Karatbars International’s V999 Ponzi rebooted as MineBase
Back in June Karatbars International investors were being funnelled into an Acua Wellington branded recovery scam.
Whatever Acua Wellington was it’s come and gone. Harald Seiz has now rebooted Karatbars International as MineBase.
I haven’t seen the email myself but, as I understand it, Karatbars International investors received an email sometime in the last few days.
The email advised them their V999 token balance had been converted to MBASE tokens.
Karatbars affiliates were then further instructed to log in to MineBase’s website, using their Karatbars International credentials..
MineBase has been set up on the domain “minebase.com”, first registered in 2014.
The private registration was last updated on July 2nd, 2022. MineBase’s website went live on or around August 11th, so Seiz appears to have acquired the domain in July itself.
Update 16th August 2022 – MineBase also operates from “minebase.io”, registered by Karatbars International GmbH on May 1st, 2022. /end update
In the “our team” section of MineBase’s website, Seiz is listed as “Dr. H.C. H.K. Seiz”.
“Project generator”, really? I don’t know if this is an attempt to mask Seiz’s involvement, make him feel more important… or both.
I’m not an expert on names but the rest of MineBase’s team looks like they all come from the same region.
As to what MineBase is, despite only existing for a few days, the company falsely represents it has been around since 2017.
Welcome to Minebase. This project comes from a situation that originated in the past. It started in 2017 when there was no regulation for cryptocurrencies.
The goal at that time was to create a coin and back it with gold. In 2018 the law was changed by the regulator.
There were new regulations to list a Stabel token. As a result, the project could not continue. It was crucial to me as an entrepreneur to find a solution.
I have been working on it for more than three years now. I hired some specialists, and we analyzed the whole crypto market.
If that sounds familiar, it’s because it’s Harald Seiz’s sob story to explain away Karatbars’ KGC crypto Ponzi collapsing.
After Karatbars Charman of the Board Josip Heit went off to launch his own G999 shitcoin Ponzi, Seiz attempted to reboot Karatbars’ crypto Ponzi with V999.
Yeah, as dumb as all this sounds that’s what happened.
V999 went nowhere and, other than a meltdown in late 2020, two failed reboots (Lifebase and some unnamed project), Seiz lay low.
Seems Seiz might be short of cash, and so now we have MineBase.
Since the tokens are created from the various fees already incurred, no profit is made here on the CTP.
The most important reason for me to make this project successful is to reward the people who trusted me.
Therefore, a total of 45,000,000 bonus tokens were awarded.
From what I can gather, MBASE is an algorithmic stablecoin (*crypto jargon trigger warning*).
After the MBASE is listed on an exchange, the following tool is used six months after listing.
The market is analyzed with a smart contract. If the token falls 10% or more, 0.025% of the tokens yet to be activated are burned.
Since the tokens that are burned by the CTP will be the most expensive ones (see algorithm list) the reduction of the token value is enormous.
In the end, one token through the CTP costs $793,041.08. When these are burned, reduction in total supply is very high.
The price of the MBASE falls from ten euros to nine euros. On the Exchange. There are still 100 million tokens in the CTP system. 100,000,000 – 0.025% = 25,000 tokens.
The CTP value of the token is 793,041.08. These tokens are irrevocably burned. The new maximum number of MBASE is 249,975,000 MBASE tokens.
Following Terra and Luna collapsing back in May, it’s universally accepted that any algorithmically manipulated token/coin is ultimately doomed to collapse.
Beyond that I don’t want to get into it because (a) it’s boring and (b) it has nothing to do with Karatbars investors wondering how they can cash out.
MineBase’s website mentons etherscan a lot, so I’m assuming MBASE is an ERC-20 shit token. MBASE is attached to a smart-contract, the marketing for which makes no sense.
(*crypto bullshit trigger warning*)
So you have MBASE right, which apparently is generated by exchange fees that have nothing to do with MBASE.
No tokens are sold but created by the fees in Etherscan, the Bitcoin network, from the decentralized top 20 exchanges and by an app with which one can produce these tokens.
This bullshit is called “Creative Token Production”, or CTP.
The user is supposed to deposit at least ten Minebase tokens. It will automatically assign the user a wallet address for 72 hours.
All fees incurred by this wallet will be credited to the user. When this wallet reaches a total of $6.50 (the current price for token creation), the user will receive a Minebase token. In 72 hours, the wallet address is automatically replaced with a new one.
Depending on how much tokens you deposit, you can get up to 20 wallet addresses from the entire crypto market.
When the CTP price increases, you will receive up to 45 times the value of your wallet address fee as shown in the table.
“The table” is MineBase’s “CTP Algorithm Table”. It details an MBASE token’s starting price of $6.50, something something algorithm and it turns into $793,041.08.
