SuperAventure fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website.

In fact, as I write this, SuperAventure’s website is nothing more than an affiliate login form:

SuperAventure’s website defaults to French, thus appearing to target French speaking regions.

SuperAventure’s website domain (“”), was privately registered on June 30th, 2022.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

SuperAventure’s Products

SuperAventure has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market SuperAventure affiliate membership itself.

SuperAventure’s Compensation Plan

SuperAventure affiliates purchase positions in nine-tier gifting pyramid scheme.

Matrix sizes used in SuperAventure’s gifting pyramid scheme are 2×1 and 2×2.

A 2×1 matrix is simple in nature, requiring two positions to fill:

A 2×2 matrix adds a second level, created by splitting the first two positions into another two positions each.

SuperAventure affiliates pay a fee to enter each pyramid tier. Commissions are tied to filling matrix positions, which is achieved when other affiliates purchase positions.

Commissions across SuperAventure’s nine-tier pyramid scheme are as follows:

  • Tier 1 (1×2 matrix, positions cost $25) – $50 commission
  • Tier 2 (2×2 matrix, positions cost $50) – $200 commission
  • Tier 3 (2×2 matrix, positions cost $100) – $400 commission
  • Tier 4 (2×2 matrix, positions cost $200) – $800 commission
  • Tier 5 (2×2 matrix, positions cost $400) – $1600 commission
  • Tier 6 (2×2 matrix, positions cost $800) – $3200 commission
  • Tier 7 (2×2 matrix, positions cost $1600) – $6400 commission
  • Tier 8 (2×2 matrix, positions cost $2500) – $10,000 commission
  • Tier 9 (2×2 matrix, positions cost $5000) – $20,000 commission

Joining SuperAventure

SuperAventure affiliate membership appears to be free.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires $10,675 in matrix position purchases.

SuperAventure Conclusion

There’s not much to SuperAventure, it’s a pretty basic pyramid scheme.

New SuperAventure affiliates are recruited, purchase positions and get paid when subsequently recruited affiliates do the same.

The gifting nature of the scam exists by way of affiliates paying each other as directed:

Note the use of Canadian processor Interac. This ties into the targeting of French speakers, which I believe is likely directed at Quebec province.

Whoever is running SuperAventure is also likely from Canada too.

As with all MLM pyramid schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will commissions.

This will eventually trigger a collapse, resulting in a loss for the majority of SuperAventure affiliates.