FVP Trade operated in the trading MLM niche.

The company also goes by FVP Holdings. Looking at FPV Trade’s and FVP Holdings’ respective YouTube channels, it seems FPV Holdings was abandoned in mid 2021.

While FVP Holdings’ website is still online, FVP Trade appears to be the prevailing company name so we’ll go with that.

FVP Trade’s website domain (“fvptrade.com”), was registered through an address in the British Virgin Islands in December 2019.

FVP Holdings’ website domain (“fvpholdings.com”), was privately registered on the same date.

FVP Trade’s and FVP Holding’s websites were set up in March 2020, both companies launched shortly thereafter.

FVP Trade represents it is run by FVP Holdings founder Tim Booth.

Booth appears in an FVP Trade Marketing video, uploaded to FVP Trade’s official YouTube channel on August 4th 2020.

It’s your typical Boris CEO rented office affair, complete with branded paraphernalia.

Whoever is actually running FVP Trade has gone to some effort to create a digital footprint for Booth, but it all points back to FVP Trade. He doesn’t exist outside of the company’s marketing.

Also on FVP Trade’s website you’ll find “Stacy Wright”.

Wright doesn’t appear in any of FVP Trade’s marketing videos, because she appears to be a Russian maths and physics private teacher:

The makeup makes it difficult to confirm so I’m not 100% sure on this. I’ve blocked out her name as a precaution. The important thing to note here is Wright being a teacher.

In the linked FVP Trade marketing video above we also have “David Moche”.

Moche is cited as founder of Qfinity Labs. Qfinity Labs has a website set up at “qfinitylabs.com”, privately registered in March 2020 – when FVP Trade’s and FVP Holdings’ websites were being created.

As per Moche’s Qfinity Labs corporate bio;

Dr. David Moche was born in Sarcelles, Paris, on January 15th, 1976. He attended high school in Tel Aviv.

I’m no expert but the actor playing Moche has a European accent. It’d pass for French.

I wasn’t able to lock down a name for Moche but I did find someone who looks remarkably similar to him:

That’s from 2016. It’s the actor playing Moche teaching French at a school in Vietnam.

I’ll readily admit the school photo is at a weird angle. If you look at the forehead area, nose, dark-circle eyes and chin/cheek lines around Mocha’s smile though, they’re all pretty similar.

I felt much more confident I’d found Moche than I had “Stacy Wright”, but nonetheless I kept digging.

Also in FVP Trade’s marketing video is FVP Trade CEO “Jonathan Greene”:

Here’s the actor playing Greene in December 2018, playing Santa Claus at an English school in Vietnam:

If you’re not seeing it note the gap in the teeth and styled beard.

Three teachers, two of them tied to Vietnam and one possibly from Russia – that’s too much of a coincidence to ignore.

FVP Trade began uploading to its YouTube channel in March 2020. Early videos targeting Chinese speakers:

This flopped and saw FVP Trade upload its last Chinese video on April 10th.

FVP Trade then pivoted to marketing in English only. That culminated in the hiring of actors for their August 2020 video.

I can’t definitely explain why teachers in Vietnam were targeted. Both China and Vietnam closed their borders in March 2020 due to COVID-19. Perhaps it was easier to find teachers in Vietnam.

There’s also the possibility that come 2020, the teachers had moved on from Vietnam but given they worked at different schools I think this is unlikely.

In an attempt to appear legitimate, FVP Trade has hired booths at various Finance events.

First there was the Finance Magnates London Summit, held in November 2021. The video is populated by a new cast of actors representing FVP Trade.

Things get a bit more real in December 28th 2021, when FVP Trade held a marketing event in Malaysia.

The event featured “performers” from China (streamed in) and quite obviously aimed at a Chinese speaking audience.

FVP Trade helpfully livestreamed a rehearsal of the event, where we see this woman:

She introduces herself as Kaylee (I don’t know if that’s the correct spelling).

Kaylee has a distinctive accent I immediately recognised. She hosted the disastrous HyperNation launch event in May 2022.

Kaylee just appears to be a presenter and I don’t know if there’s any links between Ryan Xu’s and Sam Lee’s Hyper* Ponzi schemes and FVP Trade.

Probably not, but it’s still amusing to see scammers from Asia using the same production company to run their scam events.

Of note is none of FVP Trade’s western teacher actors attending the Malaysia event. They only put in a brief appearance via a pre-recorded video message.

The point of FVP Trade’s Malaysia event appears to have been to launch FVP Ex. This ties into FVP Trade committing securities fraud via issuance of virtual shares.

FXP Ex was supposed to launch in February 2022. That’s now been pushed back to “Q3 2022”:

In February 2022 FVP Trade revealed ties to Dubai. Dubai is the MLM crime capital of the world. Any MLM company representing it is based out or has ties to Dubai is practically guaranteed to be a scam.

FVP Trade’s Dubai event was some meaningless document signing between it and “Al-Mohannadi Group”.

Of note though was the presence of our western teachers, suggesting they might have relocated to Dubai.

There was also the obligatory “pay for an ad on the Burj Khalifa” song and dance:

Later that same month (Feb 2022), FVP Trade bought a booth at iFX Expo Dubai.

