5dollarmoneybomb-logoThe key to success with affiliate marketing is always going to be generating leads to promote your affiliate offers to.

More leads = more conversions = more profit for you.

Traditionally affiliate lead generation is done via marketing the offer itself and targets specific niches and demographics that the affiliate marketer believes will show the greatest interest in whatever it is they are promoting.

But what if you could use a MLM style compensation plan to leverage your marketing efforts towards generating leads to market your affiliate offers to on the back of your MLM marketing efforts?

Read on for a full review of the 5DollarMoneyBomb business opportunity.

The Company

The 5DollarMoneyBomb website contains no information about who is running or owns the company. The domain 5dollarmoneybomb.com was registered on the 27th November 2011, however the registration information is set to private.

The 5DollarMoneyBomb logo and website source code however point to something called the ‘Financial Prosperity Group’. The domain financialprosperitygroup.com doesn’t appear to be used for anything in particular at the moment (other than hosting some of the javascript source-code for 5DollarMoneyBomb), but the registration information for the domain names a ‘Joseph Zyskowski’ (alias Joe Zyskowski) as the registrant.

Zyskowski (photo right) appears to be operating out of Nevada in the US and his ownership of 5DollarMoneyBomb can be confirmed as he either voices and appears in all of the 5DollarMoneyBomb YouTube promotional videos.

Zyskowski is also named in 5DollarMoneyBomb’s terms and conditions:

5DollarMoneyBomb.com is a trademark of Joseph A. Zyskowski, D/B/A 5DollarMoneyBomb.com.

Interestingly enough, apart from running and operating 5DollarMoneyBomb, Zyskowski is also actively participating in the program as a member himself under the username ‘joez’ (http://5dollarmoneybomb.com/joez).

As far as I can tell, 5DollarMoneyBomb appears to the be the first MLM business opportunity launched by Zyskowski.

The 5DollarMoneyBomb Product Line

5DollarMoneyBomb offer no retail products or services. Instead, upon paying a membership fee (recurring annually), 5DollarMoneyBomb members are provided access to a bunch of marketing videos covering YouTube, Facebook and Twitter marketing.

There’s also mention of a free classified ads directory (directory, not service) and “legal bulk emailer” (which if unsolicited, is just spam).

The 5DollarMoneyBomb Compensation Plan

The 5DollarMoneyBomb compensation plan can essentially be divided into three parts.

The first is the actual compensation plan of the 5DollarMoneyPlan company itself, the second are the company-recommended affiliate commission programs offered through 5DollarMoneyBomb and the third are third-party affiliate programs existing members are able to market to downline members via ‘MoneyBomb Plus’ membership.

5DollarMoneyBomb Recruitment Commissions

As there are no retail products or services that can be sold to customers with the 5DollarMoneyBomb opportunity, 100% of the commissions generated by 5DollarMoneyBomb members are from recruitment of new members.

  • $5 for every member new member they recruit into 5DollarMoneyBomb
  • $5 for every even numbered sale your direct recruits make (your level 1)
  • $5 for every odd numbered sale the recruits of your directly recruited new members make, down unlimited levels (level 2 and downward)

Affiliate Program Commissions

There are six affiliate referral programs pushed onto members upon joining 5DollarMoneyBomb. The most prominent of these is the $20 ‘refer-a-friend’ NetSpend affiliate program.

Although entirely optional and available to US-based members only, 5DollarMoneyBomb heavily promote the use and commissions available via the referral of 5DollarMoneyBomb members to the NetSpend ‘refer-a-friend’ program.

NetSpend being a US-based pre-paid debit card that works like a Visa credit card.

For each 5DollarMoneyBomb member referred to NetSpend, the referring existing member earns a $20 commission. Note that the requirement for this is the member being referred has to load $40 themselves onto the card.

Using various other ‘refer-a-friend’ style affiliate offers (something called ‘ZNZ’ keeps popping up) pushed onto members, 5DollarMoneyBomb claim members can earn up to $220 per recruited member.

Third part affiliate programs thorugh MoneyBomb Plus membership

When a 5DollarMoneyBomb member upgrades their membership to ‘MoneyBomb Plus’, in addition to the company-recommended affilliate programs 5DollarMoneyBomb pushes onto its members, MoneyBomb Plus members are able to market their own affilliate programs through their downlines.

Affiliate programs can be added via the 5DollarMoneyBomb backend and then sent out to an existing member’s downline. If none of a members directly sponsored members sign up for the offer, then the offer continues to be advertised via the members who passed up the offer’s direct downlines.

This process continues until someone signs up for the affiliate offer. I’m not sure what happens if an affiliate offer reaches the end of the downline and isn’t signed up to, but presumably it just sits there until that member recruits someone at which point it’s pushed further down the downline.

Joining 5DollarMoneyBomb

Standard membership to 5DollarMoneyBomb is $15 a year.

MoneyBomb Plus membership (allows you to market your own affiliate offers through the company downlines) is $49 a year.


From a MLM standpoint, there’s no retail products here so it’s pretty much a no-brainer that 5DollarMoneyBomb pays out 100% of its commissions from the membership fees of its members.

As the base of the business, this is a huge red flag and indicative that 5DollarMoneyBomb is nothing more than a recruitment scam.

The affiliate programs on offer aren’t paid by the company itself and any members participating will have to make sure they adhere to the various terms and conditions of the offers they are promoting.

From the looks of it, the $5 commissions being a one time payment don’t seem to be all that much and with $220 on offer via affiliate programs vs. a $5 recruitment fee, it’s obvious that these affiliate offers are going to be pushed very heavily within 5DollarMoneyBomb.

Zyskowski himself even brags about his income from 5DollarMoneyBomb in an official company video hosted on YouTube:

In the video you can clearly see that Zyskowski has made most of his $1,145 NetSpend balance from $20 referral fees, rather than from 5DollarMoneyBomb memberships (which are few and far between by the looks of it).

If affiliate marketing is your thing there could be something for you in 5DollarMoneyBomb but the legitimacy of the MLM opportunity itself kind of kills it.

When the new recruits dry up there’s nobody to market affiliate offers to and the 5DollarMoneyBomb opportunity itself will implode.