Court denies Brian Early’s Fundsz “affidavit of truth”
In his latest bid to keep money he stole through Fundsz, Brian Early filed an “affidavit of truth” on March 3rd.
Affidavits of truth are typically associated with sovereign citizens. They play into the fantasy that sovereign citizen nutjobs are above the law.
In his affidavit of truth demands, Early claimed the Florida court hearing the Fundsz case lacked jurisdiction over him.
This somehow translated into a “tacit agreement” between Early (right) and the court, through which Early asserted the court was bound to dismiss the CFTC’s Fundsz case with prejudice.
Early asserted that if legal proceedings continued against him, it would amount to “insurrection, sedition, and treason against the American people”.
Early also threatened the presiding Judge with personal liability, removal from public office and criminal and civil charges.
Early signed his affidavit of truth on February 14th and demanded the court respond within thirty days.
On March 10th the court, such to the extent relief was requested from the court, denied Early’s affidavit filing.
Not surprisingly, the basis for the denial was “failure to comply with the rules and orders of [the] Court”.
Local Rules 3.01 (a) and (g) were explicitly cited. 3.01 (a) pertains to the length of Early’s filing, which all up including exhibits was forty-seven pages long.
3.01 (g) requires Early to “confer in good faith” with the opposing party. In this case that would be the CFTC.
Early, originally from Louisiana, fled to Costa Rica during Fundsz run or after it collapsed. From his hidey-hole, Early has thus far not participated in or filed any response to the CFTC’s case.
In October 2023 the court scheduled a trial for October 2025. It’s expected default judgment will be granted between now and then for non-participating defendants.
In the meantime, as noted by the Fundsz Receiver last month, Early continues to “solicit investors” through the official Fundsz Facebook page.
As “Coach BE” and through the The latest scam Early appears to be tied to the running of is Trust, aka TrustPoly;
As reviewed on BehindMLM, TrustPoly is a MLM cycler Ponzi.
While Early was happy to cite claimed constitutional law in his affidavit of truth, the fact that securities fraud has been illegal in the US since 1933 seems to escape him.
Well. It seems like the same guy/scammer is promoting some givbux superapp??