Incufi fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website.

Incufi’s website domain (“”), was privately registered on May 4th, 2024.

There are references on Incufi’s website to “NaN”, “AKITA” and NFTs. This corresponds to Akita Rider.

Akita Rider operates on the domain (“”), privately registered on April 14th, 2024.

Like Incufi, Akita Rider fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

Incufi’s Products

Incufi has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market Incufi affiliate membership itself.

Incufi’s Compensation Plan

Incufi offers staking of acquired AKITA tokens (possibly NaN also), which are tied to investment in Akita Rider NFTs.

Akita Rider NFT investment appears to start at 100 USDT ($100).

Investment in Akita Rider NFTs is solicited on the promise of advertised passive returns:

  • 1 year investment contract (invested tokens locked for 3 months) = 6% a month
  • 2 year investment contract (invested funds locked for 4 months) = 13% a month
  • 3 year investment contract (invested funds locked for 6 months) = 20% a month

The MLM side of Incufi pays a percentage of staked AKITA down two levels of recruitment (unilevel):

  • 10% on level 1
  • 5% on level 2

Although not clarified, I believe staking commissions are paid out in AKITA (possible NaN).

Joining Incufi

Incufi affiliate membership is free.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires a minimum 100 USDT investment.


Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of Incufi and Akita Rider are the people promoting it. In researching this article, the only people I found promoting were middle-aged European men living in south-east Asia.

This alone isn’t a problem but said middle-aged men were fawning over… *checks notes* AI-generated slop featuring half-naked children hugging puppies.

I uh, yeah. Look by all means get hyped about the prospect of getting in early and stealing a bunch of money from braindead morons in yet another MLM crypto Ponzi – but grown men “loving the quality” of AI-generated half-naked children is always going to be raise eyebrows.

Also what’s the AI prompt direction here? Rip-off Native American culture with some generic caricature and throw in some puppies?

I suppose it doesn’t matter, the driving the force behind Incufi is its “staking” Ponzi scheme. Incufi affiliates are recruited and through Akita Rider NFTs invest in AKITA tokens.

These tokens are then parked with Incufi on the promise of passive returns, through which existing investors hope to cash out earlier invested funds.

Akita Rider’s website also references “yield farming” and “lending”. Yield farming is a variation of the staking Ponzi model. The lending ruse goes back to the BitConnect days circa 2017.

In a nutshell, the ruse sees returns generated by lending invested funds to fictional borrowers who pay interest.

Curiously, everything other than investing in NFTs on Akita Rider’s website is “coming soon”.

This probably ties into an exit-scam “referral loophole” uncovered by X-explore last month.

Yesterday, @Phalcon_xyz reported that an unknown contract (0x80df) on BSC drained ~$60K through interaction with a contract called ‘INcufi’.

Our team conducted a quick research and discovered that the attacker gained profit by exploiting a loophole in the INcufi contract. Our team believes that INcufi is related to this project.

The attacker cleverly utilizes the function: register(address referrer). Register is a function that allows users to join given a referrer. The attacker cleverly manipulates this function by creating multiple contracts which refer to one another.

Hence, the attacker can refer himself and earn the commission fees from staking.

In INcufi, you can have a maximum of two referrers who will earn the commission fees. To maximize the profit, the attacker made the FirstLevel and SecondLevel referrers himself.

The first referrer will earn 10% of the stake amount, and the second referrer (the referrer who referred the first referrer) will earn 5% of the commission fees. Therefore, anyone can continuously stake and unstake and get 15% of the reward every single time!

In non-crypto MLM this is referred to as “stacking”. It’s something company owners can quickly address and remedy through account termination.

In MLM crypto stacking results in draining of invested funds, a complete meltdown and public security bulletin being published.

Be it a referral exit-scam loophole or inevitable Ponzi math collapsing, investing in Incufi and Akita Riders plays out the same;

In order for a few people to make off with invested funds, the majority of investors must lose said funds.