business-angels-logoThere is no information on the Business Angels website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Business Angels website domain (“”) was registered on January 8th 2016. Walter Brown is listed as the owner of the domain, with an address in London, UK also provided.

Further research reveals the address, which also appears on the Business Angels website, actually belongs to Regus.

Regus sell virtual office space (including mailing addresses), suggesting Business Angels exists in the UK in name only.

Walter Brown also likely doesn’t exist, with the actual Business Angels owner instead residing in Russia.

Content on the Business Angels website is presented in both Russian and English. Service numbers provided on the Business Angels websites are also Russian and English.

Alexa currently estimate 37% of all traffic to the Business Angels website originates out of Russia. Neighboring Ukraine is second, providing 7.5%.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

The Business Angels Product Line

Business Angels has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Business Angels affiliate membership itself.

The Business Angels Compensation Plan

Business Angels affiliates invest $10 to $100,00 on the promise of a 1% to 4% daily ROI.

All invested funds begin earning 1% on the first day. The second day the ROI rate is increased to 1.5%.

On the third day the rate is increased to 2% and so on and so forth. The ROI rate caps out on the seventh day at 4% a day.

There doesn’t appear to be any cap on ROIs earned on invested funds.

Referral commissions are available on funds invested by recruited Business Angels affiliates, paid out down three levels of recruitment (unilevel):

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 12%
  • level 2 – 2%
  • level 3 – 1%

Daily ROI referral commissions are also paid out using the percentages above.

Joining Business Angels

Affiliate membership with Business Angels is free, however affiliates must invest between $10 and $100,000 if they wish to participate in the attached MLM opportunity.


In an attempt to explain how they pay affiliates a 4% a day ROI, Business Angels write on their website;

A type of risky but high-return investments is buying shares in newly created companies, which soar after registering with a stock exchange.

BUSINESS ANGELS unite the efforts of both sides, helping investors to receive the desired passive income and businessmen to obtain financing to realize their dreams.

The problem with the above is that nowhere does the company provide proof of their claims.

There is no way to track dollar for dollar how Business Angels purportedly investing in third-party ventures provides a ROI for their affiliates.

Logically if this was possible on a consistent basis, Business Angels would have no need to solicit funds from affiliates. The owner(s) could just out a small loan from a bank, generate a 4% a day ROI and in a few years be the richest person on the planet.

When you combine a fake admin name, virtual mailing address and Russia, you almost certainly end up with a Ponzi scheme.

This is supported by the only verifiable source of revenue entering Business Angels being affiliate investment. Thus it follows newly invested funds are being used to pay off existing Business Angels investors.

As with all Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will newly invested funds. This will see Business Angels unable to meet its daily ROI obligations, at which point the scheme collapses.

The mathematics behind Ponzi schemes guarantees that the majority of participants will lose money.