Super CodingFly has a website domain but only uses the domain to host its bot app.

There is no company website on the Super CodingFly domain.

The domain itself (“”) was registered on February 21st, 2019.

Hong Cao is listed as the owner, through an address in Anhui, China.

Despite its website domain only existing as of last month, Super CodingFly’s marketing material claims the company has been around since 2015.

Despite the links to China, Super CodingFly claims its headquarters are in Singapore. This is supposedly through a financial relationship with ZB Exchange, a Singaporean cryptocurrency exchange.

Other than serving as social media marketing fodder, there doesn’t appear to be any relevance to this connection.

Super CodingFly’s marketing material cites Bruce Zhang as CEO of the company.

Zhang claims to be an “early investor of bitcoin” and supposedly founded Super CodingFly in 2015.

He is also cited as the CEO of ZB Mega, a shell company tying Super CodingFly and ZB Exchange together.

Outside of Super CodingFly marketing material, Zhang doesn’t have a digital footprint.

At least as far as MLM goes, Super CodingFly appears to be Zhang’s first MLM venture.

Read on for a full review of the Super CodingFly MLM opportunity.

Super CodingFly Products

Super CodingFly has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Super CodingFly affiliate membership itself.

The Super CodingFly Compensation Plan

Super CodingFly affiliates invest ethereum on the promise of advertised returns.

  • invest 0.8 ETH and receive a monthly 8% ROI
  • invest 3.9 to 23 ETH and receive a monthly 12% ROI
  • invest 23 to 230 ETH and receive a 16% ROI
  • invest 230 to 390 ETH and receive an 18% ROI

Super CodingFly pays returns and commissions in SCF Tokens.

SCF Tokens have no value outside of Super CodingFly itself.

The company does not publish the current SCF Token internal value.

Residual Commissions

To qualify for residual commissions, a Super CodingFly affiliate must invest at least 0.8 ETH.

Super CodingFly pays residual commissions via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Super CodingFly caps payable residual commissions at ten levels.

Residual commissions are paid out as 10% of returns received by affiliates across ten unilevel team levels.

In order to earn beyond the first ten unilevel team levels, Super CodingFly affiliates must meet additional qualification criteria.

  • S1 (recruit at least ten investing affiliates and generate at least $150,000 in downline SCF token ROI volume) = 6% residual commissions on unilevel team returns from level 11 to infinite depth
  • S2 (have at least three S1 affiliates in your downline, in at least two different unilevel team legs) = 9% residual commission on unilevel team returns from level 11 to infinite depth
  • S3 (have at least three S2 affiliates in your downline, in at least two separate unilevel team legs) = 12% residual commission on unilevel team returns from level 11 to infinite depth
  • SCF (have at least three S3 affiliates in your downline, in at least two separate unilevel team legs) – 15% residual commission on unilevel team returns from level 11 to infinite depth

Global Pool

SCF ranked Super CodingFly affiliates receive a share in 5% of company-wide investment volume.

Joining Super CodingFly

Super CodingFly affiliate membership is free.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires a minimum 0.8 ETH investment.


We’re at the point now where MLM cryptocurrency Ponzi schemes don’t even need websites.

Instead they’re promoted across social media networks and chatrooms.

There is of course no legitimate reason for this, other than the hope of flying under the regulatory radar for just a little longer.

Super CodingFly is no different to the rest of the MLM crypto Ponzi bots doing the rounds.

SCF Token is an ERC-20 token, which anyone can set up in about five minutes.

SCF Token brings nothing new to the cryptocurrency niche, serving only as a vehicle for Super CodingFly to commit Ponzi fraud through.

Said Ponzi fraud is committed through a bot, which tracks new investment and uses it to pay existing SCF Token investors.

On the pseudo-compliance side of things, Super CodingFly claims to generate external ROI revenue through investment in the usual Ponzi clichés:

  • financial transactions
  • private equity funds
  • stocks, futures, bonds, foreign exchanges
  • commodity trading advisors

Naturally there’s no evidence to support any of these claims. Furthermore they also fail the Ponzi logic test.

If Super CodingFly was already investing funds in the above activities, such they were generating returns of up to 18% a month – why would they be soliciting investment from randoms over the internet?

As it stands Super CodingFly’s only verifiable source of ROI revenue is new investment.

Using newly invested funds to pay existing investors a monthly ROI makes confirms Super CodingFly is a Ponzi scheme.

Super Trading Fly is also not registered to offer securities in any jurisdiction it solicits investment in (notably Singapore, South Korea and China), adding an additional layer of securities fraud to the scheme.

By now you should be familiar with the MLM crypto exit-scam model. This seems to already be in place and will be facilitated through ZB Exchange at some point.

Long story short; Once Bruce Zhang and the gang feel they’ve stolen enough money in exchange for worthless SCF Tokens (or recruitment collapses), they’ll list SCF publicly, sell off during the initial pump and then do a runner.

Super CodingFly bagholder affiliates who were duped into believing lambo riches were just around the corner, then watch their SCF plummet to a public trading value of zero.

This is pretty much the endgame of every MLM cryptocurrency company. Super CodingFly won’t play out any different.