NewULife sues for $100,000+ over private Somaderm cancer chatlogs
NewULife claim that Georgia Hargett (also identified as “Georgia Balsley” in the complaint), signed up as a NewULife affiliate (IMC) around fifteen months ago.
Over the last twelve months, Hargett has purportedly began slagging off NewULife to other affiliates.
In private messages sent to fellow NewULife affiliate Kim O’Brien, Hargett is alleged to have stated;
The bottom line is they are crooks and manipulators.
I am do [sic] feel sorry for you and your team. It is alot [sic] to digest.”
In another message referencing NewULife, Hargett told O’Brien;
I know but we are speaking of a group of people who lie and are deceptive.
NewULife doesn’t elaborate on the reason behind Hargett’s private messages to O’Brien.
Other messages sent by Hargett are about NewULife’s Somaderm product.
In a series of messages between herself and Bob Walters, Hargett stated;
“There is another gel user who has recently died.”
“The gal that had that was 40 with the very aggressive lung and liver cancer died this morning.”
When Bob Walters asked Hargett what the cause of the lung cancer was, Hargett responded, “she was a gel user.”
NewULife cite the above private conversation as evidence Hargett implied NewULife’s Somaderm gel was the cause of death.
Hargett also stated to Bob Walters, “NewULife shuts people down and takes their money with notice or any type of communication.”
A similar private exchange took place between Hargett and NewULife affiliate Carolyn Stone.
Hargett then stated, in reference to NewULife’s personnel and its products, “Your [sic] asking professionals who truly do not know herbology and the fact the inactive ingredients ARE active.”
When Carolyn Stone then asked, “The inactive ingredients in the gel are?” … Hargett responded, “yes per Alex.”
“Alex stated the inactive ingredients are powerful if not more powerful than the active ingredients.
That statement means they are active ingredients.
That is what is causing the hormonal shifts and bleeding.”
Hargett’s concerns about NewULife’s Somaderm gel product eventually saw her resign as a NewULife affiliate.
The exact date of Hargett’s resignation isn’t provided, only that it occurred sometime “within the last twelve months”.
The following excerpt of Hargett’s resignation letter is included in NewULife’s complaint as follows;
As a Naturopath and leader with the company, people began to reach out with stories of serious health concerns.
I am not saying that Somaderm hgh gel was the cause of these issue [sic].
However, I knew that I could no longer use or promote the use of Somaderm HGH gel due to the overwhelming number of health concerns – approximately 100 maybe more were brought to my attention over the last few months.
A troubling observation was that many of the health concerns were repeated issues specific to the female population!”
NewULife argue that Hargett’s private messages are defamatory and false. The company also alleges Hargett made the statements intentionally and with malicious intent to damage NewULife.
As a result of Hargett’s messages, the company claims to have suffered in excess of $100,000 to their reputation.
In addition to $100,000 plus in damages, NewULife are also seeking an injunction to prevent Hargett further discussing the company in public or private.
A few thoughts…
Firstly NewULife’s appear to be arguing defamation on the basis Hargett’s ‘statements about plaintiffs cannot be proven true‘.
There’s no discrepancy that Hargett made the statements, but isn’t the onus on NewULife to provide evidence to the contrary?
I appreciate Hargett might hold the belief that Somaderm is linked to cancer and/or “repeated issues specific to the female population”, but if that’s based on her personal experience and that of “approximately 100” cases, how is that truth in and of itself defamatory?
And by truth I don’t mean complaints = Somaderm is linked to cancer, but rather that negative side effects of Somaderm users have been observed and reported.
I mean if Hargett truly has over a hundred documented health concerns from Somaderm users, surely all she’d have to do is present them in court?
If anything NewULife should be counting their lucky stars these cases haven’t been documented and written up.
Secondly the bulk of NewULife’s complaint deals with private messages.
The only content Hargett published publicly was her resignation message, which categorically disassociates Somaderm from observed “health issues”.
Furthermore if the reason Hargett resigned was reported health issues from Somaderm users, it’s not defamatory to publicly state so.
