Perpetual Quik Start Review: $14.95 matrix cycler
Perpetual Quik Start launched in mid to late 2014, with the company’s Anti-Spam policy listing Clinton Clark and Margaret Albright as the owners:
This Anti-Spam Policy Notice governs the use of the web page at and its associated services, web pages, domains and sub-domains, which are owned and operated by Safe Ad Zone, Clinton Clark, Margaret Albright (“Owners”).
Despite the mention of “Safe Ad Zone” in the paragraph above, the rest of the agreement refers to Perpetual Quik Start.
Further research reveals Safe Ad Zone to be some sort of filtering concept. As per the Safe Ad Zone website;
We are the Designed to Filter OUT Ponzi Schemes, Money Games and Mathematically Illogical Program, Projects Websites and Systems.
Getting back to Perpetual Quick Start, the company’s website domain (“”) was registered on the 9th of July 2014.
Margaret Albright is listed as the domain owner, with an address in the US state of Wisconsin also provided.
The Perpetual Quik Start website domain uses the name-servers of Albright’s personal website (“”).
On her site, Albright (right) claims to be
a real person who really makes a living online.
I don’t cheat or steal or lie to make my money. I honestly help people in a sincere manner that keeps me happy, keeps you happy and pleases God.
eBay was the first real money I ever made on the internet. It was a lot of work though and very time consuming.
I sold stuff on eBay for a couple years and made enough money that I actually did quit my day job.
The problem was, I gave up a full time job for another full time job. I was looking for a little more free time.
That problem lead Albright to launch sites like Perpetual Quik Start.
Update 30th June 2015 – Margaret Albright has been in touch, and despite her name appearing on the Perpetual Quik Start domain registration and site’s spam policy as an “owner”, claims she is not running the scheme.
I was in business with Clinton Clark for about a year. That ended in March of 2014. The fact that my name is still on his sites does not make me an owner, it simply means he did not remove my name.
Perpetual QUIK Start domain name is registered to me because I bought the name and built the site for Clinton. I do not own that site.
/end update
Other opportunities advertised on Albright’s website include:
- The 7 Day Success Plan (formerly “The 7K Team System) – $12.99 a month recruitment scheme
- Success Quik – multi-tier $10-$5000 recruitment scheme
- Referraler – a “downline building program”
- PTC Advantage – another downline builder site and
- Escalating Biz – yet another downline builder site
Most of the above opportunities exist to funnel those who sign up into third-party opportunities.
Is Perpetual Quik Start any different?
Read on for a full review of the Perpetual Quik Start MLM business opportunity.
The Perpetual Quik Start Product Line
Perpetual Quik Start has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market affiliate membership with the opportunity itself.
Once signed up for $14.95, Perpetual Quik Start affiliates receive “unlimited banner and text ad impressions”.
There is no advertising present on the Perpetual Quik Start website, so where this advertising is shown is unclear.
The Perpetual Quik Start Compensation Plan
Each Perpetual Quik Start affiliate pays $14.95 to join the company and receive a position in a 2×2 matrix.
A 2×2 matrix places an affiliate at the top of the matrix, with two positions directly under them (level 1):
The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting the two level 1 positions into two new positions each, for a total of six positions.
Commissions are paid once positions in the matrix are filled, with positions filled via subsequent recruitment of Prepetual Quik Start affiliates.
Each filled 2×2 matrix pays out a $39 commission and enters a Perpetual Quik Start affiliate into a new 2×2 matrix.
From here the process repeats itself, with another filled matrix generating another $39 commission and re-entry into a new matrix.
Joining Perpetual Quik Start
Affiliate membership with Perpetual Quik Start is $14.95.
With nothing being marketed or sold to retail customers, Perpetual Quick Start is little more than a recruitment-driven matrix cycler.
This is likely a reflection of the opportunities Margaret Albright has attached to her various downline builders over the years.
Mathematically Perpetual Quik Start isn’t even a “good” matrix cycler, with $89.70 entering the scheme each filled matrix and only $39 paid out.
There’s a bit of overlap due to the nature of matrix-based compensation plans, but still. That’s a fair bit of missing money per position purchased.
One thing to keep in mind is that due to recycles being free (what happens when the first matrix is filled), the smallish cycle commission might be a way to perpetuate payments on subsequent cycles.
Each first matrix pumps $14.95 into Perpetual Quik Start, with subsequent cycles generating no revenue themselves but still contributing to $39 cycle commissions
That money has to come from somewhere…
As with all pyramid schemes, once recruitment of new Perpetual Quik Start affiliates dries up, so too will the cycle commissions paid out.
Being a matrix-based scheme, a collapse will begin to manifest itself by gradual longer and longer cycle times.
Eventually as recruitment grinds to a halt the cycle times will blow out longer and longer, until eventually a collapse is triggered.
