MyDaina stylizes itself as “MydA.Ina”. That’s awkwardly stupid though so we’ll run with MyDaina instead.

MyDaina fails to provide verifiable ownership or executive information on its website.

MyDaina does provide three fictional executives, none of whom exist outside of MyDaina’s own marketing.

MyDaina’s CEO, “Joaquin Canal”, appears to be BitBCN shitcoin CTO Juan Manuel Lanuza Belmonte:

“Rawad Nassar”, MyDaina’s VP of Sales, is definitely UK national Thaher Miah:

Miah is a Regional Director/Manager at Coinstore, a crypto exchange headquartered in Singapore.

I wasn’t able to confirm Juan Belmonte but Thaher Miah has committed to playing a fictional MyDaina executive:

Of the four videos on MyDaina’s YouTube channel, two are English presentations featuring Miah. The other two videos are a Korean presentation and marketing event held in Vietnam.

MyDaina doesn’t specify where it is operating from on its website.

MyDaina’s website domain (“”), was privately registered on July 22nd, 2023.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

MyDaina’s Products

MyDaina has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market MyDaina affiliate membership itself.

MyDaina’s Compensation Plan

MyDaina affiliates invest USDT equivalents in cryptocurrency.

This is done on the promise of up to 1.5% a day, capped at up to 360% annually.

  • A.I Discover – invest $25 and receive up to 1% a day for 12 months (capped at 20% a month)
  • A.I Amateur – invest $50 and receive up to 1% a day for 12 months (capped at 20% a month)
  • A.I Starter – invest $100 and receive up to 1% a day for 12 months (capped at 20% a month)
  • A.I Promoter – invest $500 and receive up to 1% a day for 12 months (capped at 20% a month)
  • A.I Manager – invest $1000 and receive up to 1.5% a day for 12 months (capped at 30% a month)
  • A.I Leader – invest $2500 and receive up to 1.5% a day for 12 months (capped at 30% a month)
  • A.I Pro – invest $5000 and receive up to 1.5% a day for 12 months (capped at 30% a month)
  • A.I Pro 2 – invest $10,000 and receive up to 1.5% a day for 12 months (capped at 30% a month)
  • A.I President – invest $20,000 and receive up to 1.5% a day for 12 months (capped at 30% a month)
  • A.I Goat – invest $50,000 and receive up to 1.5% a day for 12 months (capped at 30% a month)

A $100 to access PAMM investment plan is also available.

MyDaina’s PAMM investment plan pays up to 20% a month on a minimum $100 investment.

Note that if 500% is reached through a combination of the passive returns and MLM commissions, reinvestment is required to continue earning.

The MLM side of MyDaina pays on recruitment of affiliate investors.

MLM Commission Restrictions

Note that MyDaina caps MLM commissions daily, based on how much an affiliate has invested:

  • A.I Discover affiliates are capped at $12.50 a day
  • A.I Amateur affiliates are capped at $25 a day
  • A.I Starter affiliates are capped at $50 a day
  • A.I Promoter affiliates are capped at $250 a day
  • A.I Manager affiliates are capped at $500 a day
  • A.I Leader affiliates are capped at $1250 a day
  • A.I Pro affiliates are capped at $2500 a day
  • A.I Pro 2 affiliates are capped at $5000 a day
  • A.I President affiliates are capped at $10,000 a day
  • A.I Goat affiliates who are also ranked Crown Diamond are capped at $15,000 a day

Note that in addition to the above limits, MyDaina also only pays out 70% of withdrawal requests. The other 30% is paid out over 12 months.