As to the private messages, NewULife cites their Policies and Procedures – which state;
Complaints and concerns about New U Life and/or its products should be directed to the Customer Service Department.
IMCs must not disparage, demean, or make negative remarks to third parties or other IMCs about New U Life, its owners, officers, directors, management, other New U Life IMCs, New U Life’s products, the marketing and compensation plan, or New U Life’s directors, officers, or employees.
It appears NewULife are arguing Hargett’s private conversations are defamatory, because their Policies and Procedures prohibit affiliates from “making negative remarks to third parties”.
What NewULife’s Policies and Procedures fail to take into account is maliciousness, intent and the truth of said remarks.
The notion that a breach of an MLM company’s Policies and Procedures equates to defamation in and of itself is absurd.
By all means terminate affiliates who breach Policies and Procedures, but going after them for defamation on the basis the Policies and Procedures were breached alone?
Yeah, I doubt that’d fly in court.
Having read through the complaint, at no point do NewULife provide evidence to support that Hargett knew the statements she was making were false, or that they were made with malicious intent.
NewULife’s lawsuit essentially boils down to, “Hargett breached our policies and procedures by raising concerns about management and our products, so uh defamation.”
If anything I think Hargett’s conduct proves the opposite of malicious intent.
Hargett’s concerns were kept private between individuals she knew through the business and was presumably in regular contact with at the time.
The one statement she issued publicly simply observed health concerns among Somaderm users.
Here is Georgia Balsey’s resignation message, as originally published (I believe towards the end of 2018);
Hello everyone,
Let me start by saying I’m sorry that you haven’t heard much from me publicly.
Here are the facts regarding my resignation from NewULife.
I understand that the word in the field is that I was terminated! I assure – that is not the case!
I resigned and unfortunately corporate has NOT acknowledged my resignation, nor has my resignation been released to the field.
In fact, I am yet to receive any notice from corporate as to the termination of my account.
I am sure you are wondering why I resigned. As many of you know, I am a Traditional Naturopathic Doctor and also a Master Herbalist.
When I began with the company, I was assured the products were supported by studies that supported it’s [sic] safe and effective use.
These documents were to be released pending patent and trademark.
I had been made aware that there in fact is no patent pending nor is there research or studies showing the use of Somaderm HGH gel’s safety or efficiacy.
Early on it was wonderful to hear people’s success stories, as well to create my own.
As time passed, these stories were not the only ones that came to my attention.
As a Naturopath and leader with the company, people began to reach out with stories of serious health concerns.
I am not saying that Somaderm hgh gel was the cause of these issue [sic].
However, I knew that I could no longer use or promote the use of Somaderm HGH gel due to the overwhelming number of health concerns — approximately 100 maybe more were brought to my attention over the last few months.
A troubling observation was that many of the health concerns were repeated issues specific to the female population!
I felt the obligation to step back and find answers in which there seems to be no resolution, even with risking the loss of my significant income…
Those who know me, understand that I have a great moral and ethical compass.
I apologize to each and every one of you that followed me, listened to my talks and have reached out with questions.
I want you to know that I share what I know as I have great respect for each of you.
I would like to put the rumor mill to rest of where I have gone and why.
I have grown fond of so many of you and the decision to walk away was not one that I took lightly, knowing there is not any research or white papers to support the safety and efficacy of this product.
I was not and will never will [sic] put profits or financial gain before people.
I am very grateful for the chance to meet such amazing individuals. I want to thank each of you for your friendship and value each one of you.
During this holiday season let us all remember how valuable we are to one another. I wish you each many blessings!
I invite anyone if you have any questions to reach out to me directly.
Withing you all a wonderful holiday season.
Georgia Balsley, ND
If the Somaderm health concerns are widespread to the point there are one hundred documented examples, I think any reasonable person would disassociate themselves and at the very least think about warning others.
That affiliates are left to deal with raised health concerns themselves and leave the company over them, suggests NewULife itself isn’t doing enough to address them.
Personally I think getting to the bottom of raised health concerns is more important, but here we are with NewULife instead playing the victim over $100,000+ in perceived damages.
