Automated Income Systems provide no information on their website about who owns or runs the business.

The Automated Income Systems website domain (“”) was registered on April 26th, 2017.

John Valley is listed as the owner, through an address in the US state of New York.

On Facebook Valley (right) goes by “John J Valley”.

MLM opportunities Valley has promoted in the past include Tidom (cash gifting) and RE247365 (pyramid scheme).

Alternative branding Valley markets Automated Income Systems through include “Stupid Simple System” and “Share the Number”. Of the two Share the Number appears to be more pervasive.

Read on for a full review of the Automated Income Systems MLM opportunity.

Automated Income Systems Products

Automated Income Systems has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Automated Income Systems affiliate membership itself.

Automated Income Systems affiliate membership provides access to “biz opp leads” and “viral traffic”.

The Automated Income Systems Compensation Plan

Automated Income Systems affiliates pay a fee when they join the business.

  • Starter – $97
  • Silver – $297
  • Gold – $597
  • Platinum – $997
  • Diamond – $1497

Commissions are paid when they recruit others who do the same.

Note that there is also a free Automated Income Systems affiliate option, however free affiliates only earn a fixed recruitment commission (details below).

Direct Recruitment Commissions

Automated Income Systems pay direct recruitment commissions, based on how much the recruiting affiliate pays in fees and that of the new affiliate recruited.

  • Free affiliates earn $25 per paid affiliate recruited, regardless of which membership option they buy in at
  • Starter affiliates earn $50 per affiliate recruited, regardless of which membership option they buy in at
  • Silver affiliates earn $50 per Starter affiliate recruited and $200 per Silver, Gold, Platinum or Diamond affiliate
  • Gold affiliates earn $50 per personally recruited Starter affiliate, $200 per Silver affiliate and $500 per Gold, Platinum or Diamond affiliate
  • Platinum affiliates earn $50 per personally recruited Starter affiliate, $200 per Silver affiliate, $500 per Gold affiliate and $900 per Platinum and Diamond affiliate
  • Diamond affiliates earn $50 per personally recruited Starter affiliate, $200 per Silver affiliate, $500 per Gold affiliate, $900 per Platinum affiliate and $1300 per Diamond affiliate

Residual Recruitment Commissions

Automated Income System’s residual commissions pay out down a second level of recruitment, that is recruitment by affiliates you recruit (unilevel).

Note that only Platinum and Diamond Automated Income System affiliates earn residual recruitment commissions:

  • Platinum affiliates earn a 25% commission on second level recruitment
  • Diamond affiliates earn a 50% commission on second level recruitment

These are percentages of the direct recruitment commission rates above.

Joining Automated Income Systems

Automated Income Systems affiliate membership is available at five price-points:

  • Free – no cost (no MLM commissions)
  • Starter – $97
  • Silver – $297
  • Gold -$597
  • Platinum – $997
  • Diamond – $1497

The primary difference between the above affiliate memberships is increased income potential via the Automated Income Systems compensation plan.


In a nutshell, Automated Income Systems combines pyramid recruitment with marketing services.

Those marketing services are mostly used to promote Automated Income Systems itself, and so you end up with an echo-chamber of pyramid recruitment.

And even if the leads and “viral traffic” was used elsewhere, attaching services to pyramid recruitment doesn’t justify or change what the nature of Automated Income System’s business model.

Affiliates getting paid to recruit affiliates in MLM is pyramid fraud and illegal the world over.

As with all pyramid schemes, once affiliate recruitment slows down so to will commission payments.

Eventually recruitment slumps to the point a collapse is triggered, resulting in the majority of participants losing money.

Being a membership program, in Automated Income Systems this will occur by way of those who haven’t recruited and made their money back being the largest group of affiliates at any given time.

As time goes on this group of affiliates increases in number, resulting in larger financial losses as a whole when Automated Income Systems inevitably collapses.