Geton Global provides no information on its website about who owns or runs the company.

Geton Global’s website domain (“”) was privately registered on August 23rd, 2020.

It’s worth noting that Geton Global’s website domain uses a Slovenian name-server provider.

Marketing videos on Geton Global’s official YouTube channel feature Kari Wahlroos.

Wahlroos is best known for being one of the more prominent faces of the OneCoin Ponzi scheme.

Last we heard Wahlroos was running promotion for the Wantage One Ponzi scheme. Guess that didn’t work out.

Wahlroos’ involvement in Geton Global led me to “Geton News”, which appears to be an official Geton Global marketing blog.

As revealed on Geton News, the founder and CEO of Geton Global is Milan Kozlevčar (right).

I wasn’t able to pin Kozlevčar to any MLM companies. He is however behind a number of failed cryptocurrency projects.

A Reddit post made two years ago ties Kozlevčar to Socratescoin, Proncoin and Piplcoin.

The two latter shitcoins have been repurposed for use in Geton Global (more on this in the review conclusion).

As per Kozlevcar’s Twitter profile, he’s based out of Ljubljana, Slovenia.


Update 9th January 2021 – A reader sent in an archived scan of the June 2nd 2000 run of the Slovenian newspaper GorenjskiGlas.

On page 39 of the paper there’s an article detailing Milan Kozlevčar being busted for heroin smuggling:

I’ve blown up the photo of Milan in the article on the right.

According to my source, Kozlevčar was busted smuggling heroin from Croatia to Germany.

He was 28 at the time and sentenced to nine years in prison.

Typically I don’t include non-MLM related history in our reviews.

Within the context of Geton Global being a Ponzi scheme however, I believe this is relevant due-diligence information. /end update


Read on for a full review of Geton Global’s MLM opportunity.

Geton Global’s Products

Geton Global has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Geton Global affiliate membership itself.

Geton Global’s Compensation Plan

Geton Global’s website details one investment plan. Through Geton Trading, the company also offers additional investment tiers.

Collectively Geton Global’s investment opportunities are referred to as “Geton Investments”.

For the sake of simplicity I’ve grouped them all together below.

Geton Global

Geton Global affiliates invest funds on the promise of an advertised 100-day return:

  • invest €1 to €499 EUR and receive 0.5% a day
  • invest €500 to €2499 EUR and receive 0.75% a day
  • invest €2500 to €9999 EUR and receive 1% a day
  • invest €10,000 to €12,500 EUR and receive 1.25% a day

Note that if Geton Global affiliates dare put in a withdrawal request before 100 days, the company charges an exorbitant 50% fee.

Each Geton Global affiliate is required to pay a €50 EUR affiliate membership fee, which the company uses to pay recruitment commissions.

Geton Global pays recruitment commissions via a 5×9 matrix.

A 5×9 matrix places an affiliate at the top of a matrix, with five positions directly under them.

These five positions form the first level of the matrix. The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these five positions into another five positions each (25 positions).

Levels three to nine of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with each new level housing five times as many positions as the previous level.

Recruitment commissions are paid out as a percentage of funds invested across the matrix.

Specific recruitment commission percentages are determined by what level of the matrix new investment is made:

  • level 1 (5 positions) – 6%
  • level 2 (25 positions) – 5%
  • level 3 (125 positions) – 4%
  • level 4 (625 positions) – 6%
  • level 5 (3125 positions) – 5%
  • level 6 (15,625 positions) – 4%
  • level 7 (78,125 positions) – 3%
  • level 8 (390,625 positions) – 2%
  • level 9 (1,953,125 positions) – 1%

Geton Trading

Investment tiers through Geton Trading start at €1 EUR.

  • invest €1 to €2499 EUR and receive 0.75% a day
  • invest €2500 to €9999 EUR and receive 1% a day
  • invest €10,000 to €12,500 EUR and receive 1.25% a day

Investment terms are the same as Geton Global. A 50% withdrawal fee is charged if you withdraw before the 100 day term end.

Geton Trading affiliates pay either €100 EUR or €12,500 EUR for regular and premium membership respectively.

Both membership tiers have their own recruitment commissions structure.

Regular tier Geton Trading recruitment commissions are paid out via a 4×8 matrix.

A 4×8 matrix places a Geton Trading affiliate at the top a matrix, with four positions directly under them:

These four positions form the first level of the matrix. The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these four positions into another four positions each (16 positions).

Levels three to eight of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with each new level housing four times as many positions as the previous level.

Recruitment commissions are paid out as a percentage of funds invested across the matrix.

