Kuvera Global targeting school kids, AMF warning issued in France
France’s Financial Markets Regulator has issued an investment warning against Kuvera Global.
The AMF, France’s top financial regulator, observes that Kuvera Global are enticing “young audiences” to “trad(e) on highly speculative products”.
The company KUVERA LLC / KUVERA France offers the sale of subscriptions and the sale of training software tools presented as an aid to very risky investments in Forex trading and crypto-assets.
These proposals are particularly aimed at a very young audience including high school students.
Concerned parents and teachers of students have reported students dropping out of school, prompting the AMF to investigate.
While the regulator can’t shut Kuvera Global down (Kuvera Global and its parent company Investview are US companies), the AMF warns the public
not to respond to the solicitations of this company and not to relay them to third parties, in any form whatsoever.
Neither Kuvera Global or Investview are authorized to solicit investment in France.
Yes, and two of top french’s leaders are Adeline Le Harzic and Laura Derrien, two young ladies we can see on the RTBF documentary about Onecoin call ” La monnaie du diable”.
They escaped Onecoin to run into MWR Life. One year later they jumped into Kuvera… they followed the money.
More info about Adeline Le Harzic and Laura Derrien:
– Official facebook: facebook.com/LauraDerrienPro
– Youtube channel: youtube.com/channel/UCdSC70MrAmTsp-R8mhrkf7A
– There company information: dirigeant.societe.com/dirigeant/Laura.DERRIEN.66227028.html
– Laura Linkedin page: linkedin.com/in/laura-derrien-0b091a121/
– Adeline Linkedin page: linkedin.com/in/adeline-le-harzic-b43412114/
Laura Derrien is CEO and adeline Le Harzic “General manager”.
They deleted all comments concerning AMF alert on their facebook and youtube channel… and of course all their video and contents about Onecoin but we can find some data they forgot: pscp.tv/LauraONECOIN/1OwxWqEqZXVGQ
They should be put on the wall of shame as other Onecoin leaders.
And while there are warnings, they are doing a training under the regulators noses in Paris with thousands of people.
When nobody from the government nor police acts the money scams are vividly alive.
Now they are called igenius! pretty much the same concept as the other pyramid schemes before it!
anyway you can look into this one? seems like they are doing the same thing all over again.
iGenius Review: Investview continues sec fraud with EndoTech
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