crazy4ads-logoInvestment schemes in MLM seem to be all the rage and today we’re going to look at yet another one that has launched in the last week.

Calling itself Crazy4ads, this company doesn’t even bother to tell you what the ROI is… read on for a full review.

The Company

The first thing I noticed about Crazy4Ads was that the FAQ looked remarkably similar to another company I’d only just recently reviews, Xxxtreme Exposure.

The line that caught my eye was

Q: Are there refunds?

A: No there are no refunds as people are getting paid commissions.

The exact same text appears on the Xxxtreme Exposure review and a quick look at the source-code of Crazy4Ads shows that the site pulls data from the domain ‘’. is owned by Dwayne Starchuk (you can read more about him in the Xxxtreme Exposure review) and it appears he’s launched both companies around the same time. Evidently launching one dodgy MLM company just isn’t enough these days.

The Product

Crazy4Ads offer members advertisement packs which are bought from the company itself (ie. members don’t sell anything directly themselves).

These advertisements are sold as credits which can then be used on an in-house advertising network that displays ads on the Crazy4Ads website.

The Crazy4Ads Compensation Plan

Crazy4Ads use what’s called a profit-share compensation plan. The basic idea is that the more money you invest into the company, the higher a return you earn when the money from all members is shuffled around and redistributed.

Investments are made in $4 increments capped at 50 increments a day (daily $200 investment cap).

Crazy4Ads do not specify the terms of their profit share or how much of the money investors is put into the pool to be re-distributed out.

The company also pays 15% on the investment amount of any members you recruit into the company (since membership is free, this is most likely via referral code).

Joining Crazy4Ads

Membership to Crazy4Ads is free, however in order to participate in the compensation plan and earn a commission members must invest in the company (via the “purchase” of ad packs).


Like Starchuk’s other company Xxxtreme Exposure, Crazy4Ads amounts to little more than an investment scheme where 100% of the commissions paid out are from the money being invested by members.

This is evidenced by the fact that you cannot purchase ad packs from the company at a retail level, and that there are no refunds “because people are getting paid commissions” directly from the money being invested.

If actual product purchases were being made, refunds wouldn’t be a problem.