To date I’m not aware of NewULife addressing raised Somaderm user health concerns publicly, or how they handle potential health issues raised internally by affiliates.
Since her NewULife resignation Hargett has begun promoting Amare Global, a nutritional supplement MLM company.
Note however that unlike a lot of MLM leaders, Hargett doesn’t appear to have mixed promotion of Amare Global with her leaving NewULife.
A copy of NewULife’s complaint was made public by MLM attorney Kevin Thompson, who I believe is assisting Hargett in the matter.
Of NewULife’s conduct, Thompson stated it “was pathetic”.
It’s pitiful. In this industry, dealing with criticism is par for the course. When a company is this aggressive towards “defenseless” consumers, it’s a signal of weakness and massive anxiety.
In some cases, it might be warranted. Here, it’s not in my opinion.
There’s also ANOTHER LAWSUIT where the person was sued mainly for a COMMENT made on a BehindMLM post.
This is a pitiful strategy to silence critics.
I’m aware of the referenced lawsuit above but have not myself seen the complaint (the comments mentioned are part of the dialogue under our NewULife review).
FB post regarding NewULife and the lawsuit filed:
The explanation is quite simple, and I alluded to this in my post on the main thread:
#1 The nonexistent “HGH Gel” is marketing to overcharge for an average MLM product.
#2 There are listed cheap botanicals in Somaderm such as epimedium aka horny goat weed which can affect the body.
This is a common plant used for erectile dysfunction and could explain negative side effects in certain women. This could also explain energy in men.
Epimedium is cheap and sold everywhere; and in liquid form apparently can be absorbed transdermally.
#3 MLM companies can never be trusted. Products worth their salt do not resort to this scamming method.
#4 Ultimately, it’s not about the product but the “opportunity”. The product is merely a lure to involve one in a pyramid scheme money game.
I commend Georgia Hargett for calling them out now, but I also question her initial money motive and skill as a “doctor”.
If I know the aforementioned info, you would think she would too. No doubt she was blinded by dollars signs as most MLMing opportunity seekers are.
Told ya this months ago. Shut it down!
Char, #2, thank you for attempting to defend Georgia. But, I do feel you are off a bit.
I really don’t think she was blinded by dollar signs. We all created some very intimate relationships with reps in this do called company.
Many of the people using and promoting the product where not blinded by the money, but more so by the hope that so many of the testimonies could potentially offer. Hope is very powerful.
Your comment can be very offensive to many very innocent victims… which this deal created many of them. I hope you consider thinking through what you said about Georgia’s motives.
Also, it is obvious you are anti direct- selling. I will agree that the space attracts and breeds some pretty questionable characters, but, the bones of the concept are very solid…far from a pyramid scheme…and a majority of those involved in it are genuinely good people.
Your #3 and #4 are just not true. Bottom line, the way our country goes, the way everything else goes.
I’m guessing you are politically awake and would agree our nation is a bloody mess. Why would this space be any different? It attracts many wonderful people, with goals and dreams, who want to be a force for good. Our country is the same.
Unfortunately, there are always those bad apples that make their way into power positions and screw up a good thing.
So, if you must…instead of trashing the industry, like you probably don’t our country, how about directing that energy to the few bad guys, like you probably do in the case of our country.
There are just way too many wonderful, innocent, people…just like our country, a part of this space that are that force for good.
Until you can prove that there isn’t any deceipt and greed in any of the other business sectors, you might want to back off on bashing this space.
Odds are, all you negativity towards the space is just hurting the innocent guy while the bullies just pack-up and find another way to screw you in the fanny!
Hopefully we can keep this thread to New U Life and not bash the industry in general.
“Alexy” is a fraud pushing a hoax using deceptive marketing tatics….now that his hoax is being exposed EVERYWHERE you see the true criminal character of Alexy Goldstein and the TRUTH behind his scam…..
hacking private messages then trying to sue over them to silence critics of his garbage scam of a product? I have other people contacting me getting ready to sue alexy over “stealing” private messages….
alexy is a fraud, a scammer, a liar, he thinks he is going to scare people with his WEAK lawsuit? He is about to get a dose of reality.