Oh and if all that didn’t put you to sleep, you can also install some app on your phone and it’ll give you MBASE for every 6 km travelled:
If you walk six kilometers (3.728 miles) with your smartphone, you will generate one MBASE token.
The faster you walk (or maybe you even jog), the faster you generate the MBASE token.
As soon as you reach $6.50, you will receive a code. Once you enter this code in your back office, you receive the MBASE token.
And if you don’t want to walk get in a car and travel 6km, you can also install some other bullshit app that’ll just generate MBASE over time:
With this app, you can create the MBASE.
The MBASE CTP starting fee is $6.50. 4% out of these $6.50, which is $0.26, are credited per hour in the MBASE Wallet.
When one MBASE is reached, the process of CTP creation stops. A code is displayed. This code must be transferred to the wallet at Minebase. Done.
So how does this nonsense fit into Karatbars International?
The idea is that Karatbars victim’s V999 is converted to MBASE. They can participate in MBASE or just cash out.
Cash out what?
Yeah, that’s where all this falls apart. You can program some algorithm bullshit to manipulate MBASE’s internal value. Once MBASE is inevitably dumped on public exchanges, it’s not going to last long.
The Terra/Luna algo Ponzi scheme lasted about a year and a half. That was with billions invested by gullibles who mostly lost it all.
Some shitty MLM Ponzi coin that nobody outside the Ponzi cares about, pre-loaded with victim bagholders… I’d tell you to do the math but the math makes no sense to begin with.
How quickly MBASE collapses isn’t possible to accurately predict.
What I do know is MineBase is one of the dumbest crypto projects I’ve seen. Talk about a solution without a problem.
Honestly, why the fuck does a token who’s imaginary value is pegged to transaction fees that have nothing to do with it, need to exist anyway?
If you’re reading this having received the Karatbars email, let us know how it’s going in the comments below. I know a lot of you are going to sign up because V999 is dead anyway, and really so long as you don’t hand over any more money, there’s nothing to lose.
There is mention of staking on MineBase’s website so this might eventually just devolve into your typical shitcoin staking Ponzi (what Terra/Luna was).
No idea if there’s an MLM component to MineBase, none is mentioned on the website.
Update 16th August 2022 – Looks like MineBase has seen Karatbars’ MLM business model reduce to single-level commissions.
This is from MineBase’s user-agreement:
Minebase has created a compensation system in which everyone who passes on a recommendation receives tokens.
This means for every new token created, the referrer receives a 10% fee in tokens.
These are credited directly to the referrer’s Minebase account. To receive the token there are certain requirements.
This would mark the end of Karatbars International operating as an MLM company.
Update #2 16th August 2022 – Till we see evidence to the contrary, MineBase is probably a Russian Karatbars recovery scam.
Update 17th August 2022 – Through an August 17th Instagram post, Harald Seiz has confirmed his involvement in MineBase.
Many questions still remain. Primarily where the money Karatbars victims are going to want to withdraw will come from.
Update 13th June 2023 – BehindMLM has published a MineBase review.
Josip Heit’s hairbrained schemes are horseshit but this takes the cake in the MLM crypto stupidity stakes.
I get a headache just reading MineBase’s website. Forget about processing any of the bullshit.
Really wishing I didn’t leave this to last. I thought it was going to just be a straight-forward shitcoin reboot.
My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined. Might take tomorrow off to recover.
Golden Independence was promoting this on his Youtube channel within the past couple of days.
Either he is hoping against hope this reboot is successful and he will become rich. Or he is just burying his head further in the sand of ponzi scamned denial.
From a Karatbars victim’s point of view, they’ve got worthless V999 which they can now convert into worthless MBASE.
99.9% aren’t going to understand what MBASE is about, only “when can I withdraw my losses?”
That leaves them no better off than they were with V999. But due to MineBase being a convoluted clusterfuck of crypto fantasy, till someone points that out to them there’s still hope I guess.
From a Time-cost tradeoff analysis viewpoint, they’re probably financially better just moving on. Wasting your time collecting worthless tokens you still can’t cash out is time you’re not getting back.
If this is an International Ponzi scheme, how come a police entity like Interpol help the ponzi scheme victims recover their money & why is this guy Harald Seiz not in jail & out here freely revamping his original Ponzi Scheme so that he can steal more money from people !!!
Are there no International Criminal regulations to deter this criminal activity ??? Why is this being allowed to continue !!!
Is it because Foreigners think Americans are Super dumb & Stupid so it’s okay to steal from us ??? Is there no justice on a Worldwide or International level ?!? WHAT GIVES ???
I guess us victims just have to chalk up the losses & eat Seizs’ Shit Sandwich !!! It’s so unfair, unethical & immoral!!!
1. That’s not what Interpol does.
2. Why German authorities haven’t and continue to do nothing about Ponzi schemes being run from Germany is a question for German authorities.
Pretty much. The US can’t police every international MLM Ponzi out there.
