Billionico CEO Frank Deyle spoke at Auratus Brisbane event
In addition to GSPartners executives Dirc Zahlmann and Bruce Hughes, it’s been revealed that Billionico CEO Frank Deyle also attended a recent marketing event held in Queensland, Australia.
Also present was Terry Lee, a cited representative of Auratus.
Frank Deyle took to the stage at at least one event, cited as Billionico’s CEO.
Deyle also posed for photos with Australian Auratus promoters.
Deyle is an associate of GSPartners CEO Dirc Zahlmann. The pair have been working together since Healy World circa 2020.
Deyle and Zahlmann left Healy World to join GSPartners in or around 2021.
Not much is known about Terry Lee. He appears to be a random frontman based out of Hong Kong.
Both Deyle and Lee were cited Respondents in a Billionico securities fraud cease and desist, issued by the Texas State Securities Board in April 2024.
Order No. ENF-23-CDO-1879 is being challenged by Josip Heit, GS Partners and other corporate respondents.
It is, however, final and not subject to appeal as it relates to Swiss Valorem Bank Ltd, Dirc Zahlmann, Bruce Innes Wylde Hughes and Aline Lima.
“Order No. ENF-23-CDO-1879” refers to a prior Emergency Cease and Desist Order the TSSB issued against GSB, GSPartners, owner Josip Heit, Dirc Zahlmann and others in November 2023.
After or around the time Order No. ENF-23-CDO-1879 became final against said parties, Frank Deyle, the Marketing Advisor and Advisory Board Member for Swiss Valorem Bank Ltd and a promoter of products for GS Partners, began promoting Billionico Academy.
Billionico Academy was initially advertised as an educational platform that issued memberships sold through commissioned sales agents tied to a multilevel marketing scheme.
However, Frank Deyle and others began telling clients it would begin offering investments on April 19, 2024.
Terry Lee (“Respondent Lee”) purports to be a gold company operating in Hong Kong.
On April 19, 2024, Billionico Academy began offering investments in a digital gold vault issued by Respondent Auratus, represented by Terry Lee, that purportedly secures physical gold and generates passive income using fintech and blockchain technology.
Respondents Billionico, Primus Liquidity Holding, Elite Club World, Daniel von Lison, Marina von Lison, Deyle, Riander, Ifionayi, Peacock, Auratus and Lee (collectively the “Respondents”) have not been registered with the Securities Commissioner as dealers or agents at any time material hereto.
It is therefore ORDERED that Respondents immediately CEASE AND DESIST from offering for sale any security in Texas until the security is registered with the Securities Commissioner or is offered for sale pursuant to an exemption from registration under the Texas Securities Act.
Billionico was originally fronted by Daniel Markus von Lison, another German frontman connected to Zahlmann.
Von Lison hasn’t made any Billionico related public appearances since TSSB’s fraud order. Whether von Lison is still attached to Billionico remains unclear.
In the meantime, it appears Deyle has been charged with being the face of the company.
GSB and GSPartners owner Josip Heit, a convicted fraudster, also looked set to attend and speak at the October 2024 promo events.
After touching down in Brisbane however, Heit represented he had abruptly scuttled back to Dubai a few days later.
The reason for Heit departing Australia mid-week prior to the Auratus promo events kicking off remains unconfirmed.
ASIC issued a separate standing GSPartners securities fraud warning in November 2023.
Up until very recently, Auratus was all that was being promoted in Australia. Billionico was being promoted in South Africa, but that quickly died off following a GSPartners related arrest earlier this year.
The pivot to Billionico in Australia could be tied to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), issuing two Auratus related fraud warnings in recent months (August 2024 and September 2024).
From a regulatory compliance perspective focusing on Billionico branding is meaningless.
As evidenced by TSSB’s fraud order, Billionico and Auratus are effectively one and the same. Beyond that, both are essentially a continuation of the collapsed GSPartners fraudulent investment scheme.
Still, that Billionico has only thus far been explicitly flagged for fraud by US authorities could embolden local promoters. At least until Billionico-specific fraud warnings are issued.
Outside of the small group of mostly Australian Auratus promoters, GSPartners victims are waiting on the launch of a GSPartners victim claim portal.
As part of a two-part settlement with North American authorities, GSB and Josip Heit (right) have agreed to refund North American investors.
