uTrading fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website.

uTrading’s website domain (“utrading.ai”), was privately registered on an unknown date.

Over on uTrading’s official YouTube channel, we find robo-dubbed marketing videos with an Asian accent. The use of “VIP” to name uTrading accounts is also typical of Chinese scammers.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

uTrading’s Products

uTrading has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market uTrading affiliate membership itself.

uTrading’s Compensation Plan

uTrading affiliates purchase a subscription to access a “free” crypto trading bot.

uTrading’s bot subscription is wrapped up in convoluted “uGas” fees:

  • 1500 uGas costs 15 USDT
  • 10,000 uGas costs 95 USDT
  • 60,000 uGas costs 540 USDT
  • 200,000 uGas costs 1700 USDT
  • 300,000 uGas costs 2400 USDT
  • 500,000 uGas costs 3750 USDT

As to what these uGas figures mean, uTrading states

you can earn $100 for 1000 uGas, which means it costs you $10 to earn $100.

From this we can extrapolate that uTrading will pay out 10x what an affiliate pays in fees. Note that bot investment is in addition to fees paid to uTrading.

The MLM side of uTrading pays on recruitment of affiliates who also pay subscription fees.

uTrading Affiliate Ranks

There are six affiliate ranks within uTrading’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  1. C-VIP1 – recruit three affiliates
  2. C-VIP2 – recruit five affiliates, at least three of which are C-VIP1 or higher
  3. C-VIP3 – recruit eight affiliates, at least three of which are C-VIP2 or higher
  4. C-VIP4 – recruit twelve affiliates, at least three of which are C-VIP3 or higher
  5. C-VIP5 – recruit twenty affiliates, at least three of which are C-VIP4 or higher
  6. C-VIP6 – recruit thirty affiliates, at least three of which are C-VIP5 or higher

In order to count towards rank qualification, recruited affiliates must have paid subscription fees.

Referral Commissions

uTrading pays referral commissions on USDT fees paid down two levels of recruitment (unilevel).

  • C-VIP1 ranked affiliates earn a 20% referral commission rate
  • C-VIP2 ranked affiliates earn a 30% referral commission rate
  • C-VIP3 ranked affiliates earn a 40% referral commission rate
  • C-VIP4 ranked affiliates earn a 50% referral commission rate
  • C-VIP5 ranked affiliates earn a 55% referral commission rate
  • C-VIP6 ranked affiliates earn a 60% referral commission rate

Note that higher ranked affiliates can earn the referral rate commission difference on downline recruitment activity. This can be from subscription fees paid anywhere in their downline.

In the event a downline affiliate on the first two levels is the same rank as the recruiting affiliate, a 10% referral commission is paid out.

Joining uTrading

uTrading affiliate membership is free.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires a minimum 15 USDT payment of uGas subscription fees.

uTrading Conclusion

uTrading falsely markets itself as a provider of a free trading bot.

This is a free, fully functional, automated crypto trading system, a weapon that enables you to compete with professional algorithmic traders.

This is baloney, as the only way anyone can use the bot is by paying uGas access fees.

Beyond that initial deception, uTrading is your typical “lulz can’t touch our money!” model scam.

The bottom-line is if uTrading’s purported bot worked long-term, whoever is running uTrading would be quietly running it for themselves.

It makes no sense to whore out the golden goose at little to no cost.

Furthermore, with nothing marketed or sold to retail customers, the MLM side of uTrading operates as a pyramid scheme.

BehindMLM refers to trading bot opportunities like uTrading as “lulz can’t touch our money!” schemes. This is due to the common misconception that the owner of the bot can’t steal money from user trading accounts.

Typically “lulz can’t touch our money!” schemes exit-scam through blowing the bot up or rigged trades.

However and whenever they inevitably exit-scam, the majority of investors in “lulz can’t touch our money!” schemes lose money.