I don’t want to do the stereotypical smug European thing, but you’re not really helping your countrymen’s cause there.
The money is long gone, whether or not some justice system or other decides to intervene. Your best option is to write off the losses and move on.
No point in losing your mental health on top of your money.
Harald explains what it is. Another moon token it sounds like:
Definitely a script. I don’t think anybody but the crypto bros behind MineBase would be able to recite the nonsense business model.
I suppose at least we’ll be able to publicly track the Ponzi coin pump and dump that’s coming.
MineBase on YouTube.
24 short videos since August 12, 2022 and 1,260 subscribers.
Questions and criticism are not welcome. Harald Seiz has deactivated the comment function.
Owen says thanks! youtu.be/VPNpdh8SkHY?t=6434
You get a mention at the beginning and the end. Not sure of the 2 hours in between as it’s mostly him ranting and raving.
Somehow he thinks Harald gave him a few hundred coins that will be worth 5000 if he bag holds them.
Yeah I saw that video. I got through about 2 minutes before dying of boredom.
Owen looks sweaty and irritated. Surprised the phone didn’t run out of battery at almost 2 hours TBH.
Poor guy took the D from Harald. Then took the D from Heit, now wants to take the D from Harald again. Crypto really does a number on people.
How is it possible that Doctor, Senator Harald Seiz is NOT in jail yet? He MUST pay for Karatabars obvious fraud.
He said (back then) that he would sell his house for 10 million Euros to get the stored gold back to people. Did ofc not happen.
Some detail here on the referral model
https: //cdn.website-editor.net/94f45892617549128910e5291f3bb355/files/uploaded/Christmas%2520Special%2520Requirement.pdf
Got to love the comments here:
I’m afraid your money is gone mate.
The ever-fashion-conscious Harald Seiz is now selling virtual clothes racks.
I suppose when he sat down to think of a new ruse, his 90’s clothes collection became a source of inspiration
The last video uploaded by Harald Seiz was on February 8, 2023:
What will Harald Seiz present in his next video? My suggestion:
“Dear minebase community, I am on vacation in Thailand. I am lying on the beach and continuously producing new tokens. When the police are no longer looking for me, I will return to Germany.”
Harald Seiz has uploaded a new video yesterday:
Ugh, not another reboot…
Although no one knows what lies Harald Seiz will spread in the video afterwards, 134 idiots have already left a Like!
share-your-photo.com/b4c5639db0 (with text)
As usual with serial cheaters like Harald Seiz, his video yesterday cannot be commented on. I therefore quote some comments from the live chat.
Spiritual Angel:
Tobeka Dube:
Derrick Drews:
Jack S:
Revelle Johnson:
Sailesh Pootla Rao:
Daniel Schmitt:
Nosipho Dube:
David Brunson:
Armando Domingos:
Ohio2IllinoisRedd #The O.G. Speaker:
Revelle Johnson:
Ohio2IllinoisRedd #The O.G. Speaker:
Revelle Johnson:
Nosipho Dube:
Linda Lien:
Victor Shattuck:
David Kahn:
Revelle Johnson:
Tim Pearson:
Nosipho Dube:
Now Harald Seiz is cooperating with the top10coins.pro scammers?
top10coins.pro/page/ (Imprint with dubious email address):
PS: Several people at top10coins.pro are former OneCoin scammers! In the screenshot right: Volker Helm.
Whatever Top10Coins is they’re also shilling Streakk, the Dubai based MLM cryoto Ponzi.
I haven’t looked too much into it but Top10Coins looks like a downline builder for some scammer (Volker Helm and other former OneCoin scammers?):
The “platforms” are scams whoever owns Top10Coins is shilling. Money laundering ahoy!
This reminds me spontaneously of the German serial fraudster Frank Schwarzkopf, who set up the OneCoin organization in Germany:
He is now active for top10coins.pro and GlamJet.
On his portal kryptomania.net he has offered and sold so-called TeamBuilder packages. Currently, this is only possible for registered partners:
A screenshot from the past, when the portal was still public:
In the web archive:
Two older comments on the same topic:
Video from June 2018 with Volker Helm as independent software partner for Top10Coins.
Volker Helm speaks very calmly and matter-of-factly, but of course he never mentions that he has cheated with OneCoin in the past.
At the end of the video his contact details are shown including 10bestcoins.net, but this scam portal doesn’t exist anymore.
It belonged to his buddy Mike Poppel, who was also an active OneCoin scammer. Here is the imprint from the WebArchive:
In an email yesterday it was confirmed that MineBase and Top10Coins are working together:
Got an email today form the Scammer, Harald Seiz.
That’s not Harald Seiz. It’s an AI avatar modelled on him with a robodub.
Stare at the eyes while the video plays, they’re dead. Also the hand movements make no sense because they’re the same few movements cycled randomly.
Russian scammers go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…