A BuddyX Ponzi executive is running for UK parliament.

As uncovered by Hope Not Hate on June 14th, Reform UK has put Barnsley Borough Council member David White as a candidate for Barnsley South.

Outside of politics, White is BuddyX’s Head of Business for the UK and EU.

Appearing as a BuddyX “founder” at a marketing event held in Thailand last August

…White staked his entire political career on BuddyX’s legitimacy.

[1:22:04] I think it’s worth saying that I am very politically active in the UK. I’m a local councillor and the political party that I represent has put me forward to stand as a member of parliament in the next general election next year.

So it’s incredibly important to myself that everything is as clean as possible. Because believe it or not, UK politicians have to be straight guys, and girls.

So when I first met with some of the BuddyX core team, I asked a lot of questions about the jurisdiction, about legalities. They ticked every single box.

I’m more than happy with the project and, does this look like a scam?

BuddyX, a Dubai-based Ponzi scheme that isn’t registered to offer securities in any jurisdiction, collapsed earlier this year.

In a nutshell, BuddyX participants invested in BDYX, an internal shit token BuddyX created. BuddyX touted returns of up to 30%, paid every 180 days (see BehindMLM’s published BuddyX review for full details).

Returns were paid in BDYX tokens, which BuddyX generated on demand. As part of BuddyX’s collapse, BDYX was dumped on a dodgy crypto exchange.

As a BuddyX executive, how much David White stole through the Ponzi scheme is unclear.

As Hope Not Hate points out, as a Barnsley Borough Council member White sits on the

Appeals, Awards and Standards Regulatory Board, which “enforces the code of conduct for elected councillors and employees”.

Research from Hope Not Hate indicates that White hasn’t declared his role as a BuddyX executive, as he’s legally required to do.

Having expressed this desire for everything to be “as clean as possible”, it is therefore strange that Cllr White did not declare any aspect of his involvement with BuddyX to Barnsley Borough Council, despite the Code of Conduct requiring that councillors declare “any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain” within 28 days.

White’s own entries indicate that he did not declare his role with BuddyX to the council at any point after April 2023, and in September 2023 confirmed that his register of interests was up-to-date without adding mention of BuddyX.

On March 31 2024, he issued another statement declaring that he had received no gifts or hospitality over the preceding year.

The only indication of White’s double-life as an crypto Ponzi executive, is a reference to “work[ing] in the fintech sector” on Reform UK’s website.

In his entries White did disclose the his UK company Northwood Solutions Group LTD, which he claims is an advertising agency.

It’s possible White used Northwood Solutions Group, who are delinquent in filings and scheduled to be struck off Companies House, to launder stolen BuddyX investor funds he received.

Hope Not Hate contacted White for comment on his seemingly illegal conduct but he “did not respond”.

The Mirror reached out to Reform UK for answers. They were told White

had merely been a “third party supplier” to the firm, “supplying presentation videos and live events.”

When asked why White was introduced as a BuddyX co-founder at the Thailand event, or introduced himself as “the Head of Business for BuddyX” in marketing videos, a Reform UK spokesperson told the Mirror “that would be manners”.

They paid for him to go present in Thailand. It was a day travelling, a day of work and a day back. He had zero involvement in management, decision making or any financials.

Whatever the case, the video evidence speaks for itself. This seems like something the Barnsley Borough Appeals, Awards and Standards Regulatory Board should probably look into.

Hopefully there’s a clause allowing White to recuse himself from any investigation because y’know, ethics.

The UK’s general elections are scheduled to be held on July 4th, 2024. Whether the people of Barnsley elect BuddyX Ponzi executive David White to parliament remains to be seen.


Update 5th July 2024 – David White lost the election to Labour candidate Stephanie Peacock.

That said White did manage to come in second, securing 11,651 votes to Peacock’s 16,399.

Apparently over eleven thousand constituents in Barnsley South don’t mind having someone who can be bought by Ponzi scammers as an elected official.