Renao Global operates in the travel, tech and nutritional supplement MLM niches.

Despite not existing up until a few months ago, Renao Global claims it has “a proven track record spanning almost 2 decades”.

We opened our doors initially in 2002 with an unbelievable story against all odds as there are with any network marketing company that wants to open.

No specific information is provided.

Heading up Renao Global is co-founder Mel Gill and CEO and President Raymond Medeiros.

As per Gill’s Renao Global corporate bio, he has

30 years experience in Direct Sales as a Multi Million Dollar Producer (and is) considered the top 1% across the globe.

From what I’ve been able to piece together Gill and his wife Amie launched their first MLM company, Team Effort International, in 2002.

In an undated interview with NPros, Gill described Team Effort International’s business model as “consumer savings marketed under one umbrella”.

In 2004 Gill and his wife launched My Video Talk, a “communications platform” MLM company.

Circa 2011/2012, Team Effort Network was launched as “the newest division of Team Effort International”.

One day in late 2010, one of our customers came to us with a technology idea: liquid vitamins in a spray delivery system. Or simply, spray vitamins!

Raymond Medeiros’ tie to the MLM industry is through Freedom Leaf, who now go by GL Brands.

In August 2018 Freedom Leaf acquired Tierra Science Global. A press-release announcing the acquisition was authored by Medeiros.

Tierra Science Global appears to have collapsed on or around April 2019.

As far as I can tell none of the Team Effort companies are still operating today.

Based on Renao Global referencing an opening in 2002, it appears the company is the latest iteration of the same group of Team Effort companies.

Mid last year Mel and Amie Gill launched Wow Nutrition Technology, primarily targeting India. The company appears to have lasted a few months before collapsing.

For all intents and purposes Renao Global is a reboot of Wow Nutrition Technology, this time targeting the US.

Read on for a full review of Renao Global’s MLM opportunity.

Renao Global’s Products

Products featured on Renao Global’s website span the travel, tech and wellness niches.

G2Go Travel Club claims to use “proprietary technology” to run a travel booking engine.

The tech side of Renao Global is tied to lead generation.

Introducing 3 Click Marketing

Our proprietary process gets every proven online marketing strategy working for you in just 30 seconds per day.

Renao Global’s nutritional supplement is Black MP Living Water.

No retail pricing for any of Renao Global’s products is provided on their website.

Renao Global’s Compensation Plan

Renao Global’s compensation plan combines recruitment commissions with binary residuals.

Additional performance-based bonuses are also on offer.

Recruitment Commissions

Renao Global affiliates earn a 20% commission on enrollment packages purchased by personally recruited affiliates.

Residual Commissions

Renao Global pays residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):

The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.

At the end of each week Renao Global tallies up new sales volume on both sides of the binary team.

For every 60 GV matched on one side of the binary team with 120 GV on the other, a cycle is generated.

Renao Global affiliates earn $30 per cycle generated, capped at up to $100,000 a week based on rank.

Leadership Advance Bonus

The Leadership Advance Bonus is tied to cycles generated over a consecutive four-week period.

  • Rank 1 – generate 2 cycles a week for four weeks and receive $50
  • Rank 2 – generate 4 cycles a week for four weeks and receive $75
  • Rank 3 – generate 8 cycles a week for four weeks and receive $100
  • Bronze – generate 12 cycles a week for four weeks and receive $125
  • Silver – generate 24 cycles a week for four weeks and receive $250
  • Gold – generate 50 cycles a week for four weeks and receive $600
  • Pearl – generate 60 cycles a week for four weeks and receive $1250
  • Ruby – generate 72 cycles a week for four weeks and receive $2500
  • Emerald – generate 150 cycles a week for four weeks and receive $3500
  • Diamond – generate 250 cycles a week for four weeks and receive $5000
  • Black Diamond – generate 420 cycles a week for four weeks and receive $10,000
  • Presidential Black Diamond – generate 750 cycles a week for four weeks and receive $25,000
  • Ambassador – generate 1200 cycles a week for four weeks and receive $50,000
  • Crown Ambassador – generate 1400 cycles a week for four weeks and receive $100,000

Note that to qualify for the Leadership Advancement Bonus, a Renao Global affiliate must maintain a monthly autoship order.

