Xelliss operates in the nutritional supplement MLM niche.

Xelliss was formerly known as Natura4Ever. Based on Xelliss’ official Facebook group name-change, the rebrand took place in mid 2020.

BehindMLM reviewed Natura4Ever in July 2019. We identified pay to play and expressed concern over autoship recruitment.

Along with checking for product updates, this will be a core focus in the conclusion of this review.

Natura4Ever in 2019 was based out of Luxembourg. The company was headed up by Eric Masson (right).

This hasn’t changed with the Xelliss rebrand. Mason still runs the company as “Chairman of the Xelliss Supervisory Board”.

Read on for a full review of Xelliss’ MLM opportunity.

Xelliss’ Products

Compared to 2019, Xelliss has shrunk down their algae-based nutritional range considerably.

The company now markets a handful of supplements and coffee caps.

  • X3 MicroBiome – “composed of live Bifidobacterium lactis probiotic bacteria, prebiotic soluble fibre and A3Nat High-Grade spirulina (that) act in symbiosis and support weight management”, retails at $125 for a box of 30 single-serve drink powder sachets
  • PhycoSci AM – “spirulina extract with acerola – vitamin C”, retails at $109 for a bottle of 31 servings
  • PhycoSci PM – “spirulina extract with cinnamon, ginger and reishi mushroom”, retails at $109 for a bottle of 31 servings
  • PhycoSport – “spirulina extract with arginin and folic acid”, retails at $109 for a bottle of 31 servings
  • A3 Powder – “a spirulina powder (that) provides energy, vitality and overall well-being”, retails at $59 for a bottle of 30 servings
  • A3 Caps – same as A3 Powder but in capsule form, retails at $45 for a bottle of 15 serves (4 capsules a serving)
  • Europa Espresso Coffee – “premium Arabica coffee with spirulina”, retails at $20 for a box of 10 caps

There’s a bundle pack in Xelliss’ online store, offering two X3 MicroBiome boxes and a bottle of PhycoSci Sport for $250.

Xelliss’ Compensation Plan

Xelliss do not provide a copy of their compensation plan on their website.

Apparently Xelliss’ compensation plan is “confidential”. Why? No idea.

Anyhow bollocks to that. The following breakdown is based on Xelliss’ official 2021 compensation documentation for the US.

Xelliss Affiliate Ranks

There are twelve affiliate ranks within Xelliss’ compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • Consultant – sign up as a Xelliss affiliate, generate and maintain 45 PV a month and recruit and maintain two active Consultants (one on either side of the binary team)
  • Bronze – maintain 45 PV a month, generate and maintain 100 PVC and 400 GV a month and maintain two personally recruited Consultants (one on either side of the binary team)
  • Silver – generate and maintain 90 PV, 100 PVC and 1250 GV a month and maintain two personally recruited Consultants (one on either side of the binary team)
  • Gold – maintain 90 PV and 100 PVC a month, generate and maintain 2500 GV a month and recruit and maintain two Bronze ranked affiliates (one on either side of the binary team)
  • Sapphire – maintain 90 PV and 100 PVC a month, generate and maintain 5000 GV a month and recruit and maintain two Silver ranked affiliates (one on either side of the binary team)
  • Ruby – maintain 90 PV and 100 PVC a month, generate and maintain 10,000 GV a month and recruit and maintain two Gold ranked affiliates (one on either side of the binary team)
  • Emerald – maintain 90 PV and 100 PVC a month, generate and maintain 25,000 GV a month and recruit and maintain two Ruby ranked affiliates (one on either side of the binary team)
  • Diamond – maintain 90 PV and 100 PVC a month, generate and maintain 50,000 GV a month and recruit and maintain four Ruby ranked affiliates (min one on both sides of the binary team)
  • Double Diamond – maintain 90 PV and 100 PVC a month, generate and maintain 100,000 GV a month and recruit and maintain six Ruby ranked affiliates (min one on both sides of the binary team)
  • Triple Diamond – maintain 90 PV and 100 PVC a month, generate and maintain 200,000 GV a month and recruit and maintain nine Ruby ranked affiliates (min one on both sides of the binary team)
  • Crown Diamond – maintain 90 PV and 100 PVC a month, generate and maintain 500,000 GV a month and recruit and maintain seven Ruby and two Diamond ranked affiliates (min one of each rank on both sides of the binary team)
  • Crown Ambassador – maintain 90 PV and 100 PVC a month, generate and maintain 1,000,000 GV a month and recruit and maintain ten Ruby and two Diamond ranked affiliates (min one of each rank on both sides of the binary team)

PV stands for “Personal Volume” and is sales volume generated by retail sales and an affiliate’s own orders.