Here we saw FVP Trade’s western teacher actors with what appears to be their minders:

The actors from the London December 2021 expo weren’t anywhere to be seen.

Here’s a group shot of FVP Trade’s team in Dubai:

There are a few token non-Asians but I think you get the point.

We appear to have scammers with ties to China, Vietnam and Malaysia (possibly Singapore and a Russian tie-in too), who initially pitched to Chinese investors. When they realized that wasn’t working early on, they hired western teachers to front their scam.

I believe the only time FVP Trade has put someone who might actually be tied to the company’s owners on camera, was in June 2021:

Samuel Chou, which probably isn’t that guy’s real name either, doesn’t appear in any FVP Trade marketing material.

Based on SimilarWeb traffic analysis, FVP Trade is currently being promoted in Italy (44%), Brazil (11%) and Indonesia (8%).

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

FVP Trade’s Products

FVP Trade has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market FVP Trade affiliate membership itself.

FVP Trade’s Compensation Plan

FVP Trade affiliates invest $1000 or more in “PAMM Packages”. This is done on the promise of a monthly passive return.

There are two tiers of PAMM Packages, paying 2% to 10% a month:

  • Low Risk – 2% to 4% a month
  • Medium Risk – 4% to 6% a month
  • High Risk – 6% to 10% a month

FVP Trade offers a bonus ROI on invested funds, with the aim of discouraging withdrawals:

  • invest funds for 90 days and receive a 1% monthly ROI bonus
  • invest funds for 180 days and receive a 2% monthly ROI bonus
  • invest funds for 270 days and receive a 4% monthly ROI bonus

Note that FVP Trade only pays out 70% of ROI withdrawals. 20% is held for “activation” (mandatory reinvestment?), and 10% is withheld in an “IPO Wallet”.

FVP Holding represents affiliates will be able to buy company shares through their IPO Wallet, but this doesn’t exist at time of publication.

The MLM side of FVP Trade pays on recruitment of affiliate investors.

FVP Trade Affiliate Ranks

There are five affiliate ranks within FVP Trade’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • Member – sign up as an FVP Trade affiliate and invest $1000
  • IB – invest $3000, recruit five Members or higher who together have invested $10,000, and generate $50,000 in total downline investment volume
  • SIB – invest $5000, recruit three IBs and five Members or higher, who together have invested $20,000, and generate $300,000 in total downline investment volume
  • DIB – invest $10,000, recruit three SIBs and seven Members or higher, who together have invested $50,000, and generate $2,000,000 in total downline investment volume
  • MIB – invest $30,000, recruit three DIBs and twelve Members or higher, who together have invested $200,000, and generate $8,000,000 in total downline investment volume

Referral Commissions

FVP Trade affiliates earn a 50% referral commission on monthly generated returns paid to downline affiliates:

  • 50% on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) and
  • 50% on level 2 (affiliates recruited by your personally recruited affiliates)

Note that referral commissions are paid out monthly, on the proviso recruited affiliates don’t withdraw invested funds.

Residual Commissions

FVP Trade pays residual commissions via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

FVP Trade caps residual commissions at six unilevel team levels.

Residual commissions are paid as a percentage of monthly generated returns across these six levels based on rank:

  • Members earn 3% on levels 1 and 2
  • IBs and higher earn 3% on levels 1 to 5 and 5% on level 6

Profit Sharing

IB and higher ranked FVP Trade affiliates earn a bonus percentage match on their unilevel team’s monthly ROI payments:

  • IBs earn 5% Profit Sharing
  • SIBs earn 10% Profit Sharing
  • DIBs earn 15% Profit Sharing
  • MIBs earn 20% Profit Sharing

Joining FVP Trade

FVP Trade affiliate membership appears to be tied to a minimum $1000 investment.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires a $30,000 investment.

FVP Trade Conclusion

FVP Trade is a simple Ponzi scheme, wrapped in layers and layers of bullshit marketing.

Absolutely nothing on FVP Trade’s website is credible. The actors aren’t who they say they are, FVP Trade isn’t based out BVI and the company has nothing to do with trading.

FVP Trade trots out the usual meaningless MyFXBook nonsense evidence of external revenue generation.

These are easily faked but, more importantly, are not a substitute for registration with financial regulators.

FVP Trade quite clearly offers a passive investment opportunity. This constitutes a security and requires registration with financial regulators – in every country FVP Trade solicits investment in.

FVP Trade fails to provide evidence it has registered with a financial regulator in any jurisdiction.

Thus, at a minimum, FVP Trade is committing securities fraud. Offering shares to affiliates, if that ever evolves beyond an excuse to withhold 10% of withdrawal payments, would see FVP Trade add an additional layer of securities fraud to its scheme.

As it stands the only verifiable source of revenue entering FVP Trade is new investment.

Using new investment to pay monthly returns to affiliates makes FVP Trade a Ponzi scheme.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment.

This will starve FVP Trade of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

The math behind Ponzi schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of participants lose money.


Update 12th July 2022 – Within a week of this review going live, FVP Trade marked its livestream event in Malaysia video private.

This review originally contained a link to the livestream event on YouTube. Due to FVP Trade making the video private I’ve removed the link.


Update 20th July 2022 – FVP Trade has collapsed.