Allegedly the testimonial pages delete any comment that is not 100% pro this product.
Given that most distributors market this product as having zero side affects, this is a huge problem….. you can’t market a product as having zero side affects while deleting and blocking people who raise valid questions/concerns….
I still don’t understand how it can be sold as HGH by people who have little to no medical background/training. Very disturbing.
And for a company with the sales they say they have to go after a distributor, is shocking and telling of what’s going on behind out of public view.
It is very simple, what you have here is a “company” claiming to sell hgh, with a product that has ZERO HGH in it…they are deceiving people to make a buck, plain and simple…
they are taking advantage of people people who 1) Don’t know better and are uneducated about hgh and the laws behind it or 2) Don’t care, just out to make a buck….
take the mlm out of NUL and somaderm and sales go to ZERO overnight…what’s that tell you about the so called “quality” of SOMADERM?
(Oh Joy. How many times have I had this conversation with “willing victims” over the years.)
She was a “leader” in the company, was she not?
FYI, being “blinded” doesn’t mean you’re a bad person! It means you’re ignorant of the MLM system and lured in by the money making potential via recruiting – which makes any product seem sweeter.
You present as knowing a lot about MLM, yet you didn’t know enough not to join this. I did, so please don’t preach to me.
Furthermore, looking at the comp plan regardless of product, suggests NewULife is a pyramid scheme. Did you also not see that red flag – being an expert and all. But don’t just take my word for it, take Oz’s:
“The combination of a product with questionable retail viability and a focus on affiliate autoship recruitment, lends itself to an MLM company operating as a pyramid scheme.”
Yet they wouldn’t be victims at all if they heeded my advice. My advice you disagree with that I didn’t make a dime off of. You sure you want to talk about motives and why there are victims in this. I should think a true victim would be more offended by someone defending the “industry” that scammed them.
Presuming you are referencing Trump, him endorsing ACN, an MLM, was my first clue about him many years ago. Before that, I never paid him much attention.
Using MLM as ‘one’ measure of corruptness hasn’t failed me yet. There is no joy in this for me, but rather frustration that people continue to fall victim to the MLM scam – such as yourself.
Let me be clear. Some of the biggest scumbags are indeed MLM founders, not you. But, common sense tells me not to associate with them or their business activities for fear of getting burned; and more importantly burning others I might personally involve.
The guilt of not doing due diligence would eat me alive.
Oh, yes, Joy Oh Joy…lol, my dear Char 🙂 I have never understood why the anti’s invest their time in a ring they are against.
Is your goal to protect the innocent? If so, why are you boasting about your vetting skills and our lack thereof?
It shows you must have a track record in the space, and I’m sure you didn’t enter into it as sharp as a Ginsu Knife!? Therefore, hopefully, we can all remember our roots and let’s give some grace, and…focus on the villain!
Hopefully, we keep this thread to “We the People vs NUL”, and keep the industry in general, and everyone’s skillset and intelligence level, out of it. All that is worthy of a discussion all of its own.
So, Let’s keep in mind that Georgia did take a stand against the company. She stepped up and took on a role that would appear to have been a “leadership” role in the company. It was not appointed by the company. She just chose to share her knowledge and the information she was gathering with the field.
Georgia stuck her neck out, and, in more cases than not, received nothing in return.
Now, we could say a ton more about Georgia’s who situation, but I just don’t see the necessity in it.
Bottomline, she didn’t come into the deal with the intentions of victimizing people for greed. No one should be treating her with disrespect.
If we are going to expound energy somewhere, we all know who The Black Hats are. They are the ones far more worthy of the attention.
All of this is just an experiment…like our country. (No, I wasn’t referring to Trump above, I was going much deeper than today’s issues). If “They” wanted MLM gone, it’d be gone by now.
MLM really isn’t a threat. It is just a bone. They are keeping us distracted. Almost like the Twilight Zone. Look at the silly humans…trying to get rich, thinking they are going to save the world, etc, etc…
And here we are, like the Elephants and the Jack-Asses, bickering back and forth, trampling victimized Georgia, when we all should be joining forces and addressing the villain. Or, better yet, not giving any damn energy to the bozo and focusing on what really matters in our lives!
