Altera Global fails to provide verifiable ownership or executive information on its website.

Altera Global cites “Geoff Walker” as… well they don’t actually say what. He’s just on their website.

Walker not only doesn’t exist outside of Altera Global, the person playing him appears to have been dressed up in a wig and glasses.

Over on YouTube we have videos featuring Walker. The person playing him has a Russian accent, confirming Walker is a Boris CEO.

Amusingly, in another Altera Global marketing video, Walker has been dubbed over with an American accent.

Hiring actors to play CEOs and dressing them up in disguises is a typical calling card of Russian scammers.

Altera Global’s website domain (“”), was privately registered on August 11th, 2023.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

Altera Global’s Products

Altera Global has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market Altera Global affiliate membership itself.

Altera Global’s Compensation Plan

Altera Global affiliates invest USD equivalents in cryptocurrency or straight cryptocurrency.

This is done on the promise of advertised returns.

USD equivalent cryptocurrency investment

  • Standard – invest $50 to $499 and receive 0.8% to 1% a day for 15 days
  • Basic – invest $500 to $2499 and receive 1% to 1.2% a day for 25 days
  • Premium – invest $2500 to $14,999 and receive 1.2% to 1.4% a day for 35 days
  • Deluxe – invest $15,000 to $44,999 and receive 1.4% to 1.6% a day for 45 days
  • Ultra – invest $45,000 to $144,999 and receive 1.6% to 1.8% a day for 55 days
  • Elite – invest $145,000 to $1,000,000 and receive 1.8% to 2% a day for 65 days

Bitcoin (BTC) and ethereum (ETH) investment

  • Light – invest 0.005 to 1.99 BTC or 0.075 to 29.99 ETH and receive 2% to 2.2% a day for 95 days
  • Medium – invest 2 to 9.99 BTC or 30 to 149 ETH and receive 2.2% to 2.4% a day for 95 days
  • Heavy – invest 10 to 30 BTC or 150 to 500 ETH and receive 2.4% to 2.6% a day for 95 days

Tether (USDT) investment

  • Special – invest 500 to 9999 USDT and receive 3% to 3.3% a day for 200 days
  • Special Extra – invest 10,000 to 1,000,000 USDT and receive 3.3% to 3.6% a day for 280 days

The MLM side of Altera Global pays on recruitment of affiliate investors.

Altera Global Affiliate Ranks

There are thirteen affiliate ranks within Altera Global’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  1. Participant – sign up as an Altera Global affiliate
  2. Partner – generate $10,000 in downline investment volume
  3. Adept – generate $25,000 in downline investment volume
  4. Proficient – generate $100,000 in downline investment volume
  5. Consultant – generate $250,000 in downline investment volume
  6. Manager – generate $500,000 in downline investment volume
  7. Executive – generate $1,500,000 in downline investment volume
  8. Major – generate $4,000,000 in downline investment volume
  9. Supervisor – generate $10,000,000 in downline investment volume
  10. Master – generate $17,500,000 in downline investment volume
  11. Expert – generate $25,000,000 in downline investment volume
  12. Unique – generate $55,000,000 in downline investment volume
  13. Worldwide – generate $100,000,000 in downline investment volume

Referral Commissions

Altera Global pays referral commissions via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Altera Global caps payable unilevel team levels at twenty. Referral commissions are paid on invested funds across these twenty levels.

How many unilevel team levels an Altera Global affiliate earns referral commissions on is determined by rank:

  • Participants earn 4% on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates), 2% on level 2 and 1% on level 3
  • Partners earn 5% on level 1, 2% on level 2, 1% on level 3 and 0.5% on levels 4 and 5
  • Adepts earn 6% on level 1, 2% on level 2, 1% on levels 3 and 4 and 0.5% on levels 5 and 6
  • Proficients earn 6% on level 1, 3% on level 2, 1% on levels 3 to 5 and 0.5% on levels 6 and 7
  • Consultants earn 7% on level 1, 3% on level 2, 1% on levels 3 to 5 and 0.5% on levels 6 to 9
  • Managers earn 7% on level 1, 3% on level 2, 2% on level 3, 1% on levels 4 to 6 and 0.5% on levels 7 to 10
  • Executives earn 8% on level 1, 3% on level 2, 2% on level 3, 1% on levels 4 to 7 and 0.5% on levels 8 to 11
  • Majors earn 8% on level 1, 4% on level 2, 2% on level 3, 1% on levels 4 to 7 and 0.5% on levels 8 to 13
  • Supervisors earn 9% on level 1, 4% on level 2, 3% on level 3, 1% on levels 4 to 10 and 0.5% on levels 11 to 14
  • Masters earn 9% on level 1, 5% on level 2, 3% on level 3, 2% on level 4, 1% on levels 5 to 12 and 0.5% on levels 13 to 16
  • Experts earn 10% on level 1, 5% on level 2, 4% on level 3, 2% on levels 4 and 5, 1% on levels 6 to 12 and 0.5% on levels 13 to 18
  • Uniques earn 10% on level 1, 6% on level 2, 4% on level 3, 3% on level 4, 2% on levels 5 and 6, 1% on levels 7 to 13 and 0.5% on levels 14 to 19
  • Worldwides earn 11% on level 1, 6% on level 2, 5% on level 3, 3% on level 4, 2% on levels 5 to 7, 1% on levels 8 to 14 and 0.5% on levels 15 to 20

Joining Altera Global

Altera Global affiliate membership is free.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires a minimum $50 investment.

Altera Global solicits investment in various cryptocurrencies.

Altera Global Conclusion

Altera Global represents it generates external revenue via various “cryptocurrency market” ruses.

The company adopts advanced techniques to make profits in the cryptocurrency market.

Those techniques include Intrade Trading, Swing Trading, Futures and Options Trading, Long Term Trading, Liquidity Farming, Conversion.

No evidence of Altera Global generating external revenue via via any source is provided.

Furthermore Altera Global’s business model fails the Ponzi logic test.

If Altera Global is already able to generate 3.3% to 3.6% a day on a consistent basis, what do they need your money for?

On the regulatory front Altera Global’s passive returns investment opportunity constitutes a securities offering.

This requires Altera Global to register with regulators and file periodic audited financial reports. Such reports would see Altera Global disclose actual sources of external revenue.

Altera Global fails to provide evidence it has registered with financial regulators in any jurisdiction. This means that, at a minimum, Altera Global is committing securities fraud.

Despite operating illegally, on its website Altera Global falsely asserts its fraudulent business model is legal.

Are your company’s activities legal?

Certainly. Altera Global fully complies with the legislation of the country where it was registered. Additionally, Altera Global operates in strict compliance with international standards and regulations.

We have all the necessary licenses and permits to conduct investment activities globally.

First of all Altera Global doesn’t specify which country it has purportedly registered in.

Secondly, there is no such thing as a global “necessary license and permit” for securities offerings. Altera Global must register with financial regulators in each country it solicits investment in.

As it stands, the only verifiable source of revenue entering Altera Global is new investment.

Using new investment to pay withdrawals would make Altera Global a Ponzi scheme.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment.

This will starve Altera Global of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

The math behind Ponzi schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of participants lose money.