SpanoTech Global operates in the cryptocurrency MLM niche.

The company uses stock photos to represent fictional executives on its website:

Below you can see the same stock photo used by a university circa May 2022;

Up until a few days ago, SpanoTech Global operates from the website domain “”. This domain was privately registered on January 27th, 2023.

SpanoTech Global now operates from “”, privately registered on April 18th, 2023.

SpanoTech Global operated from its original domain since March 1st.

No explanation for the sudden switch is provided on SpanoTech Global’s website or social media profiles.

In another attempt to appear legitimate, SpanoTech Global provides a corporate address in California on its website. The address doesn’t exist.

It’s a bit hard to ignore the numerous spelling and grammatical mistakes on SpanoTech Global’s website. This suggests whoever put SpanoTech Global together isn’t a native English speaker.

Further supporting this is the presence of Oromo in SpanoTech Global’s website source-code.

Oromo is a language from Africa, specifically Ethiopia and northern Kenya.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

SpanoTech Global’s Products

SpanoTech Global has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market SpanoTech Global affiliate membership itself.

SpanoTech Global’s Compensation Plan

SpanoTech Global affiliates invest tether (USDT) and tron (TRX) into SPNO tokens:

  • Mercury – invest $25 and receive 2475 SPNO
  • Venus – invest $50 and receive an undisclosed amount of SPNO
  • Earth – invest $100 and receive an undisclosed amount of SPNO
  • Mars – invest $500 and receive an undisclosed amount of SPNO
  • Jupiter – invest $1000 and receive an undisclosed amount of SPNO
  • Saturn – invest $2500 and receive an undisclosed amount of SPNO
  • Uranus – invest $5000 and receive an undisclosed amount of SPNO

At the Mercury tier we can calculate 1 SPNO being sold for just over 1 cent.

This is probably the same for the other tiers but seeing as SpanoTech Global hasn’t provided amounts, I’ve erred on the side of caution in case there’s discounts.

The MLM side of SpanoTech Global pays on recruitment of affiliate investors.

SpanoTech Global Affiliate Ranks

There are ten affiliate ranks within SpanoTech Global’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  1. Star – recruit two affiliates
  2. Bronze – recruit four affiliates
  3. Silver – recruit fifteen affiliates
  4. Gold – generate a downline of at least one hundred affiliates and have two CashPool Income qualified affiliates in your downline
  5. Emerald – generate a total downline of at least three hundred affiliates, and have three CashPool Income and one Royalty Income qualified affiliate/affiliates in your downline
  6. Sapphire – generate a total downline of at least two thousand five hundred affiliates, and have five CashPool Income and two Royalty Income qualified affiliates in your downline
  7. Diamond – generate a total downline of at least ten thousand affiliates, and have ten CashPool Income and five Royalty Income qualified affiliates in your downline
  8. Blue Diamond – generate a total downline of at least twenty-five thousand affiliates
  9. Royal Diamond – generate a total downline of at least one hundred thousand affiliates
  10. Crown Diamond – generate a total downline of at least two hundred and fifty thousand affiliates

Note that recruited affiliates must have invested to count towards rank qualification.

Also note that from Blue Diamond, up to 70% of required downline affiliates can be counted from any one recruitment leg.

Referral Commissions

SpanoTech Global affiliates earn a 50% commission on cryptocurrency invested by personally recruited affiliates.

Residual Referral Commissions

SpanoTech Global pays residual referral commissions via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

SpanoTech Global caps payable unilevel team levels at fifteen.

Residual referral commissions are paid out as a percentage of cryptocurrency invested across these fifteen levels as follows:

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 5%
  • level 2 – 3%
  • level 3 – 2%
  • level 4 – 1%
  • levels 5 to 14 – 0.5%
  • level 15 – 1%

Note that SpanoTech Global affiliates must recruit in order to qualify for each residual referral commission level.

E.g. one recruited affiliate is required to earn on level 1. Two recruited affiliates are required to earn on level 2 and so forth, up to fifteen recruited affiliates required to earn up to level 15.

Residual Matrix Commissions

SpanoTech Global pays residual matrix commissions via a 4×10 matrix.

A 4×10 matrix placeas a SpanoTech Global affiliate at the top of a matrix, with four positions directly under them:

Level two of the matrix is generated by splitting these first four positions into another four positions each (16 positions).

Levels three to ten of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with each new level housing four times as many positions as the previous level.

SpanoTech Global runs eight 4×10 matrices, each corresponding with the company’s investment tiers.

