One100 provides no information on its website about who owns or runs the company.

One100’s compensation documentation states the company is “powered by HiLife Secure India.

HiLife Secure India has its own website but provides no ownership information. According to the company’s website it is based out Secunderabad, a city in the Indian state of Telangana.

Both One100’s and HiLife Secuire India’s respective website domains are registered to “Sidhartha”, through a Telangana address.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

One100’s Products

One100 has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market One100 affiliate membership itself.

One100’s Compensation Plan

One100 affiliates send each other funds across two individual gifting schemes.

Rs. 100 Gifting

The first scheme costs Rs. 100 to enter and uses a 3×3 matrix.

A 3×3 matrix places a One100 affiliate at the top of the matrix, with three positions directly under them:

These three positions form the first level of the matrix. The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these three positions into another three positions each (9 positions).

Level three is generated in the same manner and houses 27 positions.

A One100 affiliate signs up and gifts Rs. 100 to whoever recruited them.

This places them on top of a 3×3 matrix, which is populated via direct and indirect recruitment of One100 affiliates.

Each of the matrix levels operates as a separate gifting tier as follows:

  • fill level 1 and receive Rs. 100
  • fill level 2 and receive Rs. 800
  • fill level 3 and receive Rs. 15,000

Filling the third level of the matrix also triggers

  • an Rs. 1500 payment to the affiliate who filled the matrix (first upline)
  • 60 new Rs. 100 gifting tier matrix positions

Rs. 1000 Gifting

One100’s Rs. 1000 gifting tier operates the same as the Rs. 100 tier, except with a bigger 3×4 matrix.

A 3×4 matrix adds one additional level to the 3×3 matrix used for the Rs. 100 tier.

Gifting payments generates across the Rs. 1000 gifting tier are as follows:

  • fill level 1 and receive Rs. 1000
  • fill level 2 and receive Rs. 8000
  • fill level 3 and receive Rs. 152,000
  • fill level 4 and receive Rs. 3,752,000

Additional payments made as the Rs. 1000 gifting matrix is filled include:

  • Rs. 2000 to the second upline when level 1 is filled
  • Rs. 10,000 to the third upline when level 3 is filled
  • Rs. 80,000 to the third upline plus Rs. 55,000 to the first upline when level 4 is filled

Joining One100

One100 affiliate membership is tied to a minimum Rs. 100 gifting payment.

Full participation in One100’s gifting scheme costs Rs. 1100.


One100 is a simple gifting scheme.

You sign up and gift money to someone who joined before you. This payment then qualifies you to receive gifting payments from One100 affiliates recruited after you.

One100 mischaracterizes these gifting payments as “donations”. Legitimate donations don’t qualify you to receive payments from other donors.

This differentiates gifting scams like One100 from legitimate donation platforms.

Matrix-based gifting schemes primarily benefit those running them.

In addition One100’s admin running preloaded admin positions, they also skim payments off the top of each member’s matrix:

One100 also markets itself as a “program without losers”:

This is of course factually incorrect. At any given time the majority of participants in a gifting scheme have no recovered their initial gifting payment.

When recruitment inevitably collapses, it is this group of participants that take a loss.

This is basic math, which One100, its admin and participants are not above.