My whole point here is…We seem to be missing the elephant in the room. Or, maybe I don’t understand the whole agenda behind this blog?
And Char, thanks for the clarity, and reassurance, that I am not a scumbag. I do pride myself on still having a bit of a humble bone (almost an oxymoron…lol), yet know better than anyone, that I am not a scumbag 😉
I can say I am getting better and better each day at identifying them…but, will be the first to admit, that I still have cloudy judgment at times. (Dammit! Admitting my weaknesses to a superhero!)
Unfortunately, most modern Americans have very cloudy judgment these days. It really is horrible witnessing how many people are making such awful decisions throughout this gel deal. Burying their head in the sand.
Many of them aren’t making a damn dime either! (Remember, the comp plan sermon? I know…it’s a binary…)
Many of those who did wake up are seriously rattled by it all. It has really devastated some like I would have never guessed. It all is really sad. Which, is why I am very sensitive to a lot of what was said above.
And, Char…I am open to having a live conversation at any time…especially about our motives, or any of the above. I don’t hide behind a pen.
I do, even if I sound a bit sharp, respect and appreciate your opinions and comments, as I believe you see mine of valid as well. I’m pretty confident we think more alike than not!
Everyone needs to stop glancing over the “private messages” part.
How were private messages obtained? Surely no one just turned them over to NUL. These had to be illegally “hacked” somehow.
That may be a bigger issue than the lawsuit itself.
Yes, hopeful that this blatant quack medicine would fill their bank accounts. If you were genuinely hopeful that you’d found a way to cure the health issues of someone you cared about, the first thing you’d do is check that it actually worked. After all if you cared about their well-being, you wouldn’t want to give them false hope or make the problem worse.
You are on the wrong blog if you think that any of us give two hoots about the stories MLM participants tell themselves so they can sleep at night.
Next to the fact that they have lost their money and allegedly had their health problems made worse by the cheap herbs that NUL adulterate their placebo with, some comments on a blog they’re unlikely to read are a drop in the ocean. (If they read it, they wouldn’t have been scammed.)
This is about pyramid/MLM selling schemes like NUL, not direct selling.
The recipients handed them over. Obvious question is obvious.
That the messages were private and not public is crucial, as defamation pertains to publicly made statements.
My messages with Georgia were not handed over by me to NewULife.
You don’t understand why there are advocates against drunk driving, using drugs, child abuse, white collar crime, etc. etc.? Wow, just wow. Advocates against harmful acts play a very important role.
Agreed. Again, kudos to her for coming clean.
To be fair, I did say “biggest” scumbag.
Well I’m no superhero, but I am smart enough to realize that MLM stands for multi-level market “ing”. It is not a “them”, it is something you do.
Agreed. Ignoring facts will eventually bite you.
You said I was boasting. I call it cutting the crap fed to victims by upline MLMers and getting to the lowest common denominator; but people like you continue to defend the very method that scammed them.
You also call me negative, and suggest I don’t know what I’m talking about. I merely point out that I’m not the one who got scammed. One should conclude that my advice overrides yours. You challenged that, and I called you on it.
Anyway, my intention is to stop people from being victimized by MLM, not “steal their dreams”. Call it what you will.
If you don’t see that the act of MLMing is something you do versus being a company, then NO, we do not think alike at all.
I’ll give it a rest now……..until the next set of MLM victims come along. And they will because the company or product doesn’t matter, but people will again fall for that trap.
The villain is MLM and those who use it to their advantage – unless they flip after learning their lesson, and become advocates against it.
P.S. I don’t blame anyone who hides behind a pen when exposing corruption. The MLM industry is littered with criminals and gangster types, and I wouldn’t want them knowing who I am.
Ha! BillyDontBeAHero!! Love it! I learned a few lessons from that song!
I should heed the hint and move on from wasting time in this blog, but, obviously, I feel the need to protect the innocent and now, make sure the story doesn’t go sideways like I already see happening.
So, yes, Billy…, your point is really the issue here!
