Rapid Cycler Review: Revenue-sharing cycler hybrid
There is no information on the Rapid Cycler website indicating who owns or runs the business.
The Rapid Cycler website domain (“rapidcycler.com”) was registered on the 14th of April 2015, however the domain registration is set to private.
“Tim Jacobs” is supposedly signing off on Rapid Cycler affiliate emails, however due to the generic nature of the name this is probably not a real person. At least not in the sense that “Tim Jacobs” is running Rapid Cycler.
As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.
The Rapid Cycler Product Line
Rapid Cycler has no retailalable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Rapid Cycler affiliate membership itself.
Once signed up, Rapid Cycler affiliates can then purchase revenue-sharing positions and participate in the Rapid Cycler income opportunity.
Bundled with each matrix position purchase are a series of advertising credits, which can be used to display advertising on the Rapid Cycler website itself.
The Rapid Cycler Compensation Plan
The Rapid Cycler compensation plan sees affiliates sign up and then purchase revenue-sharing positions. Commissions are paid out when recruited affiliates do the same.
Note that 66% of all Rapid Cycler commission payouts must be reinvested back into the company.
Revenue-sharing Cycler
The core of Rapid Cycler’s compensation plan has affiliates buy into a twelve-tier matrix cycler.
By not disclosing the size of the matrices used however, Rapid Cycler’s matrix cyclers instead function as revenue-sharing positions.
- tier 1 – positions cost $15 and earn $45 (up to $0.75 a day)
- tier 2 – positions cost $30 and earn $90 (up to $1.5 a day)
- tier 3 – positions cost $60 and earn $180 (up to $3 a day)
- tier 4 – positions cost $120 and earn $360 (up to $6 a day)
- tier 5 – positions cost $240 and earn $720 (up to $12 a day)
- tier 6 – positions cost $480 and earn $1440 (up to $24 a day)
- tier 7 – positions cost $960 and earn $2880 (up to $48 a day)
- tier 8 – positions cost $1920 and earn $5760 (up to $96 a day)
- tier 9 – positions cost $3840 and earn $11,520 (up to $192 a day)
- tier 10 – positions cost $7680 and earn $23,040 (up to $384 a day)
- tier 11 – positions cost $15,360 and earn $46,080 (up to $768 a day)
- tier 12 – positions cost $30,720 and earn $92,000 (up to $1536 a day)
Note that this is modeled after a matrix cycler, meaning that the fee to enter each subsequent tier after the first are paid out of the previous tier’s cycle earnings.
Being revenue-sharing positions, there’s no minimum as to how much is paid on each position daily.
Cycler Feeder
Rapid Cycler run a feeder into the above twelve-tier cycler, costing an affiliate $5 and paying the $15 required to purchase a tier 1 cycler position.
For those not interest in revenue-sharing cycling, Rapid Cycler also offer traditional $50 a pop revenue-sharing positions.
These positions pay out an eventual $65, subject to the rate of subsequent fund investment by Rapid Cycler affiliates (max $1 ROI paid out daily).
Referral Commissions
Referral commissions in Rapid Cycler are offered in two tiers.
The first is a straight referral commission, paying 10% of funds spent on revenue-sharing positions (both cycler ($15) and traditional ($50) revenue-sharing positions).
Residual referral commissions are paid as direct referral commissions are accumulated.
These commissions aren’t paid out as cash, but rather first-tier revenue-sharing cycler positions:
- $50 in direct referral commissions = 2 tier 1 revenue-sharing cycler positions
- $200 in direct referral commissions = 6 tier 1 revenue-sharing cycler positions
- $500 in direct referral commissions = 14 tier 1 revenue-sharing cycler positions
- $1000 in direct referral commissions = 30 tier 1 revenue-sharing cycler positions
- $2000 in direct referral commissions = 36 tier 1 revenue-sharing cycler positions
- $3000 in direct referral commissions = 42 tier 1 revenue-sharing cycler positions
- $4000 in direct referral commissions = 50 tier 1 revenue-sharing cycler positions
- $5000 in direct referral commissions = 60 tier 1 revenue-sharing cycler positions
- $7000 in direct referral commissions = 80 tier 1 revenue-sharing cycler positions
- $10,000 in direct referral commissions = 100 tier 1 revenue-sharing cycler positions
Joining Rapid Cycler
Affiliate membership with Rapid Cycle is free, however an affiliate must invest in either a feeder position ($5), revenue-sharing cycler position ($15) or regular cycler position ($50), in order to participate in the income opportunity.
Accordingly, that pegs the actual cost of Rapid Cycler affiliate membership between $5 and $50.
As per the Rapid Cycler website,
The only thing that stalls all cyclers is the endless wait for cycling of the cycler positions. The wait kills the members spirit and dampens their enthusiasm and ultimately stalls the cycler.
The Fast Flow Cycler System completely cures this problem. As all active cycler positions earn daily till they cycle, the cycling spirit goes on & on.
Actually what stalls a cycler is the scheme running out of new funds to pay off existing investors, with Rapid Cycler being no different.
And while it is interesting to see revenue-sharing combined with a matrix cycler structure, the maths behind it is terrible.
As far as the cycler goes, you’re looking at $15 entering the system per position bought and being distributed among existing investors.
When you look at the ridiculous promises of “up to $1536 a day”, remember that’s 103 payments a day required to achieve that. Per affiliate, per cycler position. Oh and you have to totally ignore referral commissions and other payouts, otherwise it’s even more.
Speaking of which, referral commissions are generating a bunch of phantom positions in the cycler, resulting in eventual withdrawals with no new money entering the system.
And on top of that you’ve got mandated 66% reinvestment, ensuring that the only one who’s going to make off with any money is the anonymous Rapid Cycler admin and their buddies.
In effect the combination of revenue-sharing and a cycler structure, spread out of twelve-tiers, results in a quagmire from which affiliates aren’t going to ever see deposited funds again.
Can I get a refund?
A: Strictly no refunds will be made due to the nature of the business.
The nature of the business referenced above is that of a Ponzi scheme, which Rapid Cycler most definitely is. All that’s happening here is new funds being used to pay off existing investors, with those investing last losing out.
As with all Ponzi schemes, once new investment dries up, Rapid Cycler will find itself unable to meet it’s ROI obligations.
For the cycler, this will result in daily ROI payments slowly dropping towards $0. The traditional cycler pays a max $1 a day, with it likely paying monopoly money (capped at $1 a day) until 60 days, whereupon only then when a withdrawal request is placed is it realized there’s no funds left to withdraw.
At that point anyone with funds still trapped in the Rapid Cycler system (the majority of affiliates by design), loses out.
The scheme collapses and the anonymous admin does a runner with everyone’s funds.