Stratxis Limited provide no information on their website about who runs or owns the business.

The Stratxis Limited website domain (“”) was privately registered on October 9th, 2017.

An incorporation number provided on the Stratxis Limited website reveals the company was incorporated in the UK on October 11th, 2017.

Mikel Ross is listed as the sole Director of the company.

No information on Ross outside of of Stratxis Limited’s incorporation is available however, casting doubt on whether he actually exists.

Despite existing as of only a few weeks ago, on their website Stratxis Limited represent they have “five years experience”.

A corporate address in London, UK is provided on the Stratxis Limited website. Further research however reveals multiple businesses operating out of the same address, strongly suggesting it is virtual office space.

Supporting this is the use of a stock image of an office to represent Stratxis Limited’s non-existent office.

Marketing copy on the Stratxis Limited website also appears on the Dr. Profit and Crypto Infinity websites.

Both Dr. Profit (Oct, 2017) and Crypto Infinity (Apr, 2016) appear to be collapsed Ponzi schemes. The shared use of marketing copy suggests all three websites are related (likely common ownership).

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

Stratxis Limited Products

Stratxis Limited has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Stratxis Limited affiliate membership itself.

The Stratxis Limited Compensation Plan

Stratxis Limited affiliates invest at least $10 worth of bitcoin on the promise of a 6% daily ROI for 30 days (180%).

Referral commissions are available on invested funds, paid down three levels of recruitment (unilevel):

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 8%
  • level 2 – 3%
  • level 1 – 2%

Joining Stratxis Limited

Stratxis Limited affiliate membership is tied to a minimum $10 investment in bitcoin.


Stratxis Limited claim ROI revenue is generated through “investments into the Bit trading market stocks”.

Aside from “Bit trading marketing stocks” not being a thing (???), there is no evidence of any stock trading provided.

Scams claiming to legitimately generate ridiculous ROIs and be willing to share that with anyone is nothing new.

The model universally fails the Ponzi logic test, as any such legitimate system would be carefully guarded and kept under wraps.

In an attempt to address this Stratxis Limited claim:

Today we have several data centers in the United Kingdom but a lack of operating capital hinders our development.

That is why the investment direction should be the ideal solution not only for us but also for our many customers.

A 6% daily ROI is an annual return of $2190.

To put that into perspective, if you invested just $1000, after a year you’d have $21,900 without compounding.

And Stratxis Limited expect people to believe they don’t have capital?

The reason Stratxis Limited need your money is because all they’re doing is using newly invested funds to pay off existing investors.

This is Ponzi fraud and illegal the world over.

When invested funds inevitably run out, Stratxis Limited collapses and the majority of affiliates lose money.