All 1x2s provide no information on their website about who owns or runs the company.

The All 1x2s website domain (“”) was registered on June 28th, 2017. Mickie Jones is listed as the owner, with an address in the US state of New York also provided.

No information on Jones outside of the domain registration exists tying him to All 1x2s exists, suggesting the domain registration details might be bogus.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

All 1x2s Products

All 1x2s has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market All 1x2s affiliate membership itself.

On their website, All 1x2s claim to provide affiliates with access to “high quality products”.

The All 1x2s Compensation Plan

All 1x2s affiliates purchase positions in a three-tier 1×2 matrix cycler.

A 1×2 matrix is simple in nature, requiring only two positions per matrix to be filled to trigger a “cycle”.

The triggering of a cycle generates a commission payout and also moves the position to the next tier of the cycler.

Payments across All 1x2s matrix cycler tiers are as follows:

  • Tier 1, matrix 1 (positions cost $5) – generates a $5 commission and cycles into Tier 1, matrix 2
  • Tier 1, matrix 2 – generates a $10 commission and cycles into Tier 1, matrix 3
  • Tier 1, matrix 3 – generates a $15 commission and cycles into Tier 1, matrix 4
  • Tier 1, matrix 4 – generates a $25 commission and cycles into Tier 2, matrix 1
  • Tier 2, matrix 1 – no commission paid and cycles into Tier 2, matrix 2
  • Tier 2, matrix 2 – generates a $30 commission and cycles into Tier 2, matrix 3
  • Tier 2, matrix 3 – generates a $50 commission and cycles into Tier 2, matrix 4
  • Tier 2, matrix 4 – generates a $60 commission and cycles into Tier 2, matrix 5
  • Tier 2, matrix 5 – generates a $25 commission and cycles into Tier 3, matrix 1
  • Tier 3, matrix 1 – no commission paid and cycles into Tier 3, matrix 2
  • Tier 3, matrix 2 – generates a $100 commission and cycles into Tier 3, matrix 3
  • Tier 3, matrix 3 – generates a $300 commission and cycles into Tier 3, matrix 4
  • Tier 3, matrix 4 – generates a $1400 commission

Joining All 1x2s

All 1x2s affiliate membership is tied to the purchase of at least one $5 matrix cycler position.


The only source of revenue entering All 1x2s is affiliate purchases of cycler positions.

These funds are used to pay commissions within the income opportunity, which makes All 1x2s a cycler Ponzi.

On the raw math side of things a $5 investment by an All 1x2s affiliate generates a $2020 ROI.

To put that into perspective, at least four hundred and four subsequent cycler position purchases are required for just one existing position to cycle out of Tier 3, Matrix 4.

Each of those positions then requires at least 404 positions to cycle and… well it gets silly from there.

The reality of matrix Ponzi cyclers is that typically only preloaded admin positions cycle out. A few early adopters might also make a bit of money.

Well before the majority of position purchases go anywhere though, affiliate recruitment collapses and so too does the cycler.

This sees the income opportunity collapse, resulting in the majority of All 1x2s affiliates losing money.

At the time of publication the anonymous All 1x2s admin hasn’t even bothered to change the text of the company logo in the prebuilt scam script they’ve purchased.

This is classic admin hit and run behavior, so don’t expect All 1x2s to be around for too long.