Earlier this year a group of former Crowd1 scammers got together to launch their own token Ponzi scheme, NewChoyce.

Eight months later NewChoyce has collapsed. Now a GreenChoyce reboot has emerged.

At the time of publication a visit to NewChoyce’s website reveals a GreenChoyce “official launch” notice.

NewChoyce “is becoming” GreenChoyce, and will launch in 38 days (~September 28th).

No information about GreenChoyce is provided on the website.

On the corporate side, Green Choyce International GmbH was incorporated in Switzerland in mid July.

As above, rather than disclose the true nature of the business, GreenChoyce has been incorporated as a “car dealership”.

Listed as owners of the company are Johann Josef Stadler and Vizionary World Trade AG.

Unless there’s another Stadler involved in GreenChoyce corporate, Josef Stadler was going by Hans Stadler in NewChoyce marketing material.


For some idea of what GreenChoyce will be about, we turn to what appears to be a GreenChoyce corporate video channel.

On the channel multiple GreenChoyce executives can be seen spruiking a “magic fuel pill”.

The GREEN PILL is a highly refined petroleum product that dissolves in the fuel and so ensures that the fuel complies with the relevant standards.

The GREEN PILL offers seven unique benefits: It increases the durability of the fuel; cleans and lubricates the injection system; improves combustion, thereby significantly reducing fuel consumption and toxic emissions; cuts the cost of servicing the injection and engine systems; and increases engine lifetime.

The underlying, globally patented technology was first launched 25 years ago and has been continuously enhanced and refined ever since.

One of GreenChoyce’s marketing videos features Netherlands based former Crowd1 scammer Renze Deelstra.

Holding up a small dark ball resembling a small animal’s droppings, Deestra claims the pill ‘will clean the engine and rev up the octane’. The video title promises “more horse power and better combustion”.

The dates of the Greenchoyce videos suggest Greenchoyce was originally intended to be launched as part of NewChoyce’s marketing.

Those plans have now been abandoned in favor of launching GreenChoyce as a reboot.

Magic fuel pills have long been bundled with fraudulent MLM business models.

Past fuel tab schemes we’ve reviewed here on BehindMLM include Syntek Global (2011), Greenfoot Global (2012), Zazzed (2013), Future Global (2014), Legacy Max (2014), Xtreme Green (2014 and 2018) and The Company 360 (2017).

NewChoyce’s business model saw affiliates invest in worthless Choyce tokens. This was done on the expectation they’d be able to eventually withdraw more than they invested.

Withdrawals were paid with subsequently invested funds, making NewChoyce a Ponzi scheme.

How fuel pills fit into GreenChoyce’s rebranded token Ponzi scheme has yet to be disclosed.


Update 2nd September 2022 – GreenChoyce has collapsed.

Renze Deelstra has rebooted the scam again, this time as Eco and Greenchoyce.