At that point anyone who hasn’t cycled out of a matrix at least once loses out, with Albright keeping funds attached to any positions trapped in stalled matrices.
Nothing but the usual recruitment game from what I can see, where the usual top positions have been taken by the owners and a select few placed right under them who stand to profit the most.
They state that their business keeps you safe from scams, crooks and money grabbers!
How is that possible if the only way to earn is by recruiting?
That’s because they really meant OTHER scams, crooks, and money grabbers. “Obviously” those labels don’t apply to themselves, i.e. one can’t rob oneself (but the left hand can rob the right hand…)
Yes K Chang, I guess they create a sense of security within the membership to keep them spending more money into all the higher pay levels they establish.
The money filters upline.
Someone should get their facts straight before writing reviews. This review is completely inaccurate and should be removed if the owner of this site wishes for people to actually believe he or she knows what she is talking about when writing reviews.
Margaret Albright does not own Safe Ad Zone or Perpetual QUIK Start. Those programs are both owned solely by Clinton Clark.
Clinton Clark and Margaret Albright do not own any programs together.
Escalating Biz and PTC Advantage are both closed programs, replaced by The 7 Day Success Plan which is a free program that teaches people how to market online. There is an upgrade option at 7 day but it is not needed to receive all the training.
The upgrade is for branded marketing materials, free access to, a downline mailer and free advertising on the 7 day success plan site.
The 7 Day Success Plan’s upgrade is only $9.99, completely optional and members are encouraged to complete all the free training before they decide if they actually want the upgrade or not.
Your names appear together as owners of multiple downline builders.
Cut the crap.
So Albright’s name appears on the Perpetual QUIK Start domain registration because…?
downline builder that funnels signups into whatever you’re pushing at that moment. Got it.
Sounds like someone should get their facts straight before complaining..
I am pretty sure I know the facts about my own life better than anyone.
It is interesting to see how people can twist the truth to make it into whatever they wish to portray. No need to find out the truth, just print whatever sounds scandalous.
If the owner of this site was interested in printing facts rather than opinions, he or she could easily contact me. They choose, instead, to jump to conclusions and print lies.
So your counter to cold hard evidence is… waffle? Good luck with that.
Quoting domain registration information and text uploaded to websites you control is not a twisting of the truth, the information is quoted verbatim.
The facts remain undisputed as they stand and nobody is interested in your excuses.
apparently not. lmao
but then that would just be your opinion.
The facts are TWO websites that you claim you were NOT involved has your name on it.
There are only two logical explanations: we are a figment of your imagination, or you have convenient holes in your memory. Seems you’re going for the former.
OZ: better put up some screenshots of both the website and the domain reg.
I was in business with Clinton Clark for about a year. That ended in March of 2014. The fact that my name is still on his sites does not make me an owner, it simply means he did not remove my name.
Perpetual QUIK Start domain name is registered to me because I bought the name and built the site for Clinton. I do not own that site.
Stable people with a firm grip on reality always refer to themselves in the third person when explaining their actions.
That sounds acceptable enough, but it doesn’t mean the review has misinterpreted something. Your name still appear on the website as one of the owners.
You should probably have changed something in March 2014. You can’t blame Clinton Clark for it (other than partly blaming him), and you can certainly not blame us.
Reviews here are primarily based on information from the companies’ own websites. We allow people to post factual corrections (of relevant types).
There hasn’t been any disputes about that?
That sounds correct enough.
But that doesn’t sound correct. A WHOIS search lists you as the registrant and admin of the domain.
You can try to search yourself for WHOIS ?
Please note that was registered in July 2015. You should probably correct your post #11 memory a little.
July 2014 actually was the registration..
The more “telling” thing to me is when I end business with someone, I no longer host sites for them on my VPS boxes.
If you are still hosting or allowing sites to be hosted on your server instances and IP’s, you are still in business with that person.
Oh, and you are also hosting and for him (dig ns1-4 of your home domain).
You are very much still in business with CJ Clark..
Margaret, I have one more question. If you are only “building” the site for others, who was for (also registered to you, and also another silly cycler scheme)??
She mentioned it in post #11, and she also has it listed on her website as “area of interest”.
That part of the explanation was “acceptable enough” (if we ignore the dates).
Shortcuts like that, accept a part of the story as “acceptable enough”, will be necessary if we wish to avoid 50 posts discussing details. 🙂
It’s probably the only way to get her to accept that WHOIS is a relevant tool to identify the owner of a website, and that she will need to do something herself to change ownership information. She can’t blame us for the fact that she bought the domain(s) herself. 🙂
Part of the dissolution of my partnership with Clinton was to include the removal of my name from the sites. I agree it is my fault for not following through and making sure that happened. It is happening now.
