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Eaconomy alleged fraud lawsuits voluntarily dismissed

In what most certainly appears to be a reached settlement, two Eaconomy lawsuits alleging fraud have been voluntarily dismissed.

Eaconomy’s Hassan Mahmoud sues My Daily Choice’s Josh Zwagil

Eaconomy and co-owner Hassan Mahmoud has filed suit against My Daily Choice owner Josh Zwagil. In a Nevada suit filed on January 21st, Mahmoud claims Zwagil’s company Creative Brands attempted a “hostile takeover” of Eaconomy.

Eaconomy co-founder sues Hassan Mahmoud for fraud

Eaconomy co-founder Candace Ross has sued Hassan Mahmoud. Ross, who is also Mahmoud’s ex-wife, has accused him of “fraud and mismanagement”.

Eaconomy securities fraud warning from Czechia

Eaconomy has received a securities fraud warning from the Czech National Bank (CNB). As per the CNB’s November 11th, 2024 warning;

Eaconomy securities fraud warning from UK

Eaconomy has received a securities fraud warning from the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). As per the FCA’s November 25th, 2024 warning;

Eaconomy securities fraud warning from Slovakia

Eaconomy has received a securities fraud warning from the National Bank of Slovakia (NBS). As per NBS’ October 25th warning;

Eaconomy securities fraud warning from New Zealand

Eaconomy has received a securities fraud warning from New Zealand’s’ Financial Markets Authority (FMA). As per the FMA’s October 2nd, 2024 Eaconomy warning;

Eaconomy securities fraud warning from Norway

Eaconomy has received a securities fraud warning from Norway’s Finanstilsynet financial regulator. The Norwegian Consumer Protection Authority (Forbrukertilsynet), additionally warns Eaconomy “has several similarities with illegal pyramid schemes”. As per Finanstilsynet’s September 25th, 2024 warning;

Ali Saleh screws over lawyer in Eaconomy case

Ali Saleh has screwed over the attorney representing him in his Eaconomy case. On February 5th Saleh’s attorney filed a motion requesting permission to withdraw. The court granted the motion on February 21st.

Eaconomy & Hassan Mahmoud sued for unpaid commissions

Eaconomy and owner Hassan Mahmoud have been sued for unpaid commissions. Plaintiff Ali Saleh, a resident of New Jersey, alleges he is owed $150,000.