The Zeek Rewards Receiver’s Status Report for the first quarter of 2018 reveals another $2 million has been recovered from net-winners.

This brings the total amount currently held by the Zeek Receivership to $27.8 million.

The Zeek Recievership is primarily engaged in the US net-winner lawsuit, following up claims against foreign net-winners, the USHBB lawsuit and the ongoing VictoriaBank saga.

While a final distribution to Zeek Rewards victims is pending, the Receiver advises a smaller interim distribution is unlikely.

We hold funds sufficient to make another small interim, partial distribution.

However, the expense associated with making such a distribution counsels against making it.

Instead, the Receiver expects to make only one final distribution at the end of the Receivership.

This final distribution will be greater if we forgo small interim distributions.

The Receiver estimates that all said and done, Zeek Rewards victims with valid claims will eventually receive around 80% to 85% of their losses.