IX Inversors has received a securities fraud warning from Ecuador.

As per the Superintendencia de Bancos’ January 13th warning, IX Inversors

HAS NO RECORD in the register of the Superintendency of Banks; Superintendency of Popular and Solidarity Economy; and, Superintendency of Companies, Securities and Insurance. In addition, it does not have a Single Taxpayer Registry (RUC) issued by the Internal Revenue Service (SRI).

These are some of the indicators that allow citizens to be alerted about operations that are not authorized.

This is the equivalent of a securities fraud notice in other jurisdictions.

BehindMLM reviewed IX Inversors in December, 2021. We found a 300% ROI Ponzi scheme, run by founder and CEO Alexander Hernandez.

Due to IX Inversors committing securities fraud, the SB groups it in with fraudulent investment and pyramid schemes.

Citizens are called upon to verify that the entity is authorized by the Superintendency of Banks to carry out financial activities before investing their resources.

Don’t be scammed!

The SB’s warning follows a similar fraud notice put out by Spain’s CNMV last year.

Shortly after the Ecuador warning, IX Inversors purportedly started going by “Decentralized Investors Association”.

DIA, as it’s known, does have its own domain but at time of publication DIA’s website is down.

There is no mention of DIA on IX Inversor’s website, which is still up.

Not sure what the story is there but it might be a bungled reboot attempt.


Update 30th March 2022 – Whatever DIA was, roughly a month after launch it too has collapsed.

IX Inverors CEO Alexander Hernandez has gone into hiding. His current status is unknown.