Following the second collapse of the CryptoFamily Ponzi scheme, Nebojsa Katic is rebooting the scam with a new NFT grift.

CryptoFamily was a simple 8.33% a day MLM crypto Ponzi. Affiliates invested in $24 NFT positions, which paid out $2 a day for 90 days.

FamilyToken (FT) was also introduced. A non-publicly traded token gave CryptoFamily a convenient way to stop paying out actual money.

At 8.33% a day, it’s not surprising that CryptoFamily collapsed on or around July 2023.

The reboot sees CryptoFamily beg investors for 69 USDT for another NFT.

The original purchase deadline was September 1st. As at the time of publication, it’s now September 14th.

This NFT brings you two years of site access, starting from the date you paid, and most importantly, it grants priority payment.

CryptoFamily victims are being strung along on the premise withdrawals will be re-enabled on October 1st.

In case it wasn’t obvious, such to the extent any withdrawals are made, they’ll be funded by 69 USDT NFT payments.

CryptoFamily victims who don’t stump up another 69 USDT will be forced to wait to November 1st.

CryptoFamily’s original Ponzi scheme operated from “”. The 2022 reboot ran from “”, abandoned shortly after BehindMLM published its February 2023.

CryptoFamily’s third domain is “”, privately registered in April 2023.

Now CryptoFamily is coordinating its new NFT grift through its Telegram group and Google Forms.

Both Crypto Family and Nebojsa Katic are based out of Dubai, the MLM crime capital of the world.

Pending FT’s inevitable exchange dump and collapse, we’ll keep you posted.


Update 4th December 2023 – CryptoFamily’s Ponzi reboot has been branded “OurFamily“.