Piecing together Healy World’s corporate history is difficult.

This is for two reasons:

  1. Healy World natively operates in German; and
  2. Healy World provides no company formation information on their website.

The earliest I was able to find on Healy World as it exists today is a mid 2017 YouTube video titled, “Marcus Schmieke about the new Healy system”.

On Healy World’s website, Schmieke is cited as ‘the inventor and developer of the Healy and TimeWaver products‘.

Another possibility is that although Healy World as a company has been around since mid 2017, the MLM opportunity launched earlier this year.

TimeWaver was launched in 2017. There’s various devices for sale on the TimeWaver website, however the MLM opportunity seems to only be offered through Healy World.

Both Healy World and TimeWaver appear to be operated out of Berlin, Germany.

As far as I can tell, Schmieke doesn’t have an MLM history prior to founding Healy World.

Read on for a full review of the Healy World MLM opportunity.

Healy World Products

Healy World is marketed as a wearable device. If that conjures up images of a smartwatch, armband or some such… yeah, no.

Healy World is positively cumbersome in comparison.

The Healy World device is bulky and worn on the body as shown in an official marketing video above.

Attached to the Healy World device are two ear clamps, wrist bands or electrodes placed elsewhere on the body.

Something something a mobile app, and Healy World claims the device can be used as

a medical device for the treatment of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine as well as for the adjuvant therapy of mental illness such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders.

There’s a bunch of other stuff Healy World claims its wearable can do.

These include fitness, beauty, skin care, bioenergetic balance, sleep, mental balance, learning aid, job performance, meridians and chakras.

The company states however that these

applications of Healy are not recognized by conventional medicine due to lack of evidence in the sense of conventional medicine.

This suggests that Healy World has documented evidence of its device in relation to the treatment of the first set of disorders, right?


Healy World makes the unsupported claim that its wearable has been “developed in cooperation with practitioners”.

Not one independent study confirming any of the claims Healy World makes about it wearable is provided.

As to how Healy World’s wearable works;

Healy’s functional principle is based on the theory of Becker and Nordenstrom stating that many diseases or dysfunctions in the body are caused by an unnaturally reduced cell membrane voltage.

This means that the voltage difference between the cell interior and the cell interspace is too small. A healthy cell shows a value of approximately -70mV or millivolt.

A lower voltage potential than this normal (physiological) value leads to a disturbed cell metabolism and often results in various diseases and health problems.

By introducing currents into the body, Healy is designed to bring the cell voltage back into the healthy (physiological) range.

Again, this isn’t recognized by any governing medical body around the world.

Not because there’s some big “orthodox medical” conspiracy, but because there’s no supportive documented evidence.

Finally, Healy World states their wearable is a medical device (EU Class IIa), however this has nothing to do with medical claims the company makes.

Medical device classification pertains to “safety requirements of the European Union”.

That’s in relation to operation of the device itself, not what the applicant claims it can or can’t do.

The Healy wearable retails for between €497 to €2497 EUR.

There is only one Healy device. The difference in retail costs is attributed to “programs” run through a customer’s cell phone.

The €2497 Healy Resonance package purportedly comes with “120 Healy frequency programs”.

These programs can also be purchased separately:

  • pain/psyche – €94 EUR
  • learning – €96 EUR
  • fitness – €97 EUR
  • job – €82 EUR
  • sleep – €54 EUR
  • beauty – €94 EUR
  • skin – €75 EUR
  • mental balance – €99 EUR
  • bioenergetic balance 1 – €210 EUR
  • bioenergetic balance 2 – €210 EUR
  • meridians 1 – €122 EUR
  • meridians 2 – €122 EUR
  • chakras – €85 EUR
  • protection programs – €97 EUR
  • “resonance + aura module” – €1097 EUR

The Healy World Compensation Plan

Healy World affiliates sign up and purchase a Healy device plus app programs.

Commissions are paid on sales to retail customers, as well as recruited affiliates who also purchase Healy devices.

Healy World calculates commissions based on points.

These points correspond to Healy device packages as follows:

  • Healy Gold device package (€497) – 250 points
  • Healy Holistic Health (€997) – 600 points
  • Healy Holistic Health Plus (€1497) – 900 points
  • Healy Resonance (€2497) – 1400 points

MLM Commission Qualification

In order to qualify for MLM commissions, each Healy World affiliate must recruit two affiliates who each purchase a Healy device package.

These two affiliates must be placed one on both sides of a Healy World affiliate’s binary team.

