Funny Biz Review: Church and chain-recruitment?
There is no information on the Funny Biz website indicating who owns or runs the business.
The Funny Biz website domain (“”) was registered on the 6th of March 2015, however the domain registration is set to private.
In the footer of the Funny Biz website is an address in the US state of Arizona. Further research reveals this address to belong to the New Life Worship Center Church of God, the Founding Pastor of which is James Alderdice.
On his LinkedIn profile, Alderdice (right) lists himself as the Founder and CEO of Funny Biz.
At the time of publication testimonials from Sharri and Westin Alderdice appear on the Funny Biz website, suggesting James Alderdice’s relatives are also likely involved.
On his LinkedIn profile, Alderdice claims to have first gotten involved with “various business ventures” in 1975.
Why none of this information is provided on the Funny Biz website itself however is a mystery.
Update 22nd August 2015 – One possible reason: In 1985 Alderdice was sentenced to 10 years jail for defrauding 13,000 investors to the tune of $75 million dollars (see comments #1 and #2 below this article for more information). /end update
Read on for a full review of the Funny Biz MLM business opportunity.
The Funny Biz Product Line
Funny Biz has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Funny Biz affiliate membership itself.
The Funny Biz Compensation Plan
The Funny Biz compensation plan sees affiliates pay a monthly fee and get paid to recruit others who do the same.
A direct referral commission of $20 is paid on every Funny Biz affiliate recruited.
Residual commissions on monthly affiliate fees are paid out via a unilevel compensation structure.
A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):
If any level 1 affiliates go on to recruit new affiliates of their own, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.
If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates they are placed on level three, and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.
Unilevel commissions in Funny Biz are capped at seven payable levels, with how many levels an affiliate can earn from determined by how many affiliates they have personally recruited:
- recruit one affiliate = 50 cents on all available seven unilevel levels
- recruit two affiliates = $1 on level 1 and 50 cents on levels 2 to 7
- recruit three affiliates = $1.50 on level 1 and 50 cents on levels 2 to 7
- recruit four affiliates = $2 on level 1 and 50 cents on levels 2 to 7
- recruit five affiliates = $2.50 on level 1 and 50 cents on levels 2 to 7
- recruit six affiliates = $3 on level 1 and 50 cents on levels 2 to 7
Joining Funny Biz
Affiliate membership with Funny Biz is $25 and then $10 a month
The ruse behind the Funny Biz business opportunity is that people are paying for “daily jokes, funny videos & success quotes” to be sent to them five days a week (Mon-Fri).
As per the Funny Biz website however;
Our Daily Jokes, Funny Videos & Success Quotes are distributed & available free of charge.
Well as you might suspect, from what I’ve been able to gather the content Funny Biz distribute to their affiliates is all sourced from third-parties. The bulk of which appear to be YouTube videos.
Naturally nobody is going to pay to be sent YouTube videos, begging the question what are they charging $10 a month for.
The answer lies in the Funny Biz compensation plan, which is nothing more than $10 a month chain-recruitment.
You sign up for $25 and then as long as you continue to pay $10 a month, get paid to recruit others who do the same.
No selling! No meetings! No phone calling! Just spreading Laughter & Inspiration – making the world a Happier, Healthier, Wealthier place!
Nothing is being marketed to or sold to retail customers, meaning Funny Biz is an entirely closed-loop recruitment scheme.
Our 6-Rank 7-Level 35%-60% Revenue Sharing Income Opportunity is programmed to pay you from $1,600 a Month to Over $2-Million a Year, simply depending upon if you & the next 6-levels of funnyBiz Distributors under you Sign-up just 3, 4, 5 or 6 people each!
The more you Sign-up the more money you make!
As with all pyramid schemes, once recruitment in Funny Biz slows down, those at the bottom of the company-wide unilevel will find themselves paying $10 a month for free YouTube videos.
They stop paying their fees, which means those above them stop getting paid too.
In the same position of paying $10 a month for free YouTube videos, if they can’t find anybody new to recruit they too then also stop paying their monthly fees.
And again, that means those above them stop getting paid each month.
As this effect slowly trickles up the Funny Biz company-wide affiliate genealogy, eventually an irreversible collapse is triggered.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to inject a bit of laughter into the world, but doing so via a chain-recruitment scheme isn’t the way to go about it.
Sidenote: I’m not sure this is the same guy, however this might explain why there’s not much information on Alderdice from the 80s till “god called him” in the 1990s;
Article was published in June 1985.
On his LinkedIn profile (“”), Alderdice lists
And then nothing till 2001.
28 in 1985 means he’d be 58 today, which looks about right in his profile photo.
Again, not confirmed at this stage but I don’t think James Alderdice is all that common of a name. And the LinkedIn dates pretty much match with the 1985 news article.
Confirmed (1993, with James sometimes cited as “Jim”):
So much for being reborn a new man… 2015 and he’s launched a pyramid scheme.
Oh and then there’s this (from the same 1993 article):
it definitely IS the same james D alderice, because it matches his photo on his blog [James D Alderice’s Blog] which states:
his bio on his blog does not mention he was jailed for 5 years.
and uh, Pastor alderdice has some disastrous predictions for sept 11th, 2015, wherein people will loose all their money and get blown away by tsunami’s:
the urban dictionary has a word called called bobbit, and it can be a useful verb…
Looks like Funny Biz is a reboot. Here’s a video from May when Jim was pushing his Millionaire-Makers-Club dot com:
I’m sure I don’t read the Bible the same way Rev. Jim does because I flat out missed the “Ancient biblical Secrets of Wealth” and the five by seven money matrix.
I do however remember something about Christ driving usurers (money changers) out of the temple.
Turn 66 cents a day into a million dollars?
Evidently even Jesus can’t change a leopard’s spots…
I don’t know… what would Jesus do?
apparently not.
however, board members of the church which alderdice belongs to believe that:
see, the way these guys read the bible is a bit different from rational readers.
they believe that since Jesus died on the cross for all our sins, everybody’s crimes have been paid for in advance, and everybody can commit crimes as long as they confess to Jesus and accept Him, etc etc 🙂
how bloody convenient.
What he has always done. Die on Friday and Rise on Sunday.
He that is.
every week?
No, but he can be useful in tax avoidance schemes.
Thanks for the review.