PVC stands for “Point Volume Customer” and is sales volume generated from personal retail sales.

GV stands for “Group Volume” and is PV generated by an affiliate and their downline.

Retail Commissions

Xelliss affiliates are paid a 30% commission on sales volume generated by retail customer orders.

A 10% commission is paid on retail autoship customers.

Retail autoship customers maintain a monthly standing order in exchange for a 20% discount.

Recruitment Commissions

Xelliss affiliates are paid a commission on recruitment of new affiliates.

Recruitment commissions are paid out as a percentage of sales volume generated by the purchase of an “Activation Pack”.

  • recruit a Personal Pack affiliate and receive $10 or $20
  • recruit a Business Pack affiliate and receive $25 or $50
  • recruit a Professional Pack affiliate and receive $50 or $100

Xelliss fail to provide information on the different recruitment commission rates offered.

The company’s compensation documentation only states

you are eligible for Forty Bonuses of 20% and 10% during the first 40 days of registration of your new direct partners.

Residual Commissions

Xelliss pays residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):

The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.

At the end of each week Xelliss tallies up new sales volume on both sides of the binary team.

Affiliates are paid 12% of volume generated on their weaker binary team side.

Residual commissions are capped weekly based on affiliate rank:

  • Consultants can earn up to $300
  • Bronzes can earn up to $500
  • Silvers can earn up to $800
  • Golds can earn up to $1000
  • Sapphires can earn up to $2500
  • Rubys can earn up to $4000
  • Emeralds can earn up to $6000
  • Diamonds and higher can earn up to $15,000

Matching Bonus

Xelliss pays the Matching Bonus via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Xelliss caps the Matching Bonus at seven unilevel team levels.

The Matching Bonus is paid out as a percentage of residual commissions earned across these three levels as follows:

  • Rubys earn a 25% match on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates), 20% on level 2 and 15% on level 3
  • Emeralds earn a 25% match on level 1, 20% on level 2, 15% on level 3 and 10% on level 4
  • Diamonds earn a 30% match on level 1, 25% on level 2, 20% on level 3, 15% on level 4 and 10% on level 5
  • Double Diamonds earn a 35% match on level 1, 30% on level 2, 25% on level 3, 15% on level 4, 10% on level 5 and 5% on level 6
  • Triple Diamonds earn a 35% match on level 1, 30% on level 2, 25% on level 3, 20% on level 4, 15% on level 5 and 10% on level 6
  • Crown Diamonds earn a 35% match on level 1, 30% on level 2, 25% on level 3, 20% on level 4, 15% on level 5, 10% on level 6 and 5% on level 7
  • Crown Ambassadors earn a 40% match on level 1, 35% on level 2, 30% on level 3, 25% on level 4, 20% on level 5, 15% on level 6 and 10% on level 7

Rank Achievement Bonus

Xelliss rewards affiliates for qualifying at Bronze and higher ranks with the following one-time Rank Achievement Bonuses:

  • qualify at Bronze and receive $50
  • qualify at Silver and receive $125
  • qualify at Gold and receive $250
  • qualify at Sapphire and receive $450
  • qualify at Ruby and receive $600
  • qualify at Emerald and receive $1000
  • qualify at Diamond and receive $1500
  • qualify at Double Diamond and receive $2000
  • qualify at Triple Diamond and receive $3000
  • qualify at Crown Diamond and receive $5000
  • qualify at Crown Ambassador and receive $10,000

Car Bonus

Xelliss affiliates who have qualified at Ruby or higher for three consecutive months qualify for a monthly Car Bonus.

  • Rubys receive $600 a month
  • Emeralds receive $800 a month
  • Diamonds and higher receive $1000 a month

Leadership Trip

Xellis’ compensation plan states:

Each year, distributors from the Emerald Rank upwards earn points towards being invited to the annual Leadership Trip.

Points are awarded based on rank at the end of “each qualification period”.

  • Emeralds receive 1 point
  • Diamonds receive 2 points
  • Double Diamonds receive 3 points
  • Triple Diamonds receive 4 points
  • Crown Ambassadors receive 5 points

How earned points fit into the Leadership Trip itself is not disclosed.

Diamond Bonus

The Diamond Bonus is made up of an undisclosed percentage of Xelliss’ company-wide sales volume.