Executive Bonus

The Executive Bonus is a recruitment-based bonus.

Renao Global affiliates earn $100 when they recruit two affiliates (placed one on each side of the binary team), who in turn recruit two affiliates of their own (placed on each side of their binary teams).

Autoship Bonus

Renao Global pays $25 for every three autoship orders on one side of the binary team matched with six autoship orders on the other side.

President’s Club Bonus

The President’s Club Bonus is tied to the following rank qualification criteria:

  • President 1 Star – earn $1000 in a week
  • President 2 Star – earn $2000 in a week
  • President 3 Star – earn $5000 in a week
  • President 10 Star – earn $10,000 in a week
  • SuperStar – earn $25,000 in a week

To earn the President’s Club Bonus, the above criteria (any rank) must be qualified for twice within a rolling four-week period.

The actual President’s Club Bonus amount paid out is equal to the qualification criteria above, starting at President 2 Star.

E.g. The President’s Club Bonus for President 2 Star is $2000.

Car Bonus

Renao Global Executive and higher ranked affiliates can qualify for the Car Bonus.

In addition to being Executive or higher, the Car Bonus requires an affiliate to

  • generate at least 50 GV on one side of the binary team and 100 GV on the other a month;
  • maintain the above volume requirement for three consecutive months.

The Car Bonus pays out $600 a month, provided the above criteria is maintained.

Note that Renao Global fail to provide Executive qualification criteria in their official compensation video.

Joining Renao Global

Renao Global do not disclose affiliate membership costs on their website.


If I turned on the tap and black water came out. I’d be speed-dialing the plumber.

Granted my contaminated tap water isn’t supposed to be black, but it’s still not how we envision “healthy” drinking water.

On that basis alone Renao Global’s Black MP Living Water is a hard sell. Even more so considering retail pricing isn’t provided.

From the lack of compensation documentation to affiliate membership costs, lack of disclosure is a common theme throughout Renao Global.

Considering Mel Gill has been at this since 2002 (and makes a big deal about it), there is no excuse.

The first compensation major red flag I came across was Renao Global classifying affiliate purchases as retail sales.

As a Brand Promoter you can earn the Retail profits.

Retail sales allow you to earn income (up to 30%) by purchasing the Renao products at the wholesale price and selling them at a suggested retail price.

Throughout both their Herbalife and Vemma lawsuits, the FTC was adamant that affiliate purchases are not retail sales.

Retail sales can be claimed if each and every resale receipt is tracked, but neither Herbalife or Vemma were doing this.

Renao Global don’t provide any indication they track retail resale, so it appears they don’t either.

I might have given them the benefit of the doubt, if it weren’t for Wow Nutrition Technology operating as a pyramid scheme.

This is from the company’s compensation plan:


As far as I can tell there aren’t any retail customers in Wow Nutrition Global. Everyone is an affiliate.

So it seems Renao Global has added a travel portal and lead generation suite, and is basically running the same company.

Whether the travel portal or lead generation suite tie into Renao Global’s compensation plan isn’t clear.

The company’s official compensation plan video doesn’t clarify what product sales are counted as commissionable sales volume.

The Leadership Advance Bonus requires an affiliate to maintain monthly autoship, which I believe underlies the primary focus of the opportunity; affiliate autoship recruitment.

Given the lack of retail focus on Renao Global’s website, I’d be very surprised if retail made up a significant percentage of company-wide sales revenue. Retail receipt tracking issues aside.

One last thing I want to touch on takes us back to the black water supplement.

From what I can tell, before it was abandoned (or collapsed) Wow Nutrition Technology was marketing Black MP Living Water internationally.

That Renao Global is restricting sale of Black MP Living Water is interesting. Not sure what happened there but Wow Nutrition Technology no longer lists the product for sale.

Oh and those illegal marketing claims, they’re still publicly available.

How widespread the illegal medical claims used to market Black MP Living Water were I can’t say.

As of March 2020 Renao Global distributors in the Philippines are marketing Black MP Living Water as a COVID-19 preventative.

How that fits in with Renao Global claiming the product is only available for sale in the US I have no idea.

Personally I’d look to avoid Renao Global until the company comes clean on compensation information, product costs and affiliate membership costs. All of which should be readily available on the company’s website.