zeekrewardsJust over two weeks after Norwegian net-winners were taken care of, the Zeek Rewards clawback world tour has made another stop – this time in the UK.

Filed on the 5th of March, the Receiver is now suing nine UK-based net-winners of the $850 million Zeek Rewards Ponzi scheme.

Named in the Receiver’s lawsuit are

  • Shaun Smith –  a resident of Bridgnorth who stole $262,900 under one or more usernames, including “topincometeam”
  • Peter William Bennett – a resident of Wokingham who stole $257,573 under one or more usernames, including “orchard”
  • Mark Anthony Ferrie – a resident of Abergavenny who stole $212,072 under one or more usernames, including “maferrie”
  • Gary Bryan Morris –  a resident of Abergavenny who stole $342,405 under one or more usernames, including “everychance”
  • Kalpesh Patel – a resident of Newham, London who stole $140,842 under one or more usernames, including “international”
  • Parvis Parvizi – a resident of Macclesfield who stole $90,518 under one or more usernames, including “globalpartners”
  • Cathal Lambe – a resident of Omagh who stole $90,311 under one or more usernames, including “luckoftheirish”
  • Adrian John Hibbert – a resident of Sully who stole $82,103 under one or more usernames, including “ade”
  • John Noakes – a resident of Croydon, London who stole $59,850 under one or more usernames, including “syfgroup”

All in all the UK’s top Zeek investors took in $1.4 million. Not a bad little heist but a far cry from the millions individual net-winners stole in other countries.

Of the UK net-winners Kalpesh Patel in particular stands out. Prior to Zeek Rewards he appears to have a bit of a history promoting dubious schemes:

CALL us old fashioned, but we reckon the best way to earn money is by getting a job.

But try telling that to Ketan Hirani and Kalpesh Patel, habitual purveyors of crackpot get-rich-quick schemes.

This London pair have been behind a string of pyramid scams – we’ve exposed Omi Club, VIP, LMI, MLI – and still they’re at it. Now they’re drumming up recruits for something called Success University.

Our colleague Andrew Gregory had gone undercover to the sales pitch where Kalpesh, dressed in a perfectly pressed shirt and a flash suit, lavished praise on his latest wheeze.

Success University was born in the United States and Kalpesh gave prices in dollars.

It costs 149.95 (£76) to join and you’ll have to stump up 50 (£25) a month to “attend” the university. In return you get a website which Kalpesh insisted would cost you “at least £10,000 to build yourself”.

The idea is you make money by persuading your mates to sign up to it, getting 5 (£2.50) for each one.

Which might not sound like much, but you’ll also get a cut of the joining fees from the people signed up by your recruits.

After the hard sell we collared Ketan and suggested he was running yet another pyramid scam. “It’s a network marketing company,” he pleaded.

“Just say ‘no comment’,” interrupted Kalpesh, telling Penman: “You wrote a load of rubbish about us before for no reason.”

Then he squared up to Mirror snapper Michael Fresco (hobby, kickboxing) and hissed: “I could get nasty.”

What’s worse is Kalpesh seems perfectly competent when it comes to identifying what he refers to as “money games”.

In an open letter discussing MyShoppingGenie Kalpesh wrote back in 2011:

They gave me the go ahead to open south Africa and Germany saying new app will be ready in January….to this date…. NOTHING.

It’s a pure illegal money game in most countries they open,  robbing people to cashflow their thieving bad habits, moving millions into offshore accounts.

It’s a cesspit of incestuous relationships between all of those below. They know each other, are related to each other and have done this EXACT thing 6 times now. Sweet tongues, facades on stage and smiles rope people in.

These people are masters of robbing people in MLM, I ignored so much because  of their ability to look you in the eyes lie with conviction, constantly pulling people back in on false promises.

Yet none of that stopped Kalpesh from signing up with Zeek Rewards and stealing $140,000 from its victims. Money he now refuses to give back.

As with net-winners in other countries, the UK’s nine defendants will be given a chance to respond to the lawsuit. Failing which, default judgement, including interest, will be sought and entered against them.

Which country will be next?


Update 12th February 2025 – Kalpesh Patel’s cited “open letter” in this article was originally published on BusinessForHome.

After being publicly available for fourteen years, Patel’s open letter was deleted by BusinessForHome in early 2025.

This article originally contained a link to Patel’s published open letter. As at the time of this update that link has now been disabled.