Following regulatory pressure and court decisions that have gone against it, Lyoness appears to be distancing itself from Europe.

Desperate to keep new investment rolling after Italy outlawed the Ponzi scheme, Lyoness is gearing up for a push into Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and Colombia.

As they do in each new country they expand the unit investment scheme into, Lyoness are currently allowing existing affiliate investors to preload “balance program” units in each of their planned markets.

Essentially top Lyoness uplines and victims from other markets can pre-invest thousands of euros.

Doing so allows them to steal funds invested by locals once promotion in Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and Colombia begins.

It’s the same scam Lyoness has been running for almost two decades:

Launch the investment scheme in a new country, either get banned or collapse, migrate to a new country and entice victims from the previous country to get in at the top of the new country.

The propagation of financial misery from one country to another comes at a cost.

According to Lyoness President Daniel Gergics, Lyoness affiliates wanting to be among the first to scam the new countries need to pony up at least €5000 euros.

“Maxing out” the investment scheme will cost €15,000 EUR per country invested in.

Uppier tiers of the Cashback World balance program investment scheme cost even more.

Gergics states that Lyoness hopes to expand its Cashback World Ponzi scheme into Malaysia by the end of the year. Saudi Arabia and Colombia are scheduled to open next year.