much information we’ll get from the yet to be scheduled Friday hearing.
Unless there’s a court minute entry being withheld from the public docket, as I write this tomorrow’s hearing is still scheduled.
Given the DOJ has given consent to the adjournment request, I don’t see any reason for the court to refuse Ignatov’s attorney’s request.
Stay tuned for updates as we receive them.
Update 27th June 2019 – As per a late in the day June 25th order, Ignatov’s detention hearing has been rescheduled for June 28th.
Hopefully the government revealed just who his character references really are and not just “friends” attesting to his character. That they are in fact knee-deep in the Ponzi with him.
I think Letters of support for Konstantin were weak — they might have even been counter-productive. Most of them were from people who had known Konstantin no more than a couple of years or less.
Why not include people who had know him in the earlier stages of his life, e.g his band mates from a German heavy metal band Insanitary (youtube.com/watch?v=0E-IiRZHVTI) in which Konstantin was the vocalist?
And most notably, some of the letters were from people who are beneficiaries of his crimes.
In addition, many, like his girlfriend, even made quite direct remarks about his innocence/court proceedings /evidence, which is considered a very bad thing to do in the context of support letters.
If he is let out on bail, I doubt that Government agrees on the terms proposed by Konstantin’s lawyer, espcially that he can live with his girlfriend.
Article updated with order confirming detention hearing rescheduling.
I just hope it doesn’t get pushed to the alternative July date for this hearing.
Also hope how the DOJ responded to his request and what changes they are wanting vs his attorney’s offer.
One can hope they say nix to his pregnant girlfriend living with him until trial. To me that is a recipe for disaster.
I just don’t see the DOJ allowing that to happen, nor the judge for that matter.
Here’s the Government’s argument against Konstantin receiving bail provided by Finance Feeds:
In short, they don’t want him getting bail, and continue to be locked up to trial.
The government’s official response to bail request: