MCAM stands for “Moneda Crypto Asset Management”. Get MCAM is an MLM company created to market Moneda tokens.

On its website Get MCAM provides no information about who’s behind Get MCAM or Moneda.

Get MCAM’s website domain (“”), was privately registered on November 20th, 2021.

In an attempt to hide who’s running Get MCAM, this guy has been hired to shoot multiple <30 second promo clips:

Get MCAM makes a big deal about the actor having a US accent.

Other Fivver style actors have also been used. “Din (Dean?) from California” is a particularly amusing example.

The grammar in the scripts used strongly suggests whoever paid for these videos isn’t a native English speaker.

The first hint at who’s behind Get MCAM was this Indian Independence Day video, uploaded on January 26th:

On February 11th, Get MCAM uploaded a “blockchain summit” video.

The video features the company’s Indian admins. Whether these are also the owner(s) of the company is unclear.

What we learn from this is Get MCAM is being run by Indians, primarily targeting an Indian audience.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

Get MCAM’s Products

Get MCAM has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market Get MCAM affiliate membership itself.

Get MCAM’s Compensation Plan

Get MCAM affiliates invest in Moneda tokens on the promise of up to 300%.

  • invest $50 and receive 1% a day capped at 200%
  • invest $100 and receive 1% a day capped at 200%
  • invest $250 and receive 1% a day capped at 250%
  • invest $500 and receive 1% a day capped at 250%
  • invest $1000 and receive 1% a day capped at 300%

Note that if 400% is reached through a combination of returns and MLM commissions (see below), reinvestment is required to continue earning.

On their Club Moneda website, Get MCAM reveal they are currently flogging MCAM tokens to investors at 80 cents each.

The MLM side of Get MCAM pays on affiliate investor recruitment.

Referral Commissions

Get MCAM affiliates earn a 5% commission on funds invested by personally recruited affiliates.

Matching Bonus

Get MCAM pays an 8% matching bonus, equal to how much an affiliate has invested.

What they don’t specify is what the Matching Bonus is paid on.

Things get even more confusing with Get MCAM paying “51% Matching Level Bonus on Matching Bonus”:

The Matching Level component of the Matching Bonus is paid out via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Get MCAP caps the Matching Level of the Matching Bonus at fifty unilevel team levels:

  • level 1 (must recruit two affiliates to qualify) – 10% match
  • level 2 (must recruit four affiliates to qualify – 5% match
  • levels 3 to 10 (must recruit six affiliates to qualify) – 2% match
  • levels 11 to 20 (must recruit eight affiliates to qualify) – 1% match
  • levels 21 to 30 (must recruit ten affiliates to qualify) – 0.5% match
  • levels 31 to 50 (must recruit twelve affiliates to qualify) – 0.25% match

If I had to guess, the Matching Bonus is probably paid as a percentage of daily returns paid out.

This would mean the Matching Level bonus is a percentage of the Matching Bonus earned across the unilevel team.

Faucet Level Bonus

Get MCAM sets aside 2% of revenue and uses it to fund a “crypto faucet” pool.

Every 15 days the crypto faucet pool is distributed as follows:

  • 20% is shared among Get MCAM affiliates whop have invested 1000 MCAM
  • 25% is shared among Get MCAM affiliates who have invested 5000 MCAM
  • 30% is shared among Get MCAM affiliates who have invested 10,000 MCAM
  • 25% is kept by Get MCAM’s admins

The Faucet Level Bonus pays a percentage of the crypto faucet paid to unilevel team affiliates.

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates, must recruit two affiliates) – 10%
  • level 2 (must recruit four affiliates) – 5%
  • levels 3 to 10 (must recruit six affiliates) – 2%
  • levels 11 to 20 (must recruit eight affiliates) – 1%
  • levels 21 to 30 (must recruit ten affiliates) – 0.5%
  • levels 31 to 50 (must recruit twelve affiliates) – 0.25%


Get MCAM rewards affiliates for reaching Matching Bonus milestones.

  • Beginner – earn $1000 in Matching Bonuses and receive $50
  • Star – earn $3000 in Matching Bonuses and receive $150
  • Rising Star – earn $10,000 in Matching Bonuses and receive $500
  • Shining Star – earn $30,000 in Matching Bonuses and receive $2000
  • Silver Star – earn $100,000 in Matching Bonuses and receive $7000
  • Gold Star – earn $300,000 in Matching Bonuses and receive $20,000
  • Platinum Star – earn $1,000,000 in Matching Bonuses and receive $70,000
  • Ruby Star – earn $3,000,000 in Matching Bonuses and receive $200,000
  • Emerald Star – earn $10,000,000 in Matching Bonuses and receive $700,000
  • Diamond – earn $30,000,000 in Matching Bonuses and receive $2,000,000
  • Crown Diamond – earn $100,000,000 in Matching Bonuses and receive $7,000,000

Withdrawal Restrictions

Get MCAM restricts affiliates from putting in withdrawal requests once a week. All withdrawals attract a 5% fee.

Additionally, Get MCAM affiliates are only able to cash out up to 500 MCAM tokens a day.

Joining Get MCAM

Get MCAM affiliate membership is tied to a $50 to $1000 initial investment in MCAM tokens.

MCAM solicits investment in TRON equivalents of stated USD amounts.

Get MCAM Conclusion

Get MCAM is your typical MLM shitcoin Ponzi scheme.

Why MCAM is special?

MCAM provides a unique ecosystem to its holders, investors and believers , which will optimise your crypto assets by its unique crypto faucet feature.

You can collects crypto assets in the ecosystem through and can optimise them.

In reality Moneda (MCAM) is a TRC20 token. These take 5 minutes to set up at little to no cost.

What makes Get MCAM a Ponzi scheme is that there’s no external source of revenue. Any withdrawals are paid out of invested funds.

Commissions paid on recruitment of new investors adds an additional pyramid layer to Get MCAM.

Get MCAM markets MCAM with the usual crypto bro nonsense.

Within the first quater [sic] of its launch, MONEDA will create a history by surpassing a $1 billion market cap and over 50,000 holders.

Following a December 2021 launch, Get MCAM’s self-imposed first quarter deadline expired last month.

Crypto market caps are bullshit. This is even more so with MCAM, seeing as Get MCAM can generate MCAM on demand.

What we can confirm is there aren’t anywhere near 50,000 investors in Get MCAM. This is based on website traffic estimates and Get MCAM’s general web presence.

At the end of the day MLM shit token Ponzi schemes primarily benefit those running them and top recruiters.

Everyone else inevitably takes a loss and is left holding the bag.

When Get MCAM does  inevitably collapse, affiliates will be left with worthless MCAM tokens.