Given the current global situation, some of you probably saw this coming a mile away:

A reader sent in a recent livestream by Candace Byrd Davis. In it she’s promoting “Fuel Factor X”.

None of this is really newsworthy on its own, but then a specific pitch from Davis caught my attention.

Fuel Factor X is not … going to be the same thing that you find in Advanced Auto. It’s not going to be the same thing that you find in AutoZone.

Here’s why: This particular product here has a chemistry that is backed by a Nobel Prize that was won back in 1973.

So the chemistry of this product is exclusive to our company … it’s exclusive to us.

Wait a minute… I’ve heard this pitch before.

I punched “fuel saver nobel” into Google and sure enough Syntek Global came up.

Here’s the exact same “Nobel Prize from 1973” marketing pitch:

Syntek Global launched in 2007 with its flagship “Xtreme Fuel Treatment”. The branding is different but the bottle is remarkably similar to My Daily Choice’s Fuel Factor X bottle.

But hang on, if Candace Davis’ is to be taken at face value, Fuel Factor X is exclusive to My Daily Choice.

Cool. So what happened to Syntek Global then?

About a week ago Syntek Global’s public and distributor backoffice websites were pulled. They’ve been down and remain down at time of publication.

I went looking for an official corporate announcement but couldn’t find one. Which is strange.

What tipped the scales of probability for me was, prior to launching My Daily Choice, Josh Zwagil was a Syntek Global distributor.

BehindMLM noted this in our 2015 My Daily Choice review.

What’s crucial to point out here is that Syntek Global operated as a pyramid scheme. In the company’s own words;

Sponsoring new distributors and helping them do the same is key to building volume in your organization.

While they might have risen drastically recently, it’s not like gas prices have gotten any cheaper since I reviewed Syntek Global in 2011.

So why didn’t Xtreme Fuel Treatment ever take off outside of the recruitment-driven MLM opportunity? How hard can it be to sell fuel savings???

And therein lies the rub.

In the absence of an official corporate announcement, here’s as close as I was able to unofficially confirm My Daily Choice has acquired Syntek Global;

A FaceBook account bearing the name “Xtreme Fuel Treatment USA – Syntek Global”, introduced Fuel Factor X as “the new XFT” on March 27th.

If you visit the domain in the post, you’re redirected to a My Daily Choice “Independent Affiliate” website:

I’ll leave it there, save to say the regulatory environment has evolved since Syntek Global’s heyday.

My Daily Choice is based out of the US. Given the current gas market I’m certain this is an area the FTC is anticipating shenanigans in.

This could be a problem is Fuel Factor X demonstrably falls short of its marketing claims.

Earlier today MyDailyChoice announced “MDC 2.0”:

Seeing as I haven’t revisited the company since 2015, I’ve queued MyDailyChoice up for a review update. I’ll leave an update on the outcome below when it comes up.