zonex-help-logoThere is no information on the Zonex Help website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Zonex Help website domain (“”) was registered on the 6th of July 2016, however the domain registration is set to private.

Zonex appears to be operated from either India or Indonesia. According to Alexa, both countries are currently the largest sources of traffic to the Zonex Help website (52.4% and 38% respectively).

The Zonex website currently is advertising a “soft launch”, scheduled to take place in Indonesia on August 14th.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money

The Zonex Help Product Line

Zonex Help has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Zonex Help affiliate membership itself.

The Zonex Help Compensation Plan

Zonex Help affiliates invest up to $5000 on the promise of a “100% increase” within 7 to 30 days.

How much of a daily ROI is paid out is determined by how much a Zonex Help affiliate invests:

  • invest $10 to $700 and receive a 3% daily ROI
  • invest $710 to $2500 and receive a 4% daily ROI
  • invest $2510 to $5000 and receive a 5% daily ROI

Note that before a ROI can be withdrawn, 75% of the initial investment amount must be reinvested back into Zonex Help.

Referral commissions

Referral commissions in Zonex Help are paid out via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):


If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Referral commissions are paid out as a percentage of funds invested by unilevel team affiliates.

How much of a percentage is paid out is determined by what level of the unilevel team new funds are invested on:

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 5%
  • level 2 – 4%
  • level 3 – 3%
  • level 4 – 2%
  • level 5 – 1%
  • levels 6 and deeper – 0.5%

Note that in order to qualify for referral commissions on level 2 and deeper, a Zonex Help affiliate must recruit at least 10 affiliates who invest.

Joining Zonex Help

Affiliate membership with Zonex Help is free, however affiliates must invest at least $10 to participate in the attached MLM opportunity.


As per the Zonex Help “about us” page on their website;

Zonex Help is a community where people help each other.

Zonex Help gives you a technical platform which helps millions of participants worldwide to connect those who NEED help to those who are ready to PROVIDE help, for FREE.

The problem with the last statement is that participation in Zonex Help is most definitely not free. Nor is investment in the scheme the charitable venture the company makes it out to be.

This is illustrated a few sentences down from the same “about us” page:

You can help one and will get help from others which will return you a 100% increase in 7 Days to 30 days maximum.

Zonex Help affiliates invest $10 to $5000 on the expectation of a greater than 100% ROI after 30 days.

The ROI is paid out of subsequently invested funds, making Zonex Help a Ponzi scheme.

Zonex Help uses the familiar “get help, provide help” rhetoric first introduced by MMM Global.

MMM Global promised affiliates a 100% a month ROI. ROI liabilities eventually exceeded newly invested funds and the scheme collapsed a few months ago.

Most MMM Global affiliates lost money in the collapse, with losses amplified by the scheme’s use of bitcoin.

Zonex Help is an attempt to launch a clone of MMM Global, which will ultimately go down the same path.

As with MMM Global, the owner(s) and a few early investors in Zonex Help will walk away with the majority of funds invested. Everybody else loses out.