Emerald and higher ranked affiliates receive points towards the Diamond Bonus as follows:

  • Emeralds receive 1 point
  • Diamonds receive 2 points
  • Double Diamonds receive 3 points
  • Triple Diamonds receive 4 points
  • Crown Ambassadors receive 5 points

Presumably points are shares in the Diamond Bonus, however specific details are not provided.

Joining Xelliss

Xelliss do not disclose affiliate membership costs on their website.

From their compensation documentation, we know there are three “Activation Packs” available:

  • Personal Pack
  • Business Pack
  • Professional Pack

Xelliss fail to provide details or costs of these packs on their website or in their compensation material.

PV values are provided, which serve as a ballpark guide:

  • Personal Pack – 100 PV (~$100?)
  • Business Pack – 250 PV (~$250?)
  • Professional Pack – 500 PV (~$500?)


Xelliss has some major disclosure issues, starting with the ridiculous assertion that its compensation plan is “confidential”.

That the company fails to provide membership costs is also a red flag.

In fact at the time of publication Xelliss’ affiliate signup page is broken.

If you attempt to sign up as a Xelliss affiliate you’re redirected to a request to email support.

Xelliss failing to disclose compensation and affiliate membership costs are potential violations of the FTC Act.

Moving onto Xelliss’ products, while streamlining bloat is a good move (we noted significant product overlap in our Natura4Ever review), I feel the offering is a lot more sterile.

With the exception of the coffee capsules, Xelliss renamed products sound like generic chemical formulations.

Whether that was intentional to create the impression of a pharmaceutical offering or not I can’t say. But from a marketing perspective it’s a negative.

Xelliss’ products provide no clue as to what they are (algae supplements) based on name alone.

Pay to play and autoship recruitment were major concerns in our Natura4Ever review.

These might still be present in Xelliss’ European MLM offering. 

This is based on the only recent copy of Xelliss’ European compensation plan I was able to find, dated November 2020, stating;

The Compensation Plan has been adapted for the US market. Please refer to the US Compensation Plan.

Based on a quick run through the European compensation plan, Xelliss is still likely operating as a pyramid scheme outside of the US.

To be active, you must place a so-called qualifying order.

Each qualifying order triggers a distributor’s active status for a period of 4 weeks, the current week of the order and 3 additional weeks.

The automatic delivery plan (ADP) enables the recurring shipment of an order of products, each month, on your chosen date.

This procedure guarantees your active status at 90 PV from date to date.

If you want a more detailed analysis as to why Xelliss is operating as a pyramid scheme outside of the US, read our published Natura4Ever review.

The big change with the US compensation plan is the introduction of PVC.

PVC is pegged slightly higher than PV, which in effect makes PV redundant (PVC volume counts as PV too).

Assuming Xelliss has hardcoded PVC requirements into their compensation calculations, as opposed to it being some wishy-washy honor system, this ensures that every Xelliss affiliate is generating a healthy amount of retail volume.

Another great retail bonus are Loyalty Points, which reward retail customers for referring new customers.

When expanded across the company, this retail sales focus stamps legitimacy into Xelliss’ US operations.

Why the same company would continue to opt running a pyramid scheme outside the US is a mystery.

As it stands the only thing holding back Xelliss in the US is its disclosure issues.

That and blue-algae supplements being widely available across the US market.

Xelliss’ edge is its cultivated algae, which it describes as follows:

The purity and efficacy of a superior quality spirulina, originating from a technology that makes all the difference.

Today, A3Nat spirulina from Xelliss has an exceptional nutritional richness that is unique on the marketplace.

Thanks to our cultivation in photobioreactors, a patented and award-winning state-of-the-art technology, we guarantee a microalgae of consistently high quality throughout the year, able to meet the growing nutritional needs of our consumers.

Is that worth the significant price increase though?

A quick search for blue-algae tablets reveals one brand offering 200 tablets (200 servings) for $50.05. This is literally the first search result that came up so I’m not even being selective about price.

This is weighed against Xelliss’ A3 caps, which offers 15 servings for $45. The raw math comes to 25 cents a serving to Xelliss’ $3 a serving.

A3 Caps is probably the easiest of Xelliss’ products to run a price-comparison on. The rest you might struggle with, which would give Xelliss a competitive advantage.

Definitely check what’s available online in your area though before you commit. Cultivated or not, blue-algae supplements are nothing new and have been around for a long time.

Good luck!


Update 14th May 2024 – Xelliss has collapsed. The company was sold off to Zinzino earlier this month.