This review is labeled “Perpetual Quik Start Review: $14.95 matrix cycler” but turned out to be a lot of misinformatin about me. My picture, statements from my website, etc. This connected with the problems with mlm websites and cyclers makes it appear that I am running a matrix site, which I am not.
With the facts being brought to light, the only fair thing to do at this point would be for the author to rewrite the article and leave me out of it. Many people do not read comment sections on blogs so they will believe the information in the article to be true and my reputation, integrity and income is hurt in the process.
It also hurts the integrity of the review site if this article remains intact after knowing there is a lot of misinformation in it. For those people who do read the comments, they will now question if any of the site reviews are accurate.
WHOIS is NOT a relevant tool to identify the owner of a website, it is a relevant tool to identify the purchaser of a domain name.
Yes, I did purchase the domain names, perpetualquikstart .com and 2silvereagles .com for other people and built websites for them. Clinton paid for his site, perpetualquikstart, and I host it on my server for which he pays a monthly fee.
The person I created 2silvereagles for backed out once the site was done. I decided, since the site was completed, to give it a go. Much to my dismay, it did not work out like I hoped and I ended up refunding a lot of money to the members.
The site is still up because I was unable to reach all the members when I wanted to close it. I am unsure what to do with it at this point so I just let it sit there.
Very rarely someone will join. I immediately refund their purchase price and tell them they should invest their money elsewhere. I do not send any links or suggestions.
I host Clinton’s websites and many other people’s websites. I am paid monthly for this service. This doesn’t make me business partners with those people anymore than someone would be considered a business partner with GoDaddy or Hostgator by renting hosting from them.
If I thought I was doing anything to cheat or harm people with my sites, I would simply hide my domain registrations behind a proxy and take down my personal website. I am very transparent as is obvious by all the information you were able to find about me.
Unfortunately, the information you found is only told part of the story which caused you to jump to conclusions and that seemed to satisfy you. The actual facts do tell a different story.
You saying untrue things about me does not change me, it only reveals who you are.
I will not be commenting back so if anyone feels the need to get in the last word, now is your chance.
So the million dollar questions Margaret:
Do you have any positions in Perpetual Quik Start?
Did you have any positions in Perpetual Quik Start?
This is false, as the purchasers name does not need to appear on the registration.
Legally speaking if your name appears on a domain registration, you are the domain owner and are responsible for it.
A website owner cannot attach their website to your domain without you pointing your domain to their hosting.
If you don’t want to be identified as the owners of scam domains, don’t put your name down as the owner of the domains in question in their respective registrations.
Nonetheless, I’ve added your clarifications about ownership to the review.
good. you cannot run around the internet blaming people for identifying you as the owner of perpetual quik start, if you allow your name to be on the domain registration.
instead of lecturing behindmlm for your slip up, you should go oops, and correct the information you have provided to world.
let us know when the domain registration information is changed to exclude your name.
I would think simple logic would dictate if I didn’t want people to be involved in a program, I would remove the option to sign up, and also post on the site what process the rest of the people who you “couldn’t contact” need to complete to get their full refunds.
Toan Advantage, PTC Advantage and your many other “programs” help people reviewing your “programs” come to the determination you are trying to fire up scams. Allowing people to join a stalled program? Shoot out a “refund”? Appears to be a slimy way to build trust.
A responsible business person, who only wants to do good for others, would see these matrix schemes for what they are, and refuse to host them, or create them.
I host sites for people as well and have my own personal server farm, but would never tolerate or offer my services to persons who offer such shady business opportunities.
It would be an insult to your intelligence to give you the benefit of the doubt in this type of situation. With your vast listing of personal accomplishments, you obviously know what you are doing.
Now that something you are going to “give it a go” to has started to attract attention, you piviot and try to shift the blame. You are not the first person to come here or any number of other sites which expose scams for what they are and make excuses or offer an alternate depiction of events, just the most recent.
Best of luck explaining your take to an investigator or law enforcement.
Of course, my personal opinion may be wrong. I hope for the sake of people who send the sites you create money that I am wrong.
Paging Lynndel –
I was so focused on Marge I didn’t really look around for Clint. Then I found this from 2010..
All of the above looks pretty authentic, and maybe we can get some insight into this entire mess.
How the hell did they go from that to launching scam after scam?!
That’s a pretty big jump sheesh.
Lynndel may be able to give us some insight, or possibly get Clint over here to make sense of this garbage.
My curiosity is peaked to say the least..
Bummer – I was hoping Lynndel or Margaret would have chimed in by now. Margaret did say she was taking her toys and heading home.
This has been a strange turn of events.
Not according to ICANN.
Source: wikipedia / WHOIS
I’ll bet she has top positions in all of Clint’s programs!
Don’t look now, but Clint is back with a real ponzi scam which is now being pimped by Sindu Thomas! here is the latest scam scamail from Sindu: