Nutonic launched in April 2021 and operates in the nutritional supplement and personal care MLM niches.

The company provides a Regus virtual office address in Nevada on its website.

Heading up Nutonic are co-founders Jerry and Kim Booth (right).

According to their respective Facebook profiles, Jerry and Kim Booth live in California (US) and Manitoba, Canada.

Not sure what’s going on there. Nutonic’s ties to Nevada however appear to be superficial.

Prior to founding Nutonic, Jerry and Kim Booth were promoting Valentus.

In one Valentus marketing video, Kim Booth claims Valentus was her first network marketing company.

Based on his LinkedIn profile, Jerry Booth has a history in marketing, travel and real-estate (non-MLM).

Kim Booth stopped promoting Valentus on or around June 2020. I wasn’t able to ascertain why the Booths left the company.

Read on for a full review of Nutonic’s MLM opportunity.

Nutonic’s Products

Nutonic has a product section on their website. Trouble is it doesn’t provide any information about their products.

For actual product information you have to head to the “shop” section.

Nutritional Supplements

  • Absolute Body Enhancer – “overall wellbeing” supplement, retails at $49.95 for a bottle of 60 capsules
  • Balance Blood Sugar Maximizer – “aids the body to obtain the vitamins and nutrients it requires”, retails at $49.95 for a bottle of 60 capsules
  • Calm Stress Support – “blend fo vitamins, minerals, herbs as well as amino acids may help reduce anxiety”, retails at $49.95 for a bottle of 60 capsules
  • Hemp 500 – hemp extract, retails at $59.95 for a 1 fl oz bottle
  • Hemp Gummies – 20 mg of hemp extract in each gummy, retails at $59.95 for a bottle of 30 gummies
  • Immumax Protect and Preserve – “includes 10 various immune-boosting components”, retails at $49.95 for a bottle of 60 capsules
  • Neuro+ Mind and Focus Blend – “developed with a slow release formula to enhance your psychological clearness and well as focus all day”, retails at $49.95 for a bottle of 60 capsules
  • Nourish Hair Skin & Nail – “a natural blend of vitamin B6, folic acid, as well as biotin to help reinforce nails, grow healthier hair, as well as give your skin an all-natural glow”, retails at $49.95 for a bottle of 60 capsules
  • Nu-Amino Probiotic Complex – “the ideal blend that aids the body to construct protein … (and) can help enhance the bodies [sic] metabolic rate”, retails at $49.95 for a bottle of 60 capsules
  • Nu-Keto+ Keto Drops – “can help reduce cellulite and increase weight management, retails at $49.95 for a 2 fl oz bottle
  • Pro40+ Probiotic Complex – “by taking on a regular basis it can aid in keeping healthy intestinal flora”, retails at $59.95 for a bottle of 60 capsules
  • Renu Collagen Complex – “can assist your body (with) the foundation and the building blocks it needs to preserve … health and wellness”, retails at $49.95 for a bottle of 90 capsules
  • Repair Joint Support – “our exclusive formula with a selection of active ingredients that are recognized to support joints and a health metabolic action”, retails at $49.95 for a bottle of 60 gummies
  • Slenderize Weight Management – “a reliable weight management product”, retails at $49.95 for a bottle of 60 capsules
  • Sweet Sleep Gummies – “made with premium ingredients crafted with THC free hemp extract”, retails at $59.95 for a bottle of 30 gummies

Personal Care

  • Glow Face Lift Emulsion – “offers a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles by tightening the skin ad well as minimizing the appearance of pores”, retails at $49.95 for a 1 oz bottle

I noticed Nuton’s product range is split based on on geographic location; the US, Asia and Europe.

Out of curiosity I compared the US and Asia offerings. I found extra Vitamin C serum, sweet sleep capsule formula and Replenish eye treatment products available in Asia.

Conversely none of Nutonic’s hemp extract products are available in Asia.

Nutonic’s Compensation Plan

Nutonic pays commissions on retail sales and recruited affiliate’s first orders.

Residual commissions are paid through a binary team, along with a two-level deep Matching Bonus.

Several rank-based bonuses are also available.

Nutonic Affiliate Ranks

There are eleven affiliate ranks within Nutonic’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • Affiliate – sign up as a Nutonic affiliate and generate and maintain 40 PV a month
  • Brand Associate – maintain 40 PV a month and satisfy residual commission qualification criteria
  • Executive – maintain 40 PV a month and residual commission qualification, and generate 500 GV in accumulated weaker binary team volume
  • Regional Manager – generate and maintain 80 PV a month, maintain residual commission qualification and generate 1000 GV in accumulated weaker binary team volume
  • Director – maintain 80 PV a month and residual commission qualification, and generate 2500 GV in accumulated weaker binary team volume
  • Team Director – maintain 80 PV a month and residual commission qualification, and generate 5000 GV in accumulated weaker binary team volume
  • Executive Director – generate and maintain 120 PV a month, maintain residual commission qualification, recruit a Team Director or higher and generate 10,000 GV in accumulated weaker binary team volume
  • Global Director – maintain 120 PV a month and residual commission qualification, recruit and maintain an Executive Director or higher and generate 20,000 GV in accumulated weaker binary team volume
  • Ambassador – maintain 120 PV a month and residual commission qualification, recruit and maintain a Global Director or higher, have two Team Directors in your downline (one on both sides of the binary team), and generate 50,000 GV in accumulated weaker binary team volume
  • Senior Ambassador – maintain 120 PV a month and residual commission qualification, recruit and maintain an Ambassador or higher, have four Team Directors in your downline (two on both sides of the binary team), and generate 100,000 GV in accumulated weaker binary team volume
  • Elite Ambassador – maintain 120 PV a month and residual commission qualification, maintain a personally recruited Ambassador or higher, have eight Team Directors in your downline (four on both sides of the binary team), and generate 250,000 GV in accumulated weaker binary team volume

PV stands for “Personal Volume” and is sales volume generated by an affiliate’s own orders. 5 PV from every retail product sale also counts towards PV.

GV stands for “Group Volume” and is PV generated by an affiliate and their downline.

Residual commission qualification requires an affiliate to recruit and maintain two Affiliates or higher, placed on on both sides of the binary team.

Retail Commissions

Nutonic pays a 50% commission on sales volume generated via retails sales.

Recruitment Commissions

Nutonic affiliates earn a 50% commission on sales volume generated by a personally recruited affiliate’s first order.

Residual Commissions

Nutonic pays residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):

The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.

Residual commissions are paid as a percentage of weekly sales volume generated on the weaker side of the binary team.

Nutonic determine residual commission rates based on rank:

  • Brand Associates and Executives earn a 10% residual commission rate, capped at $5000 a week
  • Regional Managers and Directors earn a 12% residual commission rate, capped at $5000 a week
  • Team Directors earn a 14% residual commission rate, capped at $5000 a week
  • Executive Directors earn a 17% residual commission rate, capped at $5000 a week
  • Global Directors and Ambassadors earn a 20% residual commission rate, capped at $10,000 a week
  • Senior Ambassadors earn a 22% residual commission rate, capped at $20,000 a week
  • Elite Ambassadors earn a 25% residual commission rate, capped at $20,000 a week

Once paid out on weaker side binary volume is matched against the stronger side and flushed.

Leftover volume on the stronger binary team side carries over.

Note that Nutonic caps residual commissions and the residual commission match (see below), at 60% of an affiliate’s total weaker binary team side volume for that week.

I.e. an affiliate’s residual commissions plus the residual commission match cannot exceed 60% of generated weaker binary team side volume in any given week.

Residual Commission Match

Nutonic pays a match on residual commissions down two levels of recruitment (unilevel):

  • Regional Managers and Directors earn a 50% match on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) and 10% on level 2
  • Team Directors earn a 50% match on level 1 and 20% on level 2
  • Executive Directors earn a 50% match on level 1 and 30% on level 2
  • Global Directors earn a 50% match on level 1 and 40% on level 2
  • Ambassadors and higher earn a 50% match on levels 1 and 2

Lifestyle Bonus

Global Director and higher ranked Nutonic affiliates receive a $1500 a month Lifestyle Bonus.

Rank Achievement Bonus

Nutonic pays a Rank Achievement Bonus when affiliates qualify at Team Director and Global Director:

  • qualify as a Team Director and receive $100
  • qualify as a Global Director and receive $200

Joining Nutonic

Nutonic affiliate membership appears to be free:

No initial fee, charge or purchase is required to become a Independent Sales Representative.


Nutonic’s product offering, while sizable, is nothing special. It’s your usual run of the mill nutritional supplements with a few hemp extract offerings.

I suspect this has all been white labeled from some wholesale manufacturer.

What I will give Nutonic credit for is their pricing, which evidently aims for the $49.95 mark.

Most of Nutonic’s products hit that mark, keeping things affordably simple.

Moving onto compensation, Nutonic is set up as an affiliate autoship recruitment opportunity.

While retail sales are possible, they are clearly not a focus.

Nowhere is this more evident than in the fact that one affiliate order satisfies the minimum 40 PV a month rank requirement.

Seeing as only 5 PV from each retail product orders counts toward PV, eight retail product orders are required to meet 40 PV.

In summary; Nutonic imposes an inexcusable 800% retail volume penalty over affiliate autoship.

This is reflected in Nutonic affiliate marketing. The following is from one publicly available Nutonic compensation marketing video:

You can come in on one box and you can stay at one box but once you get past a certain level … I think it’s rank level 6, you then need to be ordering three (boxes) a month.

Three product orders satisfies 120 PV a month, which is required from Executive Director.

The retail equivalent would be twenty-four product orders each month. Not impossible but it’s clear affiliates are expected to self-fund commission qualification.

This makes Nutonic pay to play, which goes hand in hand with being a pyramid scheme.

Hardly surprising when you consider this is exact same issue we found with Jerry and Kim Booth’s previous MLM company, Valentus.

Other oddities in Nutonic’s compensation plan are hard caps on earnings across ranks. E.g. Nutonic’s first four affiliate ranks can all only earn $5000 a week in residual commissions.

What’s the point in increasing the residual commission rate across these ranks if you’re still capped at $5000? This continues throughout Nutonic’s higher ranks.

Further restricting income potential is the “no more than 60% of your weaker binary team” rule. Residual commissions are already capped, so this rule effectively limits the Matching Bonus, despite it supposedly paying on infinite width.

As far as MLM compensation plan goes, this is very restrictive.

The good news is, with respect to broader evaluation of Nutonic, the company’s Policies and Procedures makes personal evaluation dead simple.

Nutonic’s Policies and Procedures state;

Independent Sales Representatives must save a copy of the Retail Sales Slip given to retail customers.

As a prospective Nutonic affiliate, first ask your potential upline how much product they are purchasing each month.

Then you want to ask what they’re monthly retail sales are.

This is important because of this clause in Nutonic’s Policies and Procedures:

In order to receive commissions and overrides, Independent Sales Representatives must certify on each product order form that they have sold over seventy percent (70%) in dollar value of all products and commissionable services previously purchased by the Independent Sales Representative at wholesale from the company, to Non-Independent Sales Representative consumers.

Regardless of self-consumption, Nutonic affiliates are required to sell “over seventy percent” of purchased product to retail customers. In doing so the affiliate is required to obtain and keep “retail sales slips” for each order.

If this requirement isn’t met, that Nutonic affiliate shouldn’t qualify for commissions.

This is not something I’ve come up with, this is from Nutonic’s own Policies and Procedures.

If your potential upline can’t or own’t provide you with retail sales slips dating back a few months, demonstrating they are making retail sales equivalent to at least half their rank-required monthly PV, that affiliate is running their Nutonic business as a pyramid scheme.

By signing up, you too will be expected to sign up for autoship and recruit others who do the same.

Given how Nutonic’s compensation plan is set up and how it’s being marketed, I’d be very surprised if significant retail sales were taking place company-wide.

The FTC has stated MLM companies without significant retail sales are pyramid schemes. Approach with caution.


Update 6th August 2021 – Following publication of this review, Nutonic co-founder Jerry Booth reached out with concerns.

After providing what he claimed was current compensation plan documentation, BehindMLM published an updated Nutonic review on August 6th.