BitKrypton provides no information on their website about who owns or runs the company.

BitKrypton’s website domain “”) was privately registered on October 30th, 2019.

Alexa currently estimates 95% of traffic to BitKrypton’s website originates out of Pakistan.

This strongly suggests whoever is running BitKrypton is based out of Pakistan, or at very least has ties to the country.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

BitKrypton’s Products

BitKrypton has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market BitKrypton affiliate membership itself.

BitKrypton’s Compensation Plan

BitKrypton affiliates invest funds on the promise of an advertised daily 0.5% ROI, paid for 730 days.

A 7% referral commission is paid on funds invested by personally recruited affiliates.

BitKrypton Affiliate Ranks

There are sixteen affiliate ranks within BitKrypton’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • Partner – generate $50 of investment volume on both sides of the binary team
  • Elite – generate $2500 of investment volume on both sides of the binary team
  • Premier – generate $5000 of investment volume on both sides of the binary team
  • Bronze – generate $10,000 of investment volume on both sides of the binary team
  • Silver – generate $20,000 of investment volume on both sides of the binary team
  • Gold – generate $40,000 of investment volume on both sides of the binary team
  • Platinum – generate $70,000 of investment volume on both sides of the binary team
  • Titanium – generate $100,000 of investment volume on both sides of the binary team
  • Ruby – generate $200,000 of investment volume on both sides of the binary team
  • Sapphire – generate $400,000 of investment volume on both sides of the binary team
  • Emerald – generate $700,000 of investment volume on both sides of the binary team
  • Diamond – generate $1,000,000 of investment volume on both sides of the binary team
  • Blue Diamond – generate $2,000,000 of investment volume on both sides of the binary team
  • Royal Diamond – generate $4,000,000 of investment volume on both sides of the binary team
  • Crown Diamond – generate $7,000,000 of investment volume on both sides of the binary team
  • Presidential Diamond – generate $10,000,000 of investment volume on both sides of the binary team

Residual Commissions

BitKrypton pays residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):

The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.

At the end of each week BitKrypton tallies up new investment volume on both sides of the binary team.

Residual commissions are paid as 5% of funds invested on the weaker binary team side.

Once paid out on, volume is matched against the stronger binary team side and then flushed.

Any leftover volume on the stronger binary team side carries over.

Salary Awards

Salary Awards are monthly bonuses paid based on binary team investment totals.

  • generate $4000 of investment on both sides of the binary team and receive $60 for 2 months
  • generate $8000 of investment on both sides of the binary team and receive $120 for 2 months
  • generate $15,000 of investment on both sides of the binary team and receive $225 for 2 months
  • generate $30,000 of investment on both sides of the binary team and receive $250 for 3 months
  • generate $60,000 of investment on both sides of the binary team and receive $500 for 3 months
  • generate $100,000 of investment on both sides of the binary team and receive $800 for 3 months
  • generate $200,000 of investment on both sides of the binary team and receive $800 for 6 months
  • generate $400,000 of investment on both sides of the binary team and receive $1000 for 6 months
  • generate $700,000 of investment on both sides of the binary team and receive $1250 for 6 months
  • generate $1,000,000 of investment on both sides of the binary team and receive $2500 for 6 months
  • generate $2,000,000 of investment on both sides of the binary team and receive $2500 for 12 months
  • generate $4,000,000 of investment on both sides of the binary team and receive $4000 for 12 months
  • generate $7,000,000 of investment on both sides of the binary team and receive $7500 for 12 months
  • generate $10,000,000 of investment on both sides of the binary team and receive $10,000 for 60 months

Rank Achievement Bonuses

BitKrypton rewards affiliates for qualifying at Elite and higher ranks as follows:

  • qualify at Elite and receive $100
  • qualify at Premiere and receive $200
  • qualify at Bronze and receive $400
  • qualify at Silver and receive an iPad
  • qualify at Gold and receive a trip to Bangkok
  • qualify at Platinum and receive $2500
  • qualify at Titanium and receive a MacBook and iPhone 11
  • qualify at Ruby and receive $8000
  • qualify at Sapphire and receive $15,000 put towards a car
  • qualify at Emerald and receive $25,000
  • qualify at Diamond and receive $40,000 worth of gold
  • qualify at Blue Diamond and receive a $60,000 Mercedes Benz
  • qualify at Royal Diamond and receive a $120,000 apartment in Germany
  • qualify at Crown Diamond and receive $200,000
  • qualify at Presidential Diamond and receive $500,000

Joining BitKrypton

BitKrypton affiliate membership is free.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires a minimum $50 initial investment.


BitKrypton claims to generate external ROI revenue via “trading in crypto currencies, forex, commodities & indices”.

No evidence of trading is provided. Nor is there any evidence of BitKrypton using any other type of external revenue to pay withdrawal requests.

BitKrypton also commits securities fraud, by way of the company not being registered with financial regulators in any jurisdiction.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment.

This will starve BitKrypton of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

The math behind Ponzi schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of investors lose money.