In September 2021 somebody purchased BitConnect’s “” website domain.

They’ve since turned it into a Ponzi factory, and business is booming.

I became aware of BitConnect’s website domain being repurposed through an ad for Bitcoin Prime.

Stealing Amazon’s trademark aside, Bitcoin Prime is an unremarkable $250 a pop Ponzi scheme. What caught my eye was the link to BitConnect’s old domain.

BitConnect collapsed in 2018, its owner was recently indicted and is on the run from US authorities.

A visit to the Wayback Machine reveals BitConnect’s domain was purchased on or around September 2021.

The domain registration was last updated on September 22nd, 2021. This appears to be around the time the current owners purchased it.

The current BitConnect website went live on or around December 2021.

Here’s Bitcoin Prime’s entry, which as you can see is just an ad listing for the scam:

Turns out that’s all the new BitConnect website is, a directory for scams the owner is pushing.

Bitconnect is a leading Bitcoin Robots trading platforms reviews magazine.

When the Crypto trading trend continues to rise, many Crypto traders are looking for ways to optimize their trading and increase the odds of profit.

In addition, there are investors without knowledge in Crypto trading who are looking for investment in Bitcoin Robots – which are completely automated systems that are trying to design for maximum profit. BitConnect reviews the most popular Bitcoin Robots in the market.

Trading bots are one of the most common ruses crypto Ponzis use.

As I write this there are fifty-four scam reviews on BitConnect.

Each gushes over the reviewed opportunity and gives it close to five stars.

Not surprising, seeing as the owner of the domain is hoping you’ll sign up to lose money in them.

As to the website itself, BitConnect current incarnation is a simple WordPress site designed using Elementor. Nothing special.

Astonishingly, since going live traffic to BitConnect’s repurposed domain has steadily increased:

To be blunt, you’d have to have been living under a rock to not know what BitConnect was.

That begs the question, who are these reviews targeted at?

Evidently some of the dumbest people on the planet. Perfect for recruiting into scams and emptying their pockets.

So which country has the dishonor of hosting said dumbest people on the planet?

Alexa currently ranks Pakistan as the only notable source of traffic to BitConnect’s website.

Pakistan is attributed to 66% of BitConnect’s traffic. God knows where the other saps are from.

The only lead I was able to come up with is from the SEO someone has been plastering around the internet over the past month.

Going through them led me to a recently created Blogger profile for “BitConnect Magazine”.

If you click through to the attached Blogspot blog, it defaults to Vietnamese.

Not conclusive, but it’s highly likely whoever now runs BitConnect’s domain is from Pakistan or Vietnam.