Specific recruitment commission percentages are determined by what level of the matrix new investment is made:

  • level 1 (4 positions) – 6%
  • level 2 (16 positions) – 5%
  • level 3 (64 positions) – 5%
  • level 4 (256 positions) – 6%
  • level 5 (1024 positions) – 5%
  • level 6 (4096 positions) – 4%
  • level 7 (16,384 positions) – 3%
  • level 8 (65,536 positions) – 2%

Geton Trading Premium tier costs €12,500 EUR.

Geton Trading Premium recruitment commissions are paid via a 3×6 matrix.

A 3×6 matrix places an affiliate at the top of a matrix, with three positions directly under them:

These three positions form the first level of the matrix. The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these three positions into another three positions each (9 positions).

Levels three to six of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with each new level housing three times as many positions as the previous level.

Recruitment commissions are paid out as a percentage of funds invested across the matrix.

Specific recruitment commission percentages are determined by what level of the matrix new investment is made:

  • level 1 (3 positions) – 9%
  • level 2 (9 positions) – 8%
  • level 3 (27 positions) – 9%
  • level 4 (81 positions) – 8%
  • level 5 (243 positions) – 6%
  • level 6 (729 positions) – 5%

Beyond recruitment commissions, there doesn’t appear to be any difference between Geton Trading regular and premium membership.

Joining Geton Global

Geton Global affiliate membership costs are tied to investment tiers:

  • Geton Global affiliate membership is €50 EUR
  • Geton Trading affiliate membership is €100 EUR
  • Geton Trading Premium affiliate membership is €12,500 EUR

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires an additional €1 to €12,500 EUR investment.


So the ruse goes, Geton Global affiliates are investing to receive “711% marketcap growth of hosted blockchain companies.”

That’s an odd claim to make, seeing as the only blockchain companies on offer are Milan Kozlevčar’s failed shitcoins.

Geton Global doesn’t exactly go into how returns will be generated, but does tout PiplCoin and PronCoin as “blockchain companies”.

PiplCoin launched in 2017 and is basically a pointless coin pegged to the world’s population.

The mission of PiplCoin is to provide high grade liquidity for a blockchain-based project PiplShare.

The 7.531.907.537 PiplCoins coins represent the maximum amount of coins ever exist during the lifetime of the PiplCoin cryptocurrency, and correspond to a world population estimate on 15 July 2017.

PiplShare is pitched as a  “worldwide freelancing platform”. Or at least that was the original plan.

Now it sounds like a smart-contract Ponzi;

Invest to prosperous human resources [sic] transparently, based on Smart Contract.

Yeah, just your typical shitcoin hype word-salad sandwich.

As per Alexa, PiplCoin’s website traffic is dead. PiplShare was dormant up until April, but is now back in decline.

PiplCoin is publicly tradeable. PIPL debuted at around 9 cents. Did the shitcoin pump for a few months, dumped and is sitting at $0.000655.

PronCoin’s website hits you with a blown up stock photo of a woman in lingerie.

We would like to invite you to be a part of the future and help to bring in a new era for the online adult industry that will finally give authority to the people, the people who like to look at porn on the internet.


PronCoin has also been around since 2017 and functionally is as pointless as PiplCoin.

PronCoin doesn’t appear to be publicly tradeable. Such to the extent it is tradeable on Geton Global’s internal Geton Exchange, no internal value is provided.

I did find a chart showing purported internal values on Geton Global’s website, however these appear to be made up (based on PIPL’s verifiable fake value):

Geton Exchange is basically where Geton Global affiliates will cash out their worthless PIPL and PRON.

As the creator of all this, Milan Kozlevčar is naturally holding boatloads of PIPL and PRON.

Geton Global’s ultimate goal is to recruit new bagholders, pump the price up again and make Kozlevčar rich.

Don’t just take my word for it though, the pump and dump model is literally spelled out in Geton Global’s “roadmap”:

-more tokens distributed higher the token price

-more users on the platform

-more value to the platform

-more tokens distributed higher the token price

-after distribution the platform is owned by the crowd and powered by the blockchain

-token listing on the external exchange

Look, as far as cryptocurrency shenanigans go this is par for the course. Although it’s much harder to get people to invest into your shitcoins now than it was in 2017.

My concern with Geton Global is the investment opportunity.

Clearly both PiplCoin and PronCoin aren’t generating revenue to fund advertised Geton Global returns.

That means new investment is the likely source of ROI revenue, making Geton Global a Ponzi scheme.

At a minimum neither Geton Global or Kozlevčar are registered to offer securities in any jurisdiction, meaning Ponzi or no, this is all illegal from the get go anyway.

And there’s the issue of Geton Global functioning as a pyramid scheme, and the involvement of serial scammers such as Kari Wahlroos.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once recruitment dies down so too will new investment.

This will starve Geton Global of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

The math behind Ponzi schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of participants lose money.