Healy World Affiliate Ranks

There are twelve affiliate ranks within Healy World’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • Member – sign up as a Healy World affiliate (no MLM commissions)
  • Builder – qualify for MLM commissions and generate at least 600 points in weekly binary team volume
  • Team Leader – have at least two Builders in your binary team (one on both sides) and generate at least 2000 points in weekly binary team volume
  • Senior Team Leader – have at least two Team Leaders in your binary team (one on both sides) and generate at least 4500 points in weekly binary team volume
  • Manager – recruit and maintain at least one Builder ranked affiliate, have at least two Senior Team Leaders in your binary team (one on both sides) and generate at least 10,000 points in weekly binary team volume
  • Senior Manager – recruit and maintain at least two Builder ranked affiliates (one on both sides of your binary team), have at least two Managers in your binary team (one on both sides) and generate at least 22,000 points in weekly binary team volume
  • Director – recruit and maintain at least two Team Leader ranked affiliates (one on both sides of your binary team), maintain at least two Managers in your binary team (one on both sides) and generate at least 50,000 points in weekly binary team volume
  • Senior Director – recruit and maintain at least two Manager ranked affiliates (one on both sides of your binary team), maintain at least two additional Managers in your binary team (one on both sides) and generate at least 100,000 points in weekly binary team volume
  • Vice President – recruit and maintain at least two Senior Manager ranked affiliates (one on both sides of your binary team), have at least two Directors in your binary team (one on both sides) and generate at least 200,000 points in weekly binary team volume
  • Senior Vice President – recruit and maintain at least two Director Manager ranked affiliates (one on both sides of your binary team), have at least two Senior Directors in your binary team (one on both sides) and generate at least 400,000 points in weekly binary team volume
  • President – recruit and maintain at least two Senior Director ranked affiliates (one on both sides of your binary team), have at least two Vice Presidents in your binary team (one on both sides) and generate at least 800,000 points in weekly binary team volume
  • Senior President – maintain at least two personally recruited Senior Director ranked affiliates (one on both sides of your binary team), have at least two Presidents in your binary team (one on both sides) and generate at least 1,500,000 points in weekly binary team volume

Healy World’s compensation plan documentation states that while early ranks are applied on qualification, ‘higher ranks … may have to be confirmed several times before the corresponding title is granted‘.

No further information is provided.

Retail and Recruitment Commissions

Healy World affiliates are paid on the sale of Healy device packages to retail customers and recruited affiliates.

Commission rates paid on retail and recruited affiliates packages are the same.

  • Healy World affiliates who didn’t buy a package themselves are paid 5%
  • Healy World affiliates who purchased a Healy Gold package are paid 20%
  • Healy World affiliates who purchased a Healy Holistic Health package are paid 22%
  • Healy World affiliates who purchased a Healy Holistic Health Plus package are paid 24%
  • Healy World affiliates who purchased a Healy Resonance package are paid 26%

Fast Start Bonus

The Fast Start Bonus is a time-sensitive recruitment bonus.

If a Healy World affiliate recruits three affiliates within their first thirty days, they receive an upgrade to their purchased package.

  • Healy Gold package affiliates are upgraded to the Healy Holistic Health package
  • Healy Holistic Health package affiliates are upgraded to the Healy Holistic Health Plus package
  • Healy Holistic Health Plus package affiliates are upgraded to the Healy Resonance package

These are stepped upgrades, with each upgrade tier applied per group of three affiliates within the same thirty-day qualification period.

E.g. If a Healy Gold affiliate recruits six qualifying affiliates, they are upgraded to Healy Holistic Health Plus (two upgrades).

Note that if an affiliate already purchased the Healy Holistic Health package, they receive ‘another free Healy Resonance package instead of an upgrade.

Residual Commissions

Healy World pays residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):

The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.

Each week Healy World tallies up points generated on both sides of the binary team.

Affiliates are paid a 15% commission on points generated on their weaker binary team side (the side with less points).

Once paid out on, points are matched and flushed from both sides of the binary team.

Any leftover volume on the stronger binary team side is carried over into the following week.

Matching Bonus

Healy World pays a Matching Bonus on residual commissions earned by downline affiliates.

The Matching Bonus is tracked and paid out via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

The Matching Bonus is paid on residual commissions paid to unilevel team affiliates, based on rank:

  • Builders earn a 10% match on level 1
  • Team Leaders earn a 10% match on level 1 and 3% on level 2
  • Senior Team Leaders earn a 10% match on level 1 and 5% on level 2
  • Managers earn a 10% match on level 1 and 5% on level 2 and 3% on level 3
  • Senior Managers earn a 10% match on level 1 and 5% on levels 2 and 3
  • Directors earn a 10% match on level 1, 5% on levels 2 and 3 and 3% on level 4
  • Senior Directors earn a 10% match on level 1 and 5% on levels 2 to 4
  • Vice Presidents earn a 10% match on level 1, 5% on levels 2 to 4 and 3% on level 5
  • Senior Vice Presidents earn a 10% match on level 1, 5% on levels 2 to 5 and 3% on level 6
  • Presidents earn a 10% match on level 1, 5% on levels 2 to 6 and 3% on level 7
  • Senior Presidents earn a 10% match on level 1 and 5% on levels 2 to 8

Car Bonus

Manager and higher Healy World affiliates qualify for a weekly Car Bonus.

  • Managers receive €25 EUR a week
  • Senior Managers receive €75 EUR a week
  • Directors receive €125 EUR a week
  • Senior Directors receive €250 EUR a week
  • Vice Presidents receive €325 EUR a week
  • Senior Vice Presidents receive €375 EUR a week
  • Presidents receive €425 EUR a week
  • Senior Presidents receive €500 EUR a week

Note that the Car Bonus must be put towards a “Healy branded vehicle”.

