Movii Technology, not to be confused with Colombian payment app “Movii”, is an MLM company that falsely represents it has been around since 2018.

Founded in year 2018, Movii Technology was established in right in the center of Los Angeles, California.

Movii Technology operates from two known website domains:

  • – privately registered on August 24th, 2022.
  • – privately registered on September 27th, 2022 (note Movii runs off the subdomain “”)

From these registrations we can confirm Movii Technology didn’t exist prior to August 2022.

Movii Technology cites “Joseph McKenzie” as co-founder and Chief Director of the company.

In a marketing video uploaded to Movii Technology’s official YouTube channel last October, McKenzie verbally only cites himself as a Movii spokesperson.

This suggests Movii Technology may have taken some liberties.

Naturally “Joseph McKenzie” doesn’t exist. I wasn’t able to pin down a name but can confirm he’s an actor from the UK:

As to who is actually running Movii Technology, we can piece together some history from the company’s official FaceBook page:

Movii Technology began as MoviiTech Asia in December 2021. By April 2022 MoviiTech Asia had attracted the attention of authorities, leading to an arrest in Singapore.

In an island-wide anti-scam enforcement operation conducted on 1 and 5 April 2022, the Commercial Affairs Department arrested a 29-year-old man for his suspected involvement in Ponzi-like job scams that involved the earning of commission by viewing movie trailers.

On 30 March 2022, the Police received information on an emerging job scam platform (‘Moviitech’).

During the operation, officers from the Commercial Affairs Department mounted simultaneous island-wide operations and arrested the man, and identified another three men, aged between 18 and 41, who are currently assisting with investigations for their suspected involvement in the scams.

Preliminary investigations revealed that the bogus company was believed to be running Ponzi-like schemes using Multi-level Marketing strategies.

The four men are believed to have facilitated the schemes by advertising and recruiting potential job seekers as members, and providing bank accounts to facilitate the movement of illicit funds.

Police investigations are ongoing.

I wasn’t able to find a follow up on the MoviiTech arrest. I believe the arrested suspect and cooperating suspects were MoviiTech promoters, as opposed to operators of the scam.

In any event, MoviiTech has been rebooted as Movii Technology. And whoever is running Movii Technology is doing so from Malaysia and the UAE.

The UAE is guaranteed to be Dubai, the MLM crime capital of the world.

BehindMLM’s guidelines for Dubai are:

  1. If someone lives in Dubai and approaches you about an MLM opportunity, they’re trying to scam you.
  2. If an MLM company is based out of or represents it has ties to Dubai, it’s a scam.

If you want to know specifically how this applies to Movii Technology, read on for a full review.

Movii Technology’s Products

Movii Technology has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market Movii Technology affiliate membership itself.

Movii Technology’s Compensation Plan

Movii Technology solicits investment on the promise of a 300% ROI:

  • V1 – invest $50 and receive $2 a day for 75 days ($150)
  • V2 – invest $200 and receive $8 a day for 75 days ($600)
  • V3 – invest $500 and receive $20 a day for 75 days ($1500)
  • V4 – invest $1000 and receive $40 a day for 75 days ($3000)
  • V5 – invest $3000 and receive $120 a day for 75 days ($9000)

Note that to qualify for daily returns, Movii Technology affiliates are required to watch movie trailers through the company’s mobile app.

The more a Movii Technology affiliate invests, the more movie trailers they have to watch.

Movii Technology pays referral commissions on invested funds down two levels of recruitment (unilevel):

  • 10% on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates)
  • 5% on level 2

Joining Movii Technology

Movii Technology affiliate membership is free.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires a minimum $50 investment every 75 days.

Movii Technology Conclusion

Following the April 2022 arrest, here’s how Singapore’s police In describing MoviiTech’s business

Job seekers received unsolicited messages on Telegram, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube or came across online advertisements promoting lucrative and easy money-making opportunities.

This job scam portal purported to be an online platform where users would be paid to watch movie trailers.

The job seekers would be able to increase their earnings by recruiting more people to participate on the platform.

To enrol into this alleged money-making opportunity, the job seekers would be required to register a free account and purchase a membership plan, ranging from $65 to $450, before they would be start earning commissions by watching the movie trailers on the platform.

Preliminary investigations revealed that the bogus company was believed to be running Ponzi-like schemes using Multi-level Marketing strategies.

In most cases, the job seekers would be convinced that it was a legitimate job as they would receive commissions and profit during the early stages of their memberships.

They would realise that they had been scammed when they did not receive further commissions or were unable to make withdrawals from their member accounts.

This is Movii Technology’s business model.

The “trailer watching” is busybody work. It doesn’t generate any actual revenue.

Given movie trailers are freely available, I suspect all Movii Technology’s app does is pull them down from YouTube or some other source. This would be trivial to program.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment.

This will starve Movii Technology of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

As MoviiTech investors learned the hard way, the majority of participants in Ponzi schemes lose money.

I believe the majority of MoviiTech victims were based in south-east Asia. Movii Technology is currently being primarily promoted across the US.

SimilarWeb currently ranks top sources of traffic to Movii Technology’s website as the US (58%), Spain (30%) and Argentina (3%).


Update 19th March 2023 – Within 24 hours of this review being published Movii Technology disabled withdrawals.

Another 24 hours later the “trailer ruse” fell apart, with investors reporting watching trailers has been disabled in the app.