And, Oz, like Kim stated, their communications were NOT handed over. Georgia’s FB messenger was hacked! She has proof that it was hacked.
Malthusian, I could so easily defend myself and the large number of people you insult with your comment, but I don’t want to shed any more light on that topic. I think I made it clear, and most would agree, that we need to focus on what really matters.
I do appreciate all the wisdom that’s woven through this blog. Hopefully, you will all get your chance to make your mark outside of here and have a positive impact on the industry, or somewhere. I am assuming that is your goal, or why would you bother wasting your time here…right?
Meanwhile, little ole me, after twenty years in this space, I can still manage to see things through the eyes of the average, innocent, hope-filled dreamer. Please do try and respect that, I am on your side, we may just not see everything eye to eye…especially since I am in here to represent this little guy.
So, again, let’s keep this about the shenanigans the NUL gang are up to 🙂
But, actually, I will say one thing in their defense…
I really don’t think Joe, Chris, Danielle, Troy, etc… (Hi guys :)) had any intentions of taking this gig to the level it is at.
Sure, of course, they all saw freaking major dollar signs. There are even recordings stating very clearly that it’s a 2 year run at the best…which is a pretty despicable attitude to have when you know just what is meant by that.
I don’t believe one of them wanted to see people get hurt at the level they are now. Yet, it really is the nature of the beast (that many of you are pointing out)…the money does do its magic on many people and their judgment becomes clouded (trust me, I could say a lot worse about all that, but am being graceful).
They certainly didn’t head into the gig planning to depart it with a mug-shot. Unfortunately, they flat-out allowed greed to take over.
Like my point above, the way our nation goes so does much of the business sector. So, people like us need to defend the innocent sheep from the sheep that get mesmerized by the wolves and join their pack.
Oz., the recipient’s handed them over,? No, no they didn’t they were stolen by illegal hacking….
Bob, got irrefutable proof of that? If so, do you also know who the hacker is?
Any chance you or Georgia use the same password for Facebook and anything NewULife related?
Zero chance of that for me.
Could the messages have been sent using an internal NewULife messaging service? Or using a NewULife company phone?
If the private messages were sent over a network that NewULife had no legitimate access to, then there’s only three possibilities. 1. Hargett published them (seems unlikely) 2. Her recipient published them 3. Hacking.
One of the biggest clangers here is that as these messages were private, most of the reputational damage caused by these messages (if any) was caused by NewULife when they publicised them via the lawsuit.
Well such to the extent that Facebook is “hacked”, it’s typically email phishing for passwords or possibly a third-party app permissions problem.
It’s not like NewULife waves a wand and gains access to anyone’s Facebook account. Even if they hired a third-party.
Does NewULife have any sort of Facebook plugin (lets you login to anything NewULife with your FB credentials) or a mobile app?
Oz- Georgia can see where her FB was accessed by an ip address that does not belong to any of her devices. It has the location as well, not a location she has ever been. I know…pretty cray-cray!
The login location can be external but that doesn’t mean the password wasn’t compromised.
Char- OK, so you refer to your self as an anti-MLM advocate. I see myself, in this situation, defending the innocent, and yes, attempting to defend what good there still is in the space. I’d certainly not consider myself advocating for the industry.
You actually might want to label yourself as an activist. I think that might be a more appropriate term since you are against the action of MLMing. Advocating is usually looked to as promoting or protecting a movement or idea….and activist would be against it. Correct me if I am wrong there.
Regardless, I do see your concerns about the industry. I agree with most of what you are saying, on the other hand, have seen a ton of positive come from it too…and I still hold on to that glimmer from time to time.
Unfortunately, NUL did not offer one single shred of good. It truly is a disgrace to the industry.
I take that back…some great friends were made…another beauty of the industry.
As for you not know what you are talking about…I am not sure where that came from. I certainly think you know what you are talking about. And, negative…yes, towards Georgia. And I don’t see you as a dream stealer. I know what you are doing.
Do I think you have a chance…no. It is like voting for the Libertarian… they are never going to run the country. Trying to stop MLM isn’t going to happen either, at least not from the bottom up.
