OXO Global (not to be confused with OXO Worldwide), fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website.

Further research reveals Enes Olgun citing himself as founder of OXO Global.

As per his LinkedIn profile…

…Olgun was in Jeunesse up until September 2022.

BehindMLM reviewed Jeunesse in 2015, identifying it as an autoship recruitment scheme. In MLM autoship recruitment lends itself to a pyramid scheme business model.

As far as I know Jeunesse didn’t make any significant changes to their compensation plan, with the pyramid scheme finally drying up towards late 2022.

In January 2023, it was revealed Jeunesse had been sold to LaCore Enterprises. A BehindMLM revisit of Jeunesse remains pending (I’m giving LaCore Enterprises a few months to move past the transition phase).

Olgun (right) separately popped up on BehindMLM radar in 2018. At the time Holton Buggs was beginning his journey down the MLM crypto fraud rabbithole.

At the time Buggs was pitching was pitching Ormeus Global’s IQ Chain spinoff in Turkey.

To his credit, Olgun gatecrashed the event and began asking Buggs some very pointed questions about IQ Chain.

Buggs initially tried to defend the Ponzi scheme but eventually demanded Olgun leave. That prompted this final exchange (Olgun to Buggs);

[20:45] You are saying, “I am the consultant of the company”.

But you are now in Turkey, you are working like you are the leader of the company.

This is not a consultant(‘s role).

So if you want people to respect you, you need to be honest.

If you are the leader of the company, you can be very open (about it).

The Organo Gold. If you are the owner of Organo Gold, you can say very open, “Hey guys, I started this company. I am working with this company… and I am going everywhere and taking the people.”

But you shouldn’t be like, “I am the consultant but secretly I am making the meetings”.

That’s why I don’t respect you, and now I am leaving.

Sorry Holton Buggs but you are doing a HUGE MISTAKE.

You will destroy all the industry and your name with this crypto shit scam.

Ormeus Global founder John Barksdale was indicted in 2021. Holton Buggs remains at large.

Both Olgun and OXO Global are based out of Turkey. A corporate address in Istanbul is provided on OXO Global’s website.

Read on for a full review of OXO Global’s MLM opportunity.

OXO Global’s Products

OXO Global markets a range of products in the wellness and beauty niches.


  • Booster Energy Shot – “a drink rich in vitamins and minerals”, retails at $54.99 for an undisclosed number of single-serve pouches
  • ImmunPlus – “a lozenge that helps to strengthen your immune system and protect you against diseases thanks to its natural ingredients”, retails at $19.99 for a box of 24 lozenges
  • Power & Pain Patch – “supports to normalize the weak blood circulation in the area of pain, while providing energy to the body by supporting the cells with the natural extracts it contains”, retails at $29.99 for 25 single-use patches
  • Melatonin Sleep Patch – “helps you get a deep, restful and better quality sleep”, retails at $29.99 for an undisclosed amount of single-use patches


  • Longevity Serum – “an anti-aging serum designed to reduce fine lines and wrinkles on the skin, plump and moisturize the skin”, retails at $39.99 for a 30 ml bottle
  • Whitening Toothpaste – “helps to maintain oral health, provide fresh breath and whiten teeth”, retails at $9.99 for a 100 g tube
  • Flawless Skin Brightener – “carefully designed to eliminate skin tone inequality and give a younger and brighter skin appearance”, retails at $39.99 for a 50 ml bottle (1.69 fl. oz.)
  • Regenerating Hair Shampoo – “regenerates your hair and prevents it from falling out”, retails at $14.99 for a 300 ml bottle (10.1 fl. oz.)
  • Youth Restoring Cleanser – “helps to purify the skin, remove residues and refresh your skin”, retails at $19.99 for a 200 ml bottle (6.76 fl. oz.)

OXO Global claims their product range was developed to provide consumers with needs “we cannot obtain naturally”.

Here’s an example from the product description for Booster Energy Shot;

Thanks to the vitamins it contains, it provides energy that you cannot get from food during the day.

OXO Global do not provide product manufacturing information on their website.

OXO Global’s Compensation Plan

OXO Global only provides Turkish language compensation documentation on their website.

