Scorpio fails to provide verifiable ownership or executive information on its website.

Supposedly Scorpio is headed up by CEO Willard Chapman.

Chapman doesn’t exist outside of Scorpio’s marketing. I suspect, along with Scorpio’s other executives, that these are AI generated profile photos.

If you look closely at Chapman’s body, you’ll see his arm is wonky inside his suit and he’s crossed his arms at the pectoral level. Chapman’s left hand is also missing.

All three Scorpio executives are also posed in exactly the same manner at exactly the same angle with weird non-uniform lighting. Together these observations are indicative of AI-generated images.

Scorpio’s website domain (“”), was registered on October 10th, 2023. The private registration was last updated on July 2nd, 2024.

Through the Wayback Machine, the earliest version of Scorpio’s current website was tracked in mid January 2024. Scorpio’s official FaceBook group was created in November 2023.

Despite being nine months old at the latest, on its website Scorpio falsely claims it “started its journey in 2018”.

It’s also worth noting Scorpio’s FaceBook page is adminned by “Isabel Snyder”. The Snyder account has is populated with what appears to be stolen photos and otherwise has no content.

As of June 2024, SimilarWeb tracks top sources of traffic to Scorpio’s website as Hungary (68%), Germany (19%) and Switzerland (6%).

As opposed to website representations Scorpio is based out of the US and Hong Kong, whoever is actually running it likely has ties to Europe.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

Scorpio’s Products

Scorpio has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market Scorpio affiliate membership itself.

Scorpio’s Compensation Plan

Scorpio affiliates invest tether (USDT). This is done on the promise of passive returns:

  • invest 100 USDT or more for two months and receive 2.03% to 2.26% a day
  • invest 100 USDT or more for three months and receive 1.54% to 1.77% a day
  • invest 500 USDT or more for two months and receive 2.06% to 2.26% a day
  • invest 500 USDT or more for three months and receive 1.57% to 1.79% a day
  • invest 10,000 USDT or more for two months and receive 1.74% to 1.93% a day
  • invest 10,000 USDT or more for six months and receive 1.41% to 1.7% a day

The MLM side of Scorpio pays on recruitment of affiliate investors.

Referral Commissions

Scorpio pays referral commissions on invested USDT via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Scorpio caps payable unilevel team levels at five.

Referral commissions are paid as a percentage of USDT invested across these five levels as follows:

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 7%
  • level 2 – 4%
  • level 3 – 3%
  • level 4 – 2%
  • level 5 – 1%

Downline Investment Bonus

Scorpio rewards affiliates for reaching downline investment milestones:

  • generate 1000 USDT in downline investment and receive 50 USDT
  • generate 5000 USDT in downline investment and receive 100 USDT
  • generate 10,000 USDT in downline investment and receive 200 USDT
  • generate 20,000 USDT in downline investment and receive 500 USDT
  • generate 50,000 USDT in downline investment and receive 1000 USDT
  • generate 100,000 USDT in downline investment and receive 2500 USDT

Note that Scorpio only counts downline investment across five levels of the unilevel team:

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 100% of invested USDT counted
  • level 2 – 70% of invested USDT counted
  • level 3 – 50% of invested USDT counted
  • level 4 – 30% of invested USDT counted
  • level 5 – 20% of invested USDT counted

Joining Scorpio

Scorpio affiliate membership is free.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires a minimum 100 USDT investment.

Scorpio Conclusion

Scorpio represents it generates external revenue via stocks, blockchain and venture capital investment.

Scorpio fails to provide evidence it generates external revenue of any kind. Furthermore, Scorpio’s business model fails the Ponzi logic test.

If Scorpio is already able to generate up to 2.26% a day, what do they need your money for? And why is Scorpio providing you access to astronomical returns at no cost?

As it stands the only verifiable source of revenue entering Scorpio is new investment.

Using new investment to pay withdrawals would make Scorpio a Ponzi scheme. Additionally, with nothing marketed or sold to retail customers, the MLM side of Scorpio functions as a pyramid scheme.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment.

This will starve Scorpio of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

The math behind Ponzi schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of participants lose money.