Following a ninety day claim period and honoring of refunds, the second part of the settlement will see GSB and Heit
will consent to the entry of an enforcement order that concludes they illegally offered and/or sold securities that were not registered pursuant to state law.
AlixPartners, a mutually agreed upon third-party, previously communicated the GSPartners claim portal would go live in “early November”.
You do realize they won their case with a no-fault conclusion (GSP). In other words, everything behindmlm claimed is false.
What part of having to refund your victims and “consent[ing] to the entry of an enforcement order that concludes they illegally offered and/or sold securities that were not registered pursuant to state law” sounds like “no fault” to you?
Wha ha ha ha ha, thx for the laugh Chad and enjoy the cool aid you’re being fed.
Billionico/Auratus event in Cape Town tomorrow. Being held at the Cape Sun with all the usual scammers promoting the event such as Neil “Captain” De Waal who was arrested earlier in the year.
Again not sure if this is referring to GSP or not. But the uplines I’m apart of with GSP both put out news that GSPro+(rebrand) is being opened up to the world this month. Where all their customers can get access to their old GSP funds, certs, bonuses, etc.
The US clients will have to wait until feb for the C&D to be over. Some are already on social media and telegram groups suggesting their “business” is about to re-open and new outstanding products are about to become available.
I’m sure the US states that Heit settled with, acknowledging that he sold securities that were “illegally offered” will be in a particularly vile mood about this!
@Solly – do you have any more information on the event in CT? I saw one promoter using the #africacon2024 which leads to the Africa tech conference this weekend.
Logged in to see any updates in app. They are running a 5 Day Deal to increase sales of TAS Cards with the kicker you have to HODL for 30 months to get your bonus.
There is also a veiled 5 Day Deal IBO document. IBO referring to the independent business owner, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they are shaping this as a way for GSP to migrate over to GSPro+/Auratus and roll into another 30 month holding period of your fantasy points and rewards.
The life changing news is likely that the migration will see huge paper returns for GSP participants into Auratus points- even if they are still locked in “vaults for years.
Another interesting development is Billionico app is now available in Google Play and App Store. Free with in app purchases from $59-$1499.
My point exactly Chad. Who cares. People try to make something work and people try to sabatoge it with all these comments. Pretty sad people are out to try and make others lives difficult.
A lot of these projects are bad but some are actually legit. Truth always comes out.
The people who lost money in GSPartners dating back to 2021 probably care.
We know regulators care about about GSB’s GSPartners securities fraud. We also know regulators care about Billionico’s and Auratus’ securities fraud.
You and Chad obviously care about your fraudulent activity being reported on or you wouldn’t be here.
By definition, fraudulent investment schemes can’t be “legit”.
The truth certainly does come out in the end.
We know you care about your fraudulent business you do on this site as well OZ. YOU do more Harm than GOOD. (Ozedit: derails removed)
If you think researching and reporting on financial fraud, a legal activity, does more harm than stealing money from people through securities fraud, you’re cooked.
Best of luck with the scamming.
Oz wrote:
Dirc Zahlmann (left) and Frank Deyle in October 2023.
“Baron” Daniel Markus von Lison (left) and Frank Deyle in June 2024.
@Chad and @John Moreno –
Josip Heit is a convicted criminal fraudster, a serial fraudster with connections to Romanian Mafia, who has defrauded millions of dollars from innocent victims from his Kararbars, Bitcoin POS, and GS Partners scams. He sold Ponzi scams as unregistered (and therefore illegal) securities.
…What part of this do you fail to understand?
The people who travelled to Australia to present “diversified investment advice” are named on security fraud orders in the US.
Read the orders for yourself. They’re selling “digital gold” with no proof it exists, no audits, no authentication and no blockchain and they supposedly hold it for you. Commonsense says that there is nothing legit about that.
Talk to an certified investment advisor if you want to discuss diversification, new, innovative, decentralised or international property opportunities. There’s plenty of real options available.
The sad people are the ones who celebrate thieving and scamming others while putting international criminals on a pedestal. Do take the time to visit your local police station to get help to make a report.
Uh,”consenting to an enforcement order that you committed fraud” is the opposite of winning – in fact it’s admitting you committed a crime. If they had a case they would have fought it,not lay down with their belly up
Eh,no,in fact Behindmlm was cited in the action as evidence – how would GSwankers be found a fraud with evidence that’s wrong and GSwankers didn’t disprove it?