The following breakdown is from alternatively sourced official OXO Global compensation documentation in English (dated September 2022).

OXO Global Affiliate Ranks

There are eleven affiliate ranks within OXO Global’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  1. Executive – sign up as an OXO Global affiliate and generate 100 GV in weaker binary team side volume
  2. Jade – generate 1000 GV in weaker binary team side volume
  3. Pearl – generate 2500 GV in weaker binary team side volume
  4. Sapphire – generate 5000 GV in weaker binary team side volume
  5. Elite – 10,000 GV in weaker binary team side volume
  6. Ruby – generate 25,000 GV in weaker binary team side volume
  7. Emerald – generate 50,000 GV in weaker binary team side volume
  8. Diamond – generate 100,000 GV in weaker binary team side volume
  9. Double Diamond – generate 200,000 GV in weaker binary team side volume
  10. Triple Diamond – generate 500,000 GV in weaker binary team side volume
  11. President – generate 1,000,000 GV in weaker binary team side volume

GV stands for “Group Volume”. GV is sales volume generated by an OXO Global affiliate and their downline (retail sales and their own purchases).

Although not explicitly clarified, I believe required GV amounts for rank qualification are accumulated amounts.

Retail Commissions

OXO Global affiliates earn commissions on the sale of products to retail customers.

OXO Global pays retail commissions as the difference between the wholesale and retail price of products ordered.

Recruitment Commissions

OXO Global affiliates earn a 10% commission on sales volume generated when a recruited affiliate signs up with a Product Package.

  • recruit a Basic Product Package affiliate and receive 10% of 100 PV
  • recruit a Gold Product Package affiliate and receive 10% of 250 PV
  • recruit a Diamond Product Package affiliate and receive 10% of 500 PV
  • recruit a Platinum Product Package affiliate and receive 10% of 750 PV
  • recruit an Ambassador Product Package affiliate and receive 10% of 1000 PV

Residual Commissions

OXO Global pays residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):

The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.

At the end of each week OXO Global tallies up new sales volume on both sides of the binary team.

Residual commissions are paid as 10% of sales volume generated on the weaker binary team side (the side with less volume).

Once paid out on, volume is matched against the stronger binary team side and flushed. Any leftover volume on the stronger binary team side carries over.

Matching Bonus

OXO Global affiliates earn a 10% match on residual commissions earned by recruited affiliates.

The Matching Bonus is paid out via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

The Matching Bonus is capped at five unilevel team levels.

How many levels the Matching Bonus is earned on is determined by rank:

  • qualify at Jade or sign up with a Basic Package = Matching Bonus on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates)
  • qualify at Pearl or sign up with a Gold Package = Matching Bonus on levels 1 and 2
  • qualify at Sapphire or sign up with a Diamond Package = Matching Bonus on levels 1 to 3
  • qualify at Elite or sign up with an Elite Package = Matching Bonus on levels 1 to 4
  • qualify at Ruby or higher, or sign up with an Elite Package = Matching Bonus on levels 1 to 5

Note that while Matching Bonus qualification via rank is permanent (assuming rank is maintained), qualifying through a Product Package purchase is only valid for 6 months.

After this period the Matching Bonus is paid out based on an affiliate’s current rank.

Rank Achievement Bonus

OXO Global rewards affiliates who qualify at Emerald or higher with the following one-time Rank Achievement Bonuses:

  • qualify at Emerald and receive an “Emerald Experience”
  • qualify at Diamond and receive an iPhone and “Diamond Experience”
  • qualify at Double Diamond and receive a MacBook Air and “Double Diamond Experience”
  • qualify at Triple Diamond and receive a MacBook Pro and “Triple Diamond Experience”
  • qualify at President and receive a Rolex watch

Joining OXO Global

OXO Global affiliate membership is free.

New affiliates can optionally sign up with an Product Package:

  • Basic Product Package – $100
  • Gold Product Package – $250
  • Diamond Product Package – $500
  • Platinum Product Package – $750
  • Ambassador Product Package – $1000

In addition to containing OXO Global products, Product Packages also provide compensation advantages.