MyDaina Affiliate Ranks

There are twelve affiliate ranks within MyDaina’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  1. Jade – generate $500 in accumulated weaker binary team investment volume
  2. Sapphire – generate $2500 in accumulated weaker binary team investment volume
  3. Ruby – generate $5000 in accumulated weaker binary team investment volume
  4. Emerald – generate $20,000 in accumulated weaker binary team investment volume
  5. Diamond – generate $50,000 in accumulated weaker binary team investment volume
  6. Blue Diamond – generate $100,000 in accumulated weaker binary team investment volume
  7. Green Diamond – generate $250,000 in accumulated weaker binary team investment volume
  8. Red Diamond – generate $500,000 in accumulated weaker binary team investment volume
  9. Black Diamond – generate $1,500,000 in accumulated weaker binary team investment volume
  10. Crown Diamond – generate $3,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary team investment volume
  11. Ambassador – generate $5,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary team investment volume
  12. Royal Ambassador – generate $10,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary team investment volume

Referral Commissions

MyDaina pays a 10% referral commission on cryptocurrency invested into its AI plans by personally recruited affiliates.

5% is paid on PAMM plan investment.

Residual Commissions

MyDaina pays residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):

The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.

At the end of each day MyDaina tallies up new investment volume on both sides of the binary team.

Affiliates are paid 10% of funds invested on their weaker binary team side.

Once paid out on, volume is matched against the stronger binary team side and flushed.

Any leftover volume on the stronger binary team side carries over.

PAMM Profit Sharing Bonus

MyDaina represents that PAMM returns are paid out as 50% of generated returns. The other 50% is paid out as the PAMM Profit Sharing Bonus.

There are five tiers to the PAMM Profit Sharing Bonus:

  • Tier 1 – invest $1000, recruit two affiliates and generate $10,000 in downline PAMM investment = 40% share
  • Tier 2 – invest $5000, recruit four affiliates and generate $40,000 in downline PAMM investment = 30% share
  • Tier 3 – invest $10,000 and generate $100,000 in downline PAMM investment = 20% share
  • Tier 4 – maintain a $10,000 investment and generate $500,000 in downline PAMM investment = 10% share
  • Tier 5 – invest $20,000, generate $50,000 in personally recruited PAMM investment and $1,000,000 in total downline PAMM investment = 10% share

Note that the PAMM Profit Sharing Bonus is calculated on PAMM returns paid to your downline.

Rank Achievement Bonus

MyDaina rewards affiliates for qualifying at Diamond and higher with the following one-time Rank Achievement Bonuses:

  • qualify at Diamond and receive a MontBlanc Pix
  • qualify at Blue Diamond and receive an iPhone 14
  • qualify at Green Diamond and receive a MacBook Pro
  • qualify at Red Diamond and receive a “travel retreat”
  • qualify at Black Diamond and receive a Rolex watch and $75,000 investment credit
  • qualify at Crown Diamond and receive a “Rolex new model” and $150,000 investment credit
  • qualify at Ambassador and receive a Mercedes Benz and $250,000 investment credit
  • qualify at Royal Ambassador and receive a Lamborghini and $500,000 investment credit
  • qualify at Legend and receive a share in 2.5% of company-wide revenue and $1,000,000 investment credit

Joining MyDaina

MyDaina affiliate membership is free or $100 annually if an affiliate wants to participate in the PAMM investment opportunity.

Full participation in the attached opportunity requires additional investment in the A.I plans and/or PAMM plan.

MyDaina solicits investment in various cryptocurrencies. Note that PAMM investment is solicited in tether (USDT) only.

MyDaina Conclusion

MyDaina represents it generates external revenue via an AI trading bot and PAMM account.

No evidence of MyDaina using trading revenue of any kind to pay affiliate withdrawals is provided.

Furthermore, MyDaina’s passive returns investment scheme constitutes a securities offering.

MyDaina fails to provide evidence it has registered its securities offering with financial regulators.

This is important as legally required audited financial reports filed with regulators, are the only way to verify MyDaina is actually trading and generating revenue.

Any other sort of trading revenue representation is marketing and can easily be made up, like MyDaina’s fictional executive identities.

By failing to register its securities offering with financial regulators, MyDaina at a minimum is committing securities fraud.

As it stands the only verifiable source of revenue entering MyDaina is new investment. Using new investment to pay affiliate withdrawals would make MyDaina a Ponzi scheme.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment.

This will starve MyDaina of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

The math behind Ponzi schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of participants lose money.