adzbrooks-logoThere is no information on the AdzBrooks website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The AdzBrooks website domain was registered on the 11th of December 2014, however the domain registration is set to private.

Of note is that a logo for a company called “RevAdz” is hosted on the AdzBrooks website domain:


RevAdz was a Ponzi scheme launched in early 2013 and saw investors makeĀ $2 investments on the promise of a $3 ROI and collapsed shortly after launch.

Credited as the admin of RevAdz is MoneyMakerGroup forum member “Rysero”. I wasn’t able to ascertain who Rysero is, but his posting history on the MoneyMakerGroup forum suggests a long history of involvement in dubious looking opportunities.

As always, if a MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

The AdzBrooks Product Line

AdzBrooks has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market affiliate membership to the company itself.

The AdzBrooks Compensation Plan

Similar to RevAdz before it, AdzBrooks sees affiliates invest $2 on the promise of an advertised $3 ROI.

A 5% referral commission is paid on each $2 investment made by personally recruited affiliates.

A 3×1 matrix cycler is also offered to affiliates, with positions costing $5.

Once three subsequent positions have been purchased, a ROI of $8 is paid out.

A 5% referral commission is paid on the purchase of cycler positions by personally recruited affiliates. A 5% commission is also paid out when the position of a personally recruited affiliate cycles out of a matrix.

Joining AdzBrooks

Affiliate membership with AdzBrooks is free, however an affiliate must invest in either a revenue-sharing of cycler position in order to participate in the income opportunity.

As such, the defacto minimum cost of AdzBrooks affiliate membership is between $2 (one revenue-sharing position) and $5 (one matrix cycler position).

A $5 monthly fee is also charged to affiliates who have open matrix cycler positions.


With nothing being marketed or sold to retail customers, AdzBrooks is yet another advertising-based micro-Ponzi scheme.

Affiliates invest in revenue-sharing and/or cycler positions, with ROIs paid out of subsequently invested funds.

The system also automatically shares the revenue from your purchase to all members, and commissions are paid to your sponsor. So, we cannot afford to offer refunds.

Bundled with each of these positions are a series of advertising credits, which can be used to display advertising on the AdzBrooks website.

The ruse is affiliates are purchasing advertising, however in reality it is investment in matrix cycler and revenue-sharing positions that is taking place.

The matrix cycler is pretty straight-forward, you invest in a position in a queue, and once three positions have been invested in after yours – you get paid.

The revenue-sharing is a bit more fluid in terms of how the ROI is paid out, but the premise is the same. New affiliate funds are used to pay off existing investors.

As with all Ponzi schemes, once new affiliate investment dries up AdzBrooks will find itself unable to meet its ROI obligations. This will first manifest itself in the revenue-sharing component of the scheme, as ROIs are advertised as paid out every thirty minutes.

As with RevAdz, once the admin decides it’s not worth their time, they, the money you’ve invested and the AdzBrooks website will simply disappear.