OXO Global Conclusion

While the products are different, OXO Global can be summed up as Ines Olgun’s personal Jeunesse spinoff.

The majority of ranked OXO Global affiliates appear to be former Jeunesse distributors, presumably from Olgun’s Turkish downline:

On the product side of things I didn’t see anything that stood out in particular. It’s a broad range of typical MLM health, wellness and beauty offerings.

What I did find were pretty egregious medical claims.

This is from the ImmunPlus marketing page, accessed on OXO Global’s website in April 2023;

ImmunPlus Pastille is a lozenge that helps to strengthen your immune system and protect you against diseases thanks to its natural ingredients.

It helps to increase antioxidant production and protect against cardiovascular diseases with its black elderberry extract and zinc content.

It contributes to the health of hair, nails and skin. With hoary plant, it helps to treat respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis.

It contributes to softening the chest in the treatment of cough, shortness of breath, whooping cough, persistent cough and bronchitis.

Help strengthen your immune system and protect your body against infections with ImmunPlus Pastilles!

I’m a bit iffy on the “regenerating hair” shampoo but hair loss is a bit of a grey area when it comes to medical claims.

Regenerating Shampoo regenerates your hair and prevents it from falling out.

There might still be a regulatory marketing case to answer to if OXO Global’s shampoo has no effect on hair regeneration however.

No basis for OXO Global’s hair regeneration claims are provided, other than “our shampoo contains X product and X product does this” claims.

Getting back to ImmunPlus, OXO Global fail to provide any peer-reviewed medical studies to back up their clearly medical claims. This makes the claims illegal.

And what’s bizarre is OXO Global know these claims are illegal, as evidenced by their own FDA style pseudo-compliance;

It cannot be argued that cosmetic products and fortified foods treat any disease, help treat it, prevent the disease, help prevent it.

It can not be argued that cosmetic products act on the lower layers of the skin and permanently.

The product descriptions specified on our website are based on information and documents such as product labels, brochures offered by manufacturers and importers.

This information does not mean that the promised effects of the products will definitely occur or that there are no side effects.

Palming off legal responsibility for medical claims that appear on OXO Global’s website to undisclosed “manufacturers and importers” doesn’t legalize them.

OXO Global is the company making medical claims about its products. OXO Global is thus responsible for providing consumers (and regulators) with evidence to back up its medical claims.

I have to point out this is what I was able to find in English. OXO Global’s primary target market is Turkey.

Who knows what’s going in Turkish behind closed doors.

With respect to retail viability of OXO Global’s products, $10 for a 100g tube of whitening toothpaste seems steep.

Moving onto OXO Global’s compensation plan, it’s pretty much the same story with Jeunesse.

There is no purchase (on signup or monthly) required, but the core is pretty obviously signup with a Product Package, buy something on autoship so your upline earns, and recruit others below you who do the same (ensuring you earn off their monthly purchase).

This begins with OXO Global’s Product Packages having an attached financial incentive. This makes them recruitment marketing tools.

OXO Global’s residual commission marketing example cites an average 500 PV monthly spend per recruited affiliate (~$500), which seems absurdly high.

Jeunesse’s collapse and sell off to LaCore Enterprises coincided with dwindling recruitment. Granted it took a while with Jeunesse, but eventually all pyramid schemes run out of recruits.

If OXO Global is full of people either trying to recapture the Jeunesse Global glory days, or worse lost money in it, then that marketing hype is going to be short-lived.

In light of him being able to readily address problems with MLM crypto Ponzi schemes, it’s a bit disappointing Enes Olgun can’t see the same with recruitment heavy MLM opportunities.

A simple fix is a monthly retail sales volume requirement. If OXO Global is representing a 500 PV a month affiliate spend in their compensation marketing, make the retail sales quota 250 PV a month.

Had Jeunesse of had something like that, it would have likely collapsed years earlier. Being essentially a Jeunesse spinoff, OXO Global would face the same challenge.

While it is possible to run OXO Global as a retail centric MLM business, there’s no incentive or requirement to.

Sign up with a Product Package, commit to a monthly product order (~500 PV or otherwise), and focus on recruiting affiliates who do the same.

Approach with caution.