M-Power fails to provide verifiable ownership or executive information on its website.

M-Power’s website domain (“m-power.group”), was privately registered on June 26th, 2024.

Note that M-Power originally launched on “m-power.ai”, privately registered on an unknown date and abandoned for an unknown reason shortly after.

M-Power represents it was founded by “Samir M.A. Sahmound”.

Sahmoud doesn’t exist outside of M-Power’s own marketing, and even then then they can’t get the name right.

This lends itself to “Samir M.A. Sahmound/Sahmoud” being an alias.

Someone who appears to exist is M-Power’s Director of Development, Chris Gilbert.

Gilbert has ties to Russia:

M-Power’s Renat Mansurov is a “money mentor”, also with ties to Russia…

…and Dubai:

Dubai is the MLM crime capital of the world. Any MLM company with the slightest hint of ties to Dubai is an automatic show-stopper red flag.

It remains unconfirmed but “Samir M.A. Sahmound” is probably a third-world country pick-up from Dubai.

Putting all of this together M-Power is likely run by Russians hiding in Dubai.

This tracks with M-Power running a promo for an event in Thailand.

Thailand’s recent growing Russian population has attracted media attention.

Officially, M-Power represents it is based out of the UK. This is based on nothing more than the shell company registration of M-Power Business Group LTD on June 6th, 2024.

Of note is “Samir Sahmoud” listed as the sole Director of M-Power Business Group LTD, with Turkey listed as his country of residence.

Putting aside the ease of which scammers can register shell companies in the UK with bogus information, over the last few years Turkey emerged as a haven for “international criminal networks”.

This is potentially another indirect tie to Russians (Russians are typically behind “actors playing executives” Ponzi schemes hence us pointing out any direct or indirect ties).

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

M-Power’s Products

M-Power has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market M-Power affiliate membership itself.

M-Power’s Compensation Plan

M-Power affiliates invest $100 or more in cryptocurrency. This is done on the promise of an “average monthly dynamic profit of up to 30%”.

The MLM side of M-Power pays on recruitment of affiliate investors.

M-Power Affiliate Ranks

There are sixteen affiliate ranks within M-Power’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  1. Rank 1- sign up as an M-Power affiliate and invest at least $100
  2. Rank 2 – invest at least $250 and generate $2500 in downline investment
  3. Rank 3 – invest at least $500 and generate $10,000 in downline investment
  4. Rank 4 – invest at least $1000 and generate $25,000 in downline investment
  5. Rank 5 – invest at least $2500 and generate $50,000 in downline investment
  6. Rank 6 – invest at least $5000 and generate $100,000 in downline investment
  7. Rank 7 – invest at least $7500 and generate $250,000 in downline investment
  8. Rank 8 – invest at least $15,000 and generate $500,000 in downline investment
  9. Rank 9 – invest at least $30,000 and generate $1,000,000 in downline investment
  10. Rank 10 – invest at least $50,000 and generate $2,500,000 in downline investment
  11. Rank 11 – invest at least $100,000 and generate $5,000,000 in downline investment
  12. Rank 12 – invest at least $200,000 and generate $10,000,000 in downline investment
  13. Rank 13 – invest at least $250,000 and generate $25,000,000 in downline investment
  14. Rank 14 – invest at least $500,000 and generate $50,000,000 in downline investment
  15. Rank 15 – invest at least $750,000 and generate $75,000,000 in downline investment
  16. Rank 16 – invest at least $1,000,000 and generate $100,000,000 in downline investment

Referral Commissions

M-Power pays referral commissions on cryptocurrency invested by personally recruited affiliates.

  • Rank 1 affiliates earn a 5% referral commission rate
  • Rank 2 affiliates earn an 7.5% referral commission rate
  • Rank 3 affiliates earn a 10% referral commission rate
  • Rank 4 affiliates earn a 12.5%% referral commission rate
  • Rank 5 affiliates earn a 15% referral commission rate
  • Rank 6 affiliates earn a 20% referral commission rate
  • Rank 7 affiliates earn a 21% referral commission rate
  • Rank 8 affiliates earn a 22% referral commission rate
  • Rank 9 affiliates earn a 23% referral commission rate
  • Rank 10 affiliates earn a 24% referral commission rate
  • Rank 11 affiliates earn a 25% referral commission rate
  • Rank 12 affiliates earn a 26% referral commission rate
  • Rank 13 affiliates earn a 27% referral commission rate
  • Rank 14 affiliates earn a 28% referral commission rate
  • Rank 15 affiliates earn a 29% referral commission rate
  • Rank 16 affiliates earn a 30% referral commission rate

ROI Match

M-Power pays a ROI Match on passive returns paid to downline affiliates.

  • Rank 6 affiliates earn a 5% ROI match
  • Rank 7 affiliates earn a 6% ROI match
  • Rank 8 affiliates earn a 7% ROI match
  • Rank 9 affiliates earn an 8% ROI match
  • Rank 10 affiliates earn a 9% ROI match
  • Rank 11 affiliates earn a 10% ROI match
  • Rank 12 affiliates earn an 11% ROI match
  • Rank 13 affiliates earn a 12% ROI match
  • Rank 14 affiliates earn a 13% ROI match
  • Rank 15 affiliates earn a 14% ROI match
  • Rank 16 affiliates earn a 15% ROI match

Rank Achievement Bonuses

M-Power rewards affiliates for qualifying at Rank 2 and higher with the following one-time Rank Achievement Bonuses:

  • qualify at Rank 2 and receive $50
  • qualify at Rank 3 and receive $200
  • qualify at Rank 4 and receive $500
  • qualify at Rank 5 and receive an iPhone
  • qualify at Rank 6 and receive a “weekend trip to Dubai”
  • qualify at Rank 7 and receive a “trip to Maldives”
  • qualify at Rank 8 and receive a Rolex DateJust
  • qualify at Rank 9 and receive a Mercedes-Benz
  • qualify at Rank 10 and receive an “apartment in the region”
  • qualify at Rank 11 and receive a Mercedes-Benz S-Class
  • qualify at Rank 12 and receive an “apartment in Dubai”
  • qualify at Rank 13 and receive a “villa in Bali”
  • qualify at Rank 14 and receive a Rolls-Royce Cullinan
  • qualify at Rank 15 and receive a “house/villa”
  • qualify at Rank 16 and receive a yacht

Joining M-Power

M-Power affiliate membership is free.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires a minimum $100 investment.

M-Power solicits investment in various cryptocurrencies.

M-Power Conclusion

There’s no much to M-Power, it’s your typical Boris CEO Ponzi scheme. M-Power’s marketing heavily pushes your typical AI trading bot Ponzi ruse.

M-Power fails to provide verifiable evidence it generates external revenue of any kind.

An example of verifiable evidence would be audited financial reports filed with regulators.

This is a legal requirement, without which M-Power is committing verified securities fraud and operating illegally.

Note that M-Power’s UK shell company is not a substitute for registering with regulators and periodically filing audited reports.

As it stands, the only verifiable source of revenue entering M-Power is new investment.

Using new investment to pay ROI withdrawals would make M-Power a Ponzi scheme.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment.

This will starve M-Power of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

The math behind Ponzi schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of participants lose money.