Leadership Bonus

Healy World sets aside 1% of company-wide sales volume for the Leadership Bonus.

The Leadership Bonus is paid to “top leaders according to their turnover”.

Further specifics are not provided.

Joining Healy World

Healy World affiliate membership pricing is not provided on their website or in their compensation plan.

Although the purchase of  Healy device package isn’t mandatory, purchasing one does increase income potential.

The purchase of a Healy device package adds €497 to €2497 EUR to the cost of Healy World membership.


Where to begin?

Disclaimer: Science and orthodox medicine do not accept the existence of information fields, their possible medical or other relevance, the TimeWaver systems and their applications due to a lack of scientific proof in accordance with orthodox medicine standards.

I suppose with the reiteration that there is absolutely no science or medicine backing up what Healy World claims their devices can do.

This is worrying, considering Healy World claims to have 500,000 customers and that

more than 1,500 doctors, alternative practitioners and other therapists have used the frequency therapy.

You’re going to tell me that after twelve years and supposedly hundreds of thousands of device sales, there isn’t one peer-reviewed study into Healy World’s marketing claims?

It is generally accepted that running around making very specific claims about a device that you can’t prove, is illegal in most jurisdictions.

As I write this Alexa pegs Romania as the only notable source of traffic to Healy World’s website (42%).

The FDA/FTC equivalents in Romania are the National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices and National Authority for Consumer Protection respectively.

If you’re wondering how Healy World is getting away with unsubstantiated medical claims in Romania, it’s probably because measurable traffic to their website only started last month.

Germany’s FDA/FTC equivalents are the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices and Ministry for Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture.

Quite frankly I’m surprised they haven’t made a move yet on TimeWaver and Marcus Schmieke (right).

I put it down to none of these agencies having ever heard of TimeWaver or Healy World devices.

Certainly research into the devices puts a big question mark over the “500,000 customers” claim. Outside of Healy World marketing, there’s not much out there.

Irrespective of how many Healy devices may have been sold though, again there’s no basis for any of the unsubstantiated medical claims made.

I mean representing that a Healy device can be used to treat mental illnesses such as depression? That’s not only irresponsible, it’s downright dangerous.

Given Healy World’s devices are complete rubbish (as least from a medical perspective), analysis of the company’s compensation plan is somewhat of a moot point.

Quite obviously the idea is that every Healy World affiliate will purchase a device.

Not only does this make sense from a “how the hell are you going to convince anyone this quackery works if you don’t use it yourself?” perspective, but also because how much you spend dictates your retail/recruitment commission rate.

By registering as a Healy World Member and purchasing your personal Healy product package, you define the percentage of direct commission you will receive from personally recommended customers and Healy World Members

In MLM this is “pay to play” and is another regulatory compliance red flag.

On the plus side Healy World offers a nice incentive for retail customers referrals, by way of points they can use on product upgrades.

Said upgrades are woo frequency treatment options that have no medical basis however, so really back to square one.

The rest of Healy World’s compensation plan is neither here nor there. With any other product all they’d have to do is get rid of pay to play and it’d be workable.

Coupling any MLM compensation plan to Healy devices however is a lost cause.

Before I’m inundated with devoted Healy World affiliates who swear their device cured their goldfish’s cancer, helped them win the lottery and who knows what else; let me clarify I’m not adverse to alternative medical treatment.

What I’m adverse to is unsubstantiated medical claims.

Marcus Schmieke has had plenty of time to put one of his TimeWaver or Healy devices through appropriate trials.

So why hasn’t he?

As simple as it seems to be on the outside, Healy’s inner workings are very complex.

There is no need for you to understand all the scientific details in order to enjoy its effects, though!

Perhaps some insight lies in Schmieke’s academic history.

Seriously… I wish I was making this up.

According to the esotericist Marcus Schmieke, extraordinary experiences can be found inside a so-called Kozyrev mirror:

85.1 percent of the test subjects report that they have stepped into space. 75.4 percent want to have observed UFOs. 55.7 percent had telepathic contacts. At 30 percent it came to personality changes.

The Kozyrev mirror is nothing more than a simple aluminum tube.

An accompanying thesis somehow wound its way into a “Cultural Studies Complementary Medicine” post graduate course, which once made public was widely ridiculed.

If Healy World wants to operate legally in any country with consumer protection and medical regulation, they need to get their devices approved for use as to the specific medical treatment claims they’re making.

Until this is done, avoid like the plague.

And look I’m not a doctor but please don’t go around telling anyone with medical conditions that your little plastic Healy electrode box can cure them.

You’re not only risking their well-being (or even their life in extreme cases), but also your own reputation.

God forbid something adverse happens to those you’ve convinced your Healy device can treat, you might even find yourself in prison.


Update 12th May 2020 – Following claims Healy World’s device has been “cleared” by the FDA, we’ve examined what exactly the device has been cleared for in the US.


Update 8th April 2024 – LumiVitae has emerged as an unofficial Healy World reboot.