Global Trust One Review: GTO Coin Ponzi points investment
There is no information on the Global Trust One website indicating who owns or runs the business.
The Global Trust One website domain (“”) was registered on the 19th of March 2015, however the domain registration is set to private.
The Global Trust One website does have an “about us” page, but only the following vague marketing spiel is provided:
Global Trust One online business which was founded and supervised by Global Trust One Group in United States of America is now being fully managed by Dot Capital Limited, a registered offshore company in Republic of Seychelles.
A “Certificate of Incorporation” for Seychelles is provided on the Global Trust One website, but means little seeing as Seychelles is a known tax-haven with little to no MLM compliance regulation.
At the time of publication, Alexa estimate that Luxembourg provides 71% of all traffic to the Global Trust One domain. This strongly suggests that Luxembourg (another offshore tax-haven), is where Global Trust One is being operated from.
Another possibility is Asia, as those running Global Trust One seem particularly keen to market the company in Asia:
Our management office remained in USA and we plan to set up our Marketing Office in Hong Kong or other Asian country as soon as possible after the launching of our GTO Coins in Asia.
We will focus on core markets such as South East Asian and middles East countries, beside Europe.
Despite claims to the contrary, I was unable to find any Global Trust One presence in the US.
As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.
The Global Trust One Product Line
Global Trust One has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Global Trust One affiliate membership itself.
The Global Trust One Compensation Plan
The Global Trust One compensation plan sees affiliates invest in GTO units and get paid to recruit others who do the same.
Up to $3000 in unit investment is accepted at at a time, with GTO unit allocation as follows:
- $40 invested = 80 GTO units
- $100 invested = 200 GTO units
- $500 invested = 1000 GTO units
- $1000 invested = 2000 GTO units
- $3000 invested = 6000 GTO units
At present Global Trust One claim the value of a single unit is 10 cents.
On their website Global Trust One state that the value of each unit will rise 5 cents per 500,000 GTO units invested in by affiliates.
Mandatory Reinvestment
Of the commissions paid out to Global Trust One affiliates, only 60% may be withdrawn as cash.
20% must be reinvested in GTO units and the remaining 20% must be used to fund new affiliate recruitment (existing Global Trust One affiliate partially fund new affiliate signups).
Profit Sharing
Global Trust One accept investments of up to $9000 from affiliates, with advertised passive ROIs paid out over 100 days.
GTO is design to allow GTO passive investors to earned interest of money sitting without idoling their GTOCoin wallet with daily return rated as high as 3% for a period of 100 business days.
How much of a ROI a Global Trust One affiliate receives is determined by how much they invest:
- $40 invested = $120 ROI after 100 days
- $100 invested = $300 ROI after 100 days
- $500 invested = $1500 ROI after 100 days
- $1000 invested = $3000 ROI after 100 days
- $3000 invested = $9000 ROI after 100 days
Investment Referral Commissions
Global Trust One affiliates receive a referral commission when new and existing affiliates they’ve personally recruited invest funds.
How much of a referral commission is paid out is determined by the amount of new funds invested:
- $40 invested = $3.20 referral commission
- $100 invested = $10 referral commission
- $500 invested = $50 referral commission
- $1000 invested = $140 referral commission
- $3000 invested = $480 referral commission
Residual Commissions
Residual commissions in Global Trust One are paid out via a binary compensation structure.
A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):
Investment volume is tracked on both sides of the binary, with a Global Trust One affiliate receiving a 10% commission of funds invested.
Note that Global Trust One affiliates are capped in binary earnings, with the cap determined by how much they themselves invested:
- invest $40 = $60 daily binary earnings cap
- invest $100 = $150 daily binary earnings cap
- invest $500 = $500 daily binary earnings cap
- invest $1000 = $1000 daily binary earnings cap
- invest $3000 = $3000 daily binary earnings cap
Matching Residual Commissions
Check match commission on the binary earnings of recruited affiliates are paid out via a unilevel compensation structure.
A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):
If any of these level 1 affiliates go on to recruit new affiliates of their own, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.
If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.
Payable unilevel levels in Global Trust One are capped at seven, with how many levels an affiliate can earn down determined by how much they have invested:
- invest $40 = no matching bonus
- invest $100 = 2.5% on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates)
- invest $500 = 2.5% on levels 1 to 3
- invest $1000 = 2.5% on levels 1 to 5
- invest $3000 = 2.5% down all seven available unilevel levels
Joining Global Trust One
Global Trust One affiliate membership is free, however affiliates must invest at least $40 if they wish to participate in the MLM income opportunity.
Any additional investments made will add on the cost of Global Trust One affiliate membership.
Global Trust One market or sell nothing to retail customers, with the only revenue-stream entering the company being affiliate investment.
Coupled with the familiar Ponzi points business model Zeek Rewards pioneered, through GTO units Global Trust One then simply shuffle newly invested funds to pay off existing investors.
The cryptocurrency ruse has increased in popularity over the last year or so, as it provides a strong incentive to affiliates not to withdraw invested funds.
In essence, it’s “fear of loss” cranked into overdrive. The scheme and it’s top-promoters push the line that they’re going to be the next BitCoin, with anyone cashing out now bound to miss the inevitable surge in value of the Ponzi points.
The scheme creates a “monopoly money” scenario by continuing to increase the value of the points, with affiliates only finding out once its too late that infact nothing was backing the increases in point value.
What’s worse is many investors run off screenshots of
BitCoin is usually trotted out an example in Ponzi points schemes, and sure enough in Global Trade One marketing material makes multiple appearances:
Global Trust One makes it possible for everyone to access and understand the industry of virtual currency and profit sharing
through our unique business plan.We are the first company who introduce the business of virtual currency with passive profit to be share amongst investors.
We are aiming for the sky and becoming one of the most successful currencies in the market, next to BitCoin!!!
In addition to offering fraudulent Ponzi ROIs, the rest of the Global Trust One compensation plan exists solely to motivate affiliates to recruit new affiliate investors.
This is the life-blood of the scheme, with all Ponzi schemes otherwise collapsing once new affiliate investments dry up.
The MLM Ponzi points cryptocurrency niche is rather saturated at the moment, so whether or not Global Trust One takes off remains to be seen.
As of now, the gto log-in is under construction may I ask when it comeback, we afraid that we invest our money then it comes useless. Please response for our concern.
thank you
How long has it been down?
It’s been down for almost a month now and every one thinks it’s already a SCAM.
Lots of investors were not able to withdraw their money since Nov. 15. 🙁