Residual matrix commissions are paid on investment across the eight investment tiers as follows:

  • Mercury – $1.50 per Mercury tier investment
  • Venus – $2 per Venus tier investment
  • Earth – $6 per Earth tier investment
  • Mars – $30 per Mars tier investment
  • Jupiter – $60 per Jupiter tier investment
  • Saturn – $150 per Saturn tier investment
  • Uranus – $300 per Uranus tier investment

Note that personal investment criteria must be met to earn on all matrix levels across all seven SpanoTech Global investment tiers:

  • to qualify for residual matrix commissions two personally recruited affiliates are required
  • Venus investment is required once the matrix fills to level 4 (any tier)
  • Earth investment is required once the matrix fills to level 7 (any tier)
  • Mars investment is required once the matrix fills to level 10 (any tier)
  • when the Venus matrix tier fills to level 4 specifically, Jupiter investment is then required to continue earning
  • when the Earth matrix tier fills to level 4 specifically, Saturn investment is then required to continue earning
  • when the Mars matrix tier fills to level 4 specifically, Uranus investment is then required to continue earning

CashPool Income

SpanoTech Global takes 3% of company-wide investment and places it into a CashPool Income pool.

SpanoTech Global affiliates qualify for a share in the CashPool Income pool by recruiting four affiliates within 15 days.

Note that recruited affiliates must have invested to count towards CashPool Income qualification.

CashPool Income is paid out monthly once qualified for.

Royalty Income

SpanoTech Global takes 5% of company-wide investment and places it into a Royalty Income pool.

SpanoTech Global affiliates qualify for a share in the Royalty Income Pool by

  • recruiting at least fifteen affiliates
  • having a total downline of at least one hundred recruited affiliates
  • having at least three affiliates who have qualified for CashPool Income in their downline

Royalty Income is paid to qualified SpanoTech Global affiliates monthly.

Rank Achievement Bonus

SpanoTech Global rewards affiliates for qualifying at Star and higher with the following one-time Rank Achievement Bonuses:

  • qualify at Star and receive $2
  • qualify at Bronze and receive $4
  • qualify at Silver and receive $10
  • qualify at Gold and receive $50
  • qualify at Emerald and receive a smartphone or $150
  • qualify at Sapphire and receive an iPad or $350
  • qualify at Diamond and receive an iPhone 14 Pro Max or $1200
  • qualify at Blue Diamond and receive a Harley Davidson motorbike or $7500
  • qualify at Royal Diamond and receive a BMW 3 Series sedan or $50,000
  • qualify at Crown Diamond and receive a Range Rover SUV or $100,000

Weekly Allowance

Starting at Gold rank, SpanoTech Global rewards affiliates with a weekly allowance.

  • qualify at Gold and receive $5 a week for 10 weeks
  • qualify at Emerald and receive $10 a week for 20 weeks
  • qualify at Sapphire and receive $15 a week for 50 weeks
  • qualify at Diamond and receive $30 a week for 75 weeks
  • qualify at Blue Diamond and receive $50 a week for 100 weeks
  • qualify at Royal Diamond and receive $100 a week for 200 weeks
  • qualify at Crown Diamond and receive $500 a week for 250 weeks

Joining SpanoTech Global

SpanoTech Global affiliate membership is free.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires an initial $25 to $5000 investment.

SpanoTech Global solicits investment in tether (USDT) and tron (TRX).

SpanoTech Global Conclusion

SpanoTech Global solicits investment into SPNO on the premise “number go up”;

In 2023-24 our SPNO token is going to be launched in many crypto exchanges, through this token, you will be able to make a tremendous income along with many types of transactions in the future.

To convince gullible investors why “number go up”, SpanoTech Global trots out meaningless marketing waffle.

Spanotech is a global cryptocurrency ecosystem whose members help each other to achieve financial well-being using our system of 100% Distribution.

Our community of highly skilled developers is constantly working for your exponential growth.

Our special Crowd funding program is specially designed to bring people together from all over the world and opens up endless possibilities to new economic financial systems.

As an investment opportunity SpanoTech Global’s SPNO scheme would constitute a securities offering. SpanoTech Global provides no evidence it has registered with financial regulators in any jurisdiction.

This means that, at a minimum, SpanoTech Global is committing securities fraud.

As an MLM opportunity, SpanoTech Global’s SPNO token investment scheme takes a backseat to its pyramid scheme.

New investors are recruited and SpanoTech Global affiliates receive a cut of how much they invest. There isn’t anything else to the MLM opportunity.

Although there is an investment opportunity and it effectively functions as a Ponzi scheme (early SPNO investors will hope to cash out cryptocurrency invested by investors recruited after them), I’ve classified SpanoTech Global as a pyramid scheme given the unlikelihood of SPNO going anywhere.

At best expect SPNO to be used as an exit-scam when SpanoTech Global’s pyramid scheme collapses (marketing hype –> early investors cash out –> sorry for your loss).

The math behind MLM pyramid schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of participants lose money.