One last thing, I get the pen thing…and that is why more people aren’t standing up…they are afraid to speak their mind. The power and greed mongers are real, and they don’t like to be called out!
coff, coff STREISAND EFFECT coff
My gosh, right, littleroundman…
No better way to draw attn than to sue those who have piles of evidence against you!
Certainly not the sharpest knives in the MLM knife block.
How did this company sell 60 million of this stuff ??? I dont get it.
Spent a few months in this business until I talked to my naturopath and he told me he would never use those botanicals in his practice because of the potential side effects.
So after a family member started having severe depression 4 weeks after being on this product we took the bottle to their MD and asked if it could be this product and the MD asked us what it does and we told them what we were told, it is supposed to get the pituitary gland to make more HGH and the MD pulled up his ipad and showed us articles on PubMed that state that nothing synthetic can make the pituitary gland make more HGH.
The MD said to research this and look at it from the outside because HGH is illegal and even if it was diluted that would mean the formulator illegally bought HGH and watered it down to where there wasn’t anything left in the product because of the 30x dilution.
Who would do that? You wouldn’t pay good money for a product that you would dilute to NOTHINGNESS.
The story they sell everyone is that glandulars are from Australian Grass Fed pig and cow, who would put quality grade A ingredients in a product and then mix it with PEGS and Phenoxyenthanol to make it dirty. Why would a human want hormones from an animal????!!!
Nothing about this company makes sense, they are unethical and have stupid sheep following them because greed blinds these reps for this company.
So many are having side effects but get blocked and banned from the groups, unfortunately people are leading people down and dangerous road for health all for $$$.
Oz, you asked……Does NewULife have any sort of Facebook plugin (lets you login to anything NewULife with your FB credentials) or a mobile app?
No. It does not. These messages were obtained illegally.
My private messages between Georgia and myself were exactly that private. I never authorized anyone to share them or turned them over myself.
Have you seen this article yet Oz?
Saw it yesterday. Personally I reckon FDA intervention is long overdue. Also possibly FTC.
The light of truth is starting to be shined on New U Life:
@Bob Thanks for sharing but I snipped most of the quote.
Better to give an intro with credit to the source rather than republish an entire article here.
I have been on this product for a year now I had chronic back pain in the morning when I woke up but it’s completely healed and gone at aches and pains in my knees and hips they are completely gone I will never stop using this product love it!!
That’s how they sold $60 million worth of product because the product works!
So why hasn’t NewULife filed papers with the FTC? Imagine the profit if Somaderm became the defacto standard for curing back pain and knee and hip aches.
The reason NewULife hasn’t filed is the same reason your medical claims are illegal, there is no verifiable proof Somaderm has any medical benefits.
Pretty amazing looking at these posts, the glaring undeniable and overwhelming ignorance of all these messages is that none of you have a clue how homeopathic remedies work.
And 5 years later the company is in 10 countries and has sold close to 10 million bottles of Somaderm and doing $250-300 million in sales.
Bet you all kind of feel a little stupid right now. You don’t sell 10 million in anything if the product didn’t deliver on it’s benefits.
The product by the way has a drug identification number as is required by products of this kind.
Either you weren’t around five years ago or you’re being disingenuous.
The original controversy with NewULife was it’s HGH gel.
NewULife doesn’t sell that product anymore. You can figure out why.
Pretending some homeopathic product nobody cares about is the same as what’s being discussed here is idiotic.
~14,000 monthly visits to NewULife’s website as of July 2024. The company is dead outside of the US and Japan (down 50% traffic month on month).
Nothing against NewULife today but deceptive marketing shysters are the worst.
Here’s a clue how homeopathic remedies “work”: placebo effect.
“…homeopathic remedies work…”?
No they don’t. That’s why everyone smart enough knows to see a real doctor when they’re really sick.
Be very careful about calling other people “stupid” if you dismiss the same science they believe in (iow: know to be true because it’s peer reviewed and empirical and doesn’t include placebo, voodoo, wishful thinking and being an idiot), which makes it technologically possible for you to comment here. Stupid.