my-travel-and-cash-logoMy biggest criticism of the travel niche when it comes to MLM business opportunities is that 99.9% of the time membership to the company is being marketed rather than any actual travel.

Commissions are typically paid out when someone joins the company with only the company itself making any commission if travel is booked once a member joins.

With 100% of the commissions payable coming from membership fees, this casts a big question on the legality of most travel niche MLMs.

Attempting to deliver a true retail product in the MLM travel niche comes My Travel and Cash. Read on for a full review.

The Company

The My Travel and Cash website does not list any information about runs or owns the company.

The domain whois information however lists a ‘Louis Merlini’ operating out of 83 Victoria Street in London.

Portuguese language source blogs indicate that Merlini is the CEO of My Travel and Cash, however I wasn’t able to find any visual indication that such a person exists.

My Travel and Cash state they originated in Eastern Europe but most of the Portuguese information out there suggests that My Travel and Cash was/is big in Brazil before putting up an English website to attract a larger audience.

The email ‘’ is interesting in that it is linked to another domain, ‘’.

Travel Access Club now lists the domain registrant as Louis Merlini with the same information used to register My Travel and Cash, however in the past a Harmeet Singh was listed as the registrant.



875 196 Ave
NE Apt

Tel. +01.11111111

Obviously those details are fake, which could explain why now the whois information is different. That said, it’s hard to ignore the email address.

Travel Access Club appears to be some kind of recruitment scam in that you can’t even view the opportunity without a referral link.

As for who Harmeet Singh is, I have no idea but the name pops up claiming owernship of three other domains –

MLM Software (

Advantage F Invest (

and Astha International ( redirects to an Indian company called ‘SmartSoft MLM Solutions Pvt. Ltd.’ Headed up by Founder ‘Kishore Varma’,  SmartSoft provides business backends to MLM companies.

Advantage F Invest appears to be a MLM company in the travel niche. The company uses a binary pairing compensation plan that pays out 100% of its commissions on the recruitment of members to the business.

Astha International also appears to be yet another recruitment scam:

To know the detailed information about the Opportunity, you need to contact your upliner or the senior distributor whom you have been referred.

The opportunity plan Information is being furnished in their Login.

The company does not provide any information on their business model unless you go through an existing member (so that they can recruit you and earn commissions).

What all these companies have to do with My Travel and Cash I’m not entirely sure, but if I had to guess I’d say this Harmeet Singh is somehow connected to SmartSoft (an employee?) and they are behind My Travel and Cash.

Perhaps SmartSoft got sick of just writing MLM backends for companies and wanted a piece of the action themselves.

Whether Louis Merlini even exists is unclear, but if the fake registration information provided on the other websites using the ceomerlini@gmail email are anything to go by, probably not.

These MLM companies, all linked via the need to recruit people to them to earn commissions appear to be the foundation of My Travel and Cash.

The My Travel and Cash Product Line

My Travel and Cash sell membership to the company, as evidenced multiple times in the company’s FAQ:

11. Waow, this system is fast, Can I purchase multiple Memberships ?

You understood that this system is easy, simple, fast and rewarding, you are totally encouraged to purchase as many memberships as you want to multiple your commissions !

Bundled with membership to My Travel and Cash is an accommodation package. Actual use of the package is irrelevant as the commissions paid out are solely tied into the membership fee being paid.

Given that My Travel and Cash utilise third-party affiliates to provide their travel services, you cannot purchase any travel services from the company. All purchases with My Travel and Cash are thus effectively membership purchases.

The My Travel and Cash Compensation Plan

The best way to explain the My Travel and Cash compensation plan is to split it into two parts – Independent Seller commissions and Member commissions.

Independent Seller Commissions

After paying a membership fee My Travel and Cash, Independent Sellers are able to earn a 7% commission on any membership sales they make.

This equates to a commission ranging from $12.25 to $26.67 per new member recruited.

Member Commissions

After paying a membership fee, Members of My Travel Club purchase entry into a 2×3 matrix system. Once filled with members, the person at the top of the matrix cycle out.

A 2×3 matrix has 6 member positions to fill and new members are fed into the bottom of the matrix. Once the matrix is full, the member at the top cycles out and the matrix splits into two new matrices with the two members on level 2 of the previously filled matrix now sitting at the top of the two new matrices.

Within the My Travel and Cash compensation plan are two 2×3 matrices, the Travel Board and the Cash Board.

The Travel Board is where all members start once they purchase company membership.

Once this matrix is full, if you’re at the top of the matrix you earn a commission based on how many members you’ve recruited.

  • if you recruited 2 members, you earn $100
  • if you recruited 1 member, you earn $50
  • if you failed to recruit anyone, you don’t earn anything

Once cycled out of the Travel Board, My Travel and Cash members are then entered into the Cash Board.

The Cash Board operates in the same manner as the Travel Board with the same recruitment requirements to earn a commission once you cycle out.

  • recruit 2 members = $3000 commission
  • recruit 1 member = $1500 commission

Again, if you fail to recruit anyone you earn nothing.

Once cycled out of the Cash Board, members must repurchase membership in order to enter back into a new Travel Board and start the process again.

There is no limit to the amount of matrix positions a My Travel and Cash member can purchase.

Joining My Travel and Cash

My Travel and Cash membership comes in three varieties:

  • the Client Package costs $380 and included with this cost is an accommodation package
  • the Member Package costs $381 and includes one matrix position and an accommodation package
  • the Independent Seller Package costs $175 and allows members to earn 7% on any membership sales they make


With just $1 difference between the ‘Client’ and ‘Member’ packages, it’s obvious that the only reason the Client Package exists is to provide the illusion that My Travel and Cash is not just another recruitment based travel niche MLM company.

From a member’s perspective however, there’s absolutely no incentive to sell anyone a Client Package. They don’t earn a commission on the sale of a Client Package (no matrix buy-in) and the money goes straight to the company.

As far as the Independent Seller membership option goes, I’m at a loss as to why anyone would sign up for that either.

Cycling out of the Traveler Board from the bottom requires eleven membership sales and the same again for the Cash Board. Thus off of twenty two membership sales a My Travel and Cash member earns $3,100.

Under the Independent Seller membership option, the same twenty two sales would result in just $586.74.

Clearly the Independent Seller membership option is also just included to add the illusion of legitimacy to the company.

Quite obviously the business model behind My Travel and Cash is that members buy into the matrices for $381, cycle out and then buy in again. The travel side of the business is merely a ruse and none of the commissions are generated via the actual use of any travel vouchers or bookings My Travel and Cash or its affiliates handle.

Add to this the extremely dubious company ownership details and well, pretty much My Travel and Cash starts to look like every other MLM travel niche recruitment scam out there.

Once people stop buying membership to the company, the commissions dry up and the company goes bust.