Since when is reporting on criminals like you Fraud? You and your parasitic fraternity of financial fraudsters need to put on some Cement shoes and go for a swim. You are fucking thieving scum
its amazing to see the mental gymnastics being played by the fraudsters commenting on this thread.
To anyone in the public reading this: would you seriously consider giving money to people like “John Moreno” and “Chad?” if you invest in GS+, then you are.
We will know soon. All gsp ‘investors’ are suppose to have access to all gsp funds when this reopens. Which is soon for the world and February for the US
Still hoping to hear more details.
This per two different up lines.
I’m wondering if there’s going to be enough money to pay everyone back. The cash grabs happening here in Australia make them look desperate.
Frankly, I wouldn’t be trusting the uplines at all. Go straight to your state representative and verify everything.
Quote From the Texas Press Release
I’m not referring to refunds. Uplines are saying there is going to be a rebrand with new products as soon as the refund period is over. Everyone that sticks thru the company will have access to all their funds and the charade will move forward.
The great news from the upline is that this new rebrand will begin to occur soon in places outside the us.. and the us will open and be full go in February since us customers must wait for the current cease and desist to be fulfilled.
@Johnny5 That’s still a very good reason to inform and consult with your state representatives rather than trust and rely on an upline.
In Australia, they’ve started promoting the idea of investing in Dubai real estate (yawn) and a “give us your cash for 30 months” and we’ll give you some points back at the end (cash grab).
Aussies are heading to Dubai for a “business meeting” and no doubt a promotional photoshoot while they nestle into Josip’s ample bosoms and demonstrate their commitment and loyalty to running frauds for criminals.
The Australian underlying message is that dodging the authorities to secretly run fraudulent schemes to steal from locals is the sign of a strong, badass woman and a path to the freedom to become a stay at home or travelling scammer.
I can only put their lack of foresight down to technological illiteracy and out-of-date information. Once again, I have pity for their children.
The event in Cape Town on 9 November was indeed branded Billionico.
None of the top uplines such as Brendon Earp-Jones, Karen Boonzaaier, etc. Made any public mention of it, but Luisette Mullin very proudly shared photos of herself on front of Billionico branding.
So the scam continues, albeit much less publicly by those being investigated by financial authorities.
I can see it is available to US residents. I wonder if it’s available in Texas where the Cease and Desist order exists.
I’ve got a contact in digital crimes investigations at Google. I have forwarded them on the link to the app and they are now looking into it 🙂
Woohoo, marvellous news – The lucky Alix team are getting some nice training and fab new top-of-the-line tools 😀
AlixPartners and Chainalysis Team Up to Further Enhance Capabilities and Client Support in Digital Asset Tracing and Forensic Investigations
October 31, 2024 | by Chainalysis Team
Frank Deyle (German citizen) founded his own company in Rorschacherberg (Switzerland) in December 2023.
Oz wrote:
There is no company “Billionico” or similar. I am quoting from
Educated Services Management AG was founded in May 2015. Rolf Schmied and Sébastien Zerolo were members of the Board of Directors. Since March 15, 2024, these two individuals have stepped down and Frank Deyle is the sole member of the Board of Directors.
Because Frank Deyle has founded his own company, this means for me that he is only pro forma head of Educated Services Management AG.
Melanie, you’re not dive into the endless shell companies. Document and move on :D.
There’ll be a dozen new shell companies next week…
Frazer Brookes is running a course with Martene Wallace’s “Wealth Odyssey” branding in Dubai. The focus is on real estate training for IBO’s. Numerous Auratus Gold promoters from Australia in attendance.
Is Frazer Brookes so desperate for money he’s working the Dubai mlm ponzi circuit?
Ready for the rebranding of Auratus Gold to Billionico and the launch of Dubai real estate “investment” in …3…2…1.
Frazer.. LOL.. Who never really built a network on his own (His father built the networks and son was given a “privi” position).
This “coach” .. cough.. regurgitates old school training that he “researches” then just like Worre puts his “slant” on it and “sells it” as “his own.”
Someone needs to delve deep into his very dubious self-claimed “networking” past. All